93 research outputs found

    Koliko je akuzativ mjere okamenjen?

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    U radu će biti riječi o imenicama koje označuju mjeru i koje se redovito pojavljuju u akuzativu iako bi sintaktički na tome mjestu trebao doći koji drugi oblik. Učestalom upotrebom u akuzativnome obliku te imenice gube svoje osnovno morfološko obilježje – promjenjivost, a time i svoju nedvojbenu pripadnost imenicama kao vrsti riječi i nameću pitanje kako ih obraditi u rječniku.In this paper the author analyzes nouns which are used to determine measure (such as stotinu, tisuću, godinu, tjedan…). They usually come in a frozen form, formally accusative, although syntactic rules require another form. The loss of declension is old phenomenon for numerals like stotinu, tisuću but they have also developed a new meaning – 'a lot', which should be taken into consideration. They have the syntactic function of quantifiers. Frozen forms like godinu, tjedan... should also be described as quantifiers since they are very common in that frozen accusative form

    Akuzativne dopune zu neprijelazne glagole : što su unutrašnji objekti?

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    U radu se promatraju akuzativne dopune uz desetak neprijelaznih glagola u hrvatskome jeziku te se razmatra njihova pripadnost kategoriji unutrašnjih objekata. Uspoređuju se sintaktička i semantička svojstva takvih dopuna: broj imenica koje se pojavljuju uz neprijelazni glagol, obvezatnost modifikacije imenice, paralelnost instrumentalnih i akuzativnih sintagmā, mogućnost parafraze instrumentalnom sintagmom te mogućnost pronominalizacije i pasivizacije. Autorice zaključuju da sve dopune istraživanih neprijelaznih glagola ne pripadaju istomu tipu dopuna te ih je potrebno gramatički i terminološki razdvojiti. Također pretpostavljaju da unutrašnji objekti u hrvatskome mogu imati argumentno i adjunktno čitanje, što je u skladu s nekim nedavno iznesenim tvrdnjama za druge jezike.The paper discusses about ten Croatian intransitive verbs, which can occur together with accusative marked noun phrases. The authors claim that the verbs can be divided into two groups according to some semantic and syntactic parameters which they apply to the verbs’ accusative complements. The accusative marked complements of first group verbs which comprise so called sport verbs and the verb disati ‘to breath’, differ in many respects from the accusative complements of the second group. The complements of the first group verbs show some common properties: there are several nouns which can occur with these verbs in accusative case, the nouns do not need to be modified, there is no parallel instrumental NP with some semantic resemblance, and nouns can be sometimes pronominalised and passivised. In the second group accusative complements are sometimes restricted to only one lexical noun which is of the same root as the verb, there is a parallel instrumental phrase with similar or identical semantics, and modification is almost obligatory. The nouns of the second group differ in respect to pronominalisation and passivisation. The authors argue that the accusative NPs of the verbs in the second group are cognate objects and that they can have both argumental and adjunct status

    Parni prijedlozi

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    U radu će biti obrađeni prijedlozi koji se često pojavljuju u paru: od i do, iz i u, s i na. Učestalom uporabom u tim parovima navedeni prijedlozi nadilaze svoja pojedinačna primarna semantička i sintaktička obilježja. Na njihovu strukturnu i semantičku cjelovitost upućuje i frazeološka uporaba.In this paper the authors consider prepositions that often appear in pairs (e.g. od and do, iz and u, s and na), showing semantic and structural pair integrity (showing, namely, that such prepositions only become meaningful in pairs). This integrity can also be seen in their frequent idiomatic use. The paper provides a thorough outline of preposition pair analysis in dictionaries and of their status in literature. It is demonstrated that preposition pair analysis in Croatian monolingual dictionaries is inconsistent, i.e. nonsystematized. The following analyzes semantic features of such prepositions and classifies them into several groups according to their meaning. Furthermore, the paper considers syntactic features of such prepositions (they are used as adverbials, attributes or parts of nominal predicates). When it comes to identification of syntactic (sentence) idiom function, the authors point out that some structural types are predetermined for particular syntactic functions, e.g. all structurally verbal idioms with preposition pairs in this paper are of the verbal categorical meaning, and they will all have a predicative function in the sentence. In conclusion, the paper proposes a preposition pair methodology for monolingual dictionaries of the contemporary Croatian language, and provides a model of preposition pair idiom analysis

    The Female and Male World in Croatian Proverbs

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    Proverbs as concise textual structures are primarily defined as oral (folk) literary forms in which universal thoughts are expressed on the basis of individual experiences understandable to speakers of the language, i.e., of the social com munity in which they originated. In relation to, for example, idioms, the use of proverbs in today’s public discourse is much rarer, and proverbs in Croatian are most often recorded in printed form, while online edited lexicographic sources of proverbs are rare. Folk customs, human character and physical features, social and religious values, the relation of human and nature are the most common motives in proverbs. Male-female relationships are also the subject of numerous proverbs. Given the past times when they were created, they can be considered the source of a stereotypical image of the status of women and men in society that exists in human consciousness. Based on proverbs with the component woman, grand mother, mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, widow, father, son, husband…, this paper will analyze proverbs with the topic of male-female relations, e.g. Ljubav daj ženi, ali tajnu odaj samo majci i sestri. (Give your love to your wife, but reveal the secret only to your mother and sister.), or proverbs referring to an individual feature attributed to a man or a woman, e.g., Kakvo drvo, takav klin, kakav otac takav sin. (Like tree, like wedge; like father, like son.)., Ženi sina kad hoćeš, a kćer kad možeš. (Marry a son when you want and a daughter when you can.). The analysis includes the following: 1. representation of proverbs in other lexicographic (printed and online sources), 2. representation of such proverbs in contemporary public discourse, 3. structural and semantic features of proverbs motivated by male-female relationships. In conclusion, the role of proverbs on the topic of male and female in the contemporary context is discussed – what is their perspective and whether the corpus has replaced traditional recorders and word of mouth toda


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    Mjesto, umjesto, namjesto u literaturi se određuju kao prijedlozi, no iza tih riječi mogu doći različiti padežni oblici, a ne samo genitiv, pa će se u članku pokušati utvrditi koja su osnovna sintaktička obilježja tih riječi te jesu li one u svim primjerima prijedlozi ili mogu biti i koja druga vrsta riječi (prilozi, kako se u primarnoj literaturi obično navodi, ili veznici).In dictionaries, grammars and other references mjesto/umjesto/namjesto is usually described as a preposition which governs the genitive case. Examples in which mjesto/umjesto/namjesto precede the nominals and pronominals with different case marking are either treated as adverbs, or they are not included into description at all. In this paper it is argued that in relation with Genitive mjesto/umjesto/namjesto is a preposition, and in relation with other forms it is a conjunction as has been proven through many examples


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    U radu se raspravlja o nazivima škriljac, škriljevac i škriljavac te škriljav i škriljast. Jezični i stručni izvori pokazuju neujednačenost te se s aspekta tvorbe riječi analizira koji se nazivi najbolje uklapaju u terminološki sustav.The theme of this paper are the Croatian terms for schist – škriljac, škriljevac or škriljavac, and for schistose – škriljav or škriljast. Linguistic and professional sources are not uniformed, so from the aspect of word formation, it is discussed which terms fit into the terminological system the best

    Ankica Čilaš Šimpraga, Dubravka Ivšić Majić, Domagoj Vidović Rječnik suvremenih hrvatskih osobnih imena

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    Ankica Čilaš Šimpraga, Dubravka Ivšić Majić, Domagoj Vidović Rječnik suvremenih hrvatskih osobnih imena Zagreb: Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, 2018., 333 str