3 research outputs found

    Harnessing Rural Radio for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Philippines

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    The working paper documents the pilot rural radio campaign, dubbed as 'Climate Change i-Broadkas Mo', implemented by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in Southeast Asia (CCAFS SEA) and the Philippine Federation of Rural Broadcasters (PFRB)​ in strategic regions of the Philippines from 2015 to 2018. The radio campaign provided PFRB affiliated broadcasters with scripts and ready-to-be-aired (RTBA) interviews on climate-smart agriculture. The lessons learned from the project can be used to enhance the capacities of rural broadcasters on climate change reporting and to create a demand for radio-based distance learning, not only in Northern Philippines, but in similar regions in Southeast Asia

    Reaching the Unreached: School-on-the-air on Climate-Smart Agriculture (SOA-CSA) in Cagayan Valley

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    In 2018, the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in Southeast Asia (CCAFS SEA) catalysed a collaborative radio-based distance learning project with the Philippine Department of Agriculture Regional Office 2 (DA- RFO2), Philippine Federation of Rural Broadcasters (PFRB), Philippine Agriculture Journalists, Inc. (PAJ) Cagayan Valley Chapter, Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) Isabela, Cagayan Valley Agriculture and Resources Research and Development (CVARRD) Consortium, and other regional agencies. The SOA was conducted from February to August 2018 and dubbed as “Kaalamang Pagsasaka sa Himpapawid: School-on-the-Air on Climate Smart Agriculture (SOA-CSA) in Cagayan Valley,” This working paper documents how the project harnessed the power of radio in sharing improved agriculture technologies and support services to a critical mass of farmers under climate change

    Intermediate Outcomes of School-on-the-Air for Farmers in Cagayan Valley in the Adoption of Climate-Smart Rice Technologies

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    The study assessed the intermediate outcomes of school-on-the-air (SOA) on learner-farmers in Cagayan Valley in the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) rice technologies. It determined socio-economic and biophysical characteristics of learner-farmers; ascertained the their level of awareness, knowledge, and adoption of climate-smart rice technologies; assessed the intermediate outcomes in terms of yield and income upon the adoption of CSA rice technologies; and identified preferred commodities, as well as issues and concerns for future SOA- CSA programs