118 research outputs found

    Knowledge of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) and HIV/AIDS among Health Cadres of ‘Aisyiyah

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    HIV / AIDS education needs to be done to active reproductive women such as housewives who are vulnerable populations. This research aimed to analyze differences in knowledge related to STIs and HIV / AIDS among Aisyiyah health cadres in North Banguntapan, Bantul Regency. This research is a pre-experimental research design method. The design of this research was one group pretest-posttest. The research sample was selected purposively as many as 31 respondents. This research produced information that there was a mean difference between prior and after knowledge about health education about STDs and HIV / AIDS with a significance value of 0.001 (p-value <0.05) and 95% CI of 0.466 - 1.728. Based on the results of the research it could be concluded that there was an increase of knowledge about STI and HIV / AIDS in Aisyiyah health cadres after getting health education

    The Role of Wijaya Kusuma\u27s Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) on Adolescent Health Problems

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    The issue of adolescent health is important for national development. Adolescents need a place that can provide facilities in the form of correct information and life skills improvement programs. So as to deal with various health problems of adolescent. Government efforts to overcome these problems through the establishment of the Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) that can be done in schools. PIK-R in schools that have been formed can be assessed its role to adolescent health problems. The purpose of this research is to know the role of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma in overcoming the health problem of adolescent among non-members of PIK-R. The research used qualitative design with case study approach. The data were collected by focus group discussion (FGD) technique on 10 non PIK-R member students. The results of the study reported that PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma has an important role as health information source for non PIK-R member students in facing adolescent health problems. Besides, teachers and NGOs. Awareness of non-members of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma related to adolescent\u27s vulnerability to high adolescent health problems, peers and family plays an important role in adolescent health behavior

    Pengembangan Produk Makanan Berbahan Talas Guna Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Berbasis Ekonomi Mandiri Pada Anggota Bina Keluarga Lansia di Desa Sendangsari, Kab.Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Sendangsari merupakan sebuah desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Minggir, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. Potensi alam yang dimiliki oleh Desa Sendangsari yaitu berupa tanaman tanaman lompong (Colocasia esculenta L. Schoot) atau biasa disebut Talas yang hingga saat ini daun tanaman tersebut masih dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pakan ternak dan umbi diolah dengan teknik rebus ataupun goreng padahal tanaman tersebut bernilai gizi dan bisa diolah menjadi pangan sehat untuk lansia. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi terkait pengembangan pengolahan bahan pangan lokal, meningkatkan nilai ekonomis tanaman Lompong (Talas) dan ketrampilan anggota Bina Keluarga Lansia (BKL) melalui pelatihan pengolahan produk makanan berbahan Talas yaitu brownies talas kukus, semprong talas, dan cookis talas. Produk olahan yang telah dihasilkan kemudian diproduksi dalam skala industry rumah tangga untuk meningkatkan kemandirian perekonomian lansia

    Studi Kualitatif Mengenai Persepsi Dan Perilaku Seksual Wanita Pekerja Seks Komersial (Psk) Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Ims Di Kota Semarang Tahun 2012

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    Pendahuluan: Peningkatan jumlah kasus IMS di Kota Semarangdengan jumlah kasus IMS pada tahun 2009 tercatat mencapai 2.471 kasusdan jumlah kasus IMS pada tahun 2011 adalah 2473 kasus. Tujuan: Mendeskripsikan persepsi dan perilaku seksual wanita Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) di Lokalisasi Sunan Kuning terhadap upaya pencegahan Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) di Kota Semarang. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam (indepth interview) pada enam PSK yang mengalami IMS dan mewawancarai dua kelompok diskusi (FGD), seorang mucikari, dan seorang petugas lapangan (PL) sebagai triangulasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil: Pola Pengetahuan PSK dan persepsi PSK terhadap IMS juga sudah baik, tetapi perilaku PSK dalam upaya mencegah penularan IMS masih belum bisa dikatakan baik karena penggunaan kondom diantara pekerja seks komersial pada saat melakukan hubungan seksual dengan pelanggannya masih rendah. Tidak adanya dukungan dari mucikari dalam meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan IMS. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kepedulian terhadap kesehatan diri sendiri masih rendah. Kesimpulan: Perilaku pencegahan PSK terhadap penularan IMS belum baik. Perlu diadakan pelatihan dengan metode role playing kepada para PSK dan mucikari untuk meningkatkan kepedulian mereka terhadap kesehatan sehingga diharapkan akan terjadi Perubahan perilaku baru dalam upaya pencegahan penularan IMS terhadap diri mereka sendiri atau pelanggan

