11 research outputs found

    A model of an effective materials management for better project performance in construction industry

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    Materials management plays a significant role in the success of every construction project. However, as