7 research outputs found

    The length and depth of real algebraic groups

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    Let GG be a connected real algebraic group. An unrefinable chain of GG is a chain of subgroups G=G0>G1>...>Gt=1G=G_0>G_1>...>G_t=1 where each GiG_i is a maximal connected real subgroup of Gi−1G_{i-1}. The maximal (respectively, minimal) length of such an unrefinable chain is called the length (respectively, depth) of GG. We give a precise formula for the length of GG, which generalises results of Burness, Liebeck and Shalev on complex algebraic groups and also on compact Lie groups. If GG is simple then we bound the depth of GG above and below, and in many cases we compute the exact value. In particular, the depth of any simple GG is at most 99

    RNA-seq analysis of glucose fermentation by the natural Isopropanol producer Clostridium beijerinckii DSM6423

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    Purpose: C. beijerinckii DSM 6423 is the most cited natural IpOH producer. Improving the natural production of this strain through a targeted approach required a full sequencing and characterization of its genome, together with transcriptomic analyses of its own regulations.The goals of this study are then to evaluate the transcriptional profile (RNA-Seq) of C. beijerinckii DSM6423, a natural isopropanol producer, during a fermentation of glucose in controlled bioreactors. Methods: A RNA-Seq approach was chosen in order to have a timelapse study of DSM 6423 throughout the fermentation process. Three independent duplicate fermentations of DSM 6423 were carried out in bioreactors on three different weeks, showing good reproducibility. On each cultivation, five biomass samples were collected for RNA-Seq analyses.and DNA was eliminated after DNAse I treatment (AM1906, Invitrogen). The 15 resulting RNA samples were sequenced and analyzed using the previously reconstructed genome of DSM 6423. Results: Using a data analysis workflow (TAMARA) developed by the Genoscope platform of Evry, we were able to highlight the transcriptional regulation along the fermentation by calculating the transcription profiles of each gene, using the 3h sample as reference. Clustering was performed using CAST algorithm revealed 8 clusters containing 953 genes and corresponding to genes up-regulated at 6, 8, 11 or 24 hours and gene down-regulated at 6, 8, 11 or 24 hours. Conclusion: Such analyses were carried out in this study and provide useful data to better understand the genetic background and the physiological specificities of C. beijerinckii DSM6423 isopropanol producer. Notably, this work is the first omic study of a natural IBE producer. The data gathered needs time for proper exploitation, but a better understanding of the metabolic pathways and various genes involved opens the door for future targeted approaches

    Mutant strains of the genus Clostridium Beijerinckii

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    The invention relates to mutant bacteria of the genus Clostridium beijerinckii, CNCM I-4985, CNCM I-4986, CNCM I-4987 and CNCM I-4988, deposited on the 27th May 2015 at the Pasteur institute (CNCM, 25 rue du Docteur Roux, F-75724 PARIS Cedex 15, France), and CNCM I-5027, cNCM I-5028 and CNCM I-5029, deposited on the 26th November at the Pasteur institute (CNCM, 25 rue du Docteur Roux, F-75724 PARIS Cedex 15, France), which can be used in the fermentation of sugars for the production of isopropanol and butanol

    Clostridium beijerinckii DSM6423 genomic sequence and physical map (chromosome, plasmid and bacteriophage)

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    The first genomic material of the natural Isopropanol/Butanol/Ethanol producing clostridium strain, C. beijerinckii DSM6423, was assembled by de novo sequencing. The physical map, containing a unique chromosome, one plasmid and one bacteriophage was the annotated using the Mage MicroScope platform from Genoscope (France)

    Clostridium beijerinckii DSM6423 genomic sequence and physical map (chromosome, plasmid and bacteriophage)

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    The first genomic material of the natural Isopropanol/Butanol/Ethanol producing clostridium strain, C. beijerinckii DSM6423, was assembled by de novo sequencing. The physical map, containing a unique chromosome, one plasmid and one bacteriophage was the annotated using the Mage MicroScope platform from Genoscope (France)

    Clostridium beijerinckii DSM6423 genomic sequence and physical map (chromosome, plasmid and bacteriophage)

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    The first genomic material of the natural Isopropanol/Butanol/Ethanol producing clostridium strain, C. beijerinckii DSM6423, was assembled by de novo sequencing. The physical map, containing a unique chromosome, one plasmid and one bacteriophage was the annotated using the Mage MicroScope platform from Genoscope (France)