    The Role of Wijaya Kusuma's Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) on Adolescent Health Problems

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    The issue of adolescent health is important for national development. Adolescents need a place that can provide facilities in the form of correct information and life skills improvement programs. So as to deal with various health problems of adolescent. Government efforts to overcome these problems through the establishment of the Youth Information and Counseling Center (PIK-R) that can be done in schools. PIK-R in schools that have been formed can be assessed its role to adolescent health problems. The purpose of this research is to know the role of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma in overcoming the health problem of adolescent among non-members of PIK-R. The research used qualitative design with case study approach. The data were collected by focus group discussion (FGD) technique on 10 non PIK-R member students. The results of the study reported that PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma has an important role as health information source for non PIK-R member students in facing adolescent health problems. Besides, teachers and NGOs. Awareness of non-members of PIK-R Wijaya Kusuma related to adolescent's vulnerability to high adolescent health problems, peers and family plays an important role in adolescent health behavior

    Unmarried Women and Unintended Pregnancy: An Indonesian Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Indonesia has moral norms consider pregnancy among unmarried women a disgrace. The study analyzes the factors influencing unintended pregnancies among unmarried women in Indonesia. Material and Methods: The study examined 1,050 women. The author analyzed unintended pregnancy and six other variables (residence, age, education, employment, wealth, and parity). Multivariate analysis used binary logistic regression. Results: 15.5% of unmarried women in Indonesia have experienced an unintended pregnancy. Women living in urban areas are more likely to experience unintended pregnancies than women in rural areas. The 15–19 have the highest chance of experiencing an unintended pregnancy. Education is a protective factor from unintended pregnancy. Employed women are 1.938 times more likely than unemployed. Poverty is a risk factor for experiencing an unintended pregnancy. Multiparous is 4.095 times more likely than primiparous. Conclusion: The study identified six variables that affect unintended pregnancy among unmarried women in Indonesia: residence, age, education, employment, wealth, and parity. Keywords: Contraceptive use, family planning, maternal health, public health, unintended pregnancy, unmarrie

    Education role in unintended pregnancy in rural Indonesia

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    The determinant of health insurance ownership among pregnant women in Indonesia

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    Background: Health insurance ownership is one indicator of the readiness of pregnant women for the delivery process. The study aimed to analyze the determinants of health insurance ownership among pregnant women in Indonesia. Methods: The study population was pregnant women in Indonesia. The study involved 2542 pregnant women in Indonesia. The variables analyzed included type of place of residence, age group, education level, employment status, marital status, parity, wealth status, and know the danger signs of pregnancy. In the final step, the study employed binary logistic regression to explain the relationship between health insurance ownership and predictor variables. Results: The results show that pregnant women with higher education were 3.349 times more likely than no education pregnant women to have health insurance. Pregnant women with wealth status in the middle category were 0.679 times the poorest pregnant women to have health insurance. Meanwhile, the richest pregnant women had 1.358 times more chances than the poorest pregnant women to have health insurance. Grande multiparous pregnant women were 1.544 times more likely than primiparous pregnant women to have health insurance. Pregnant women who know the danger signs of pregnancy were 1.416 times more likely than pregnant women who don’t see the danger signs of pregnancy to have health insurance. Conclusions: The study concluded that four variables, including education level, wealth status, parity, and knowledge of the danger signs of pregnancy, were significant determinants of health insurance ownership in Indonesia

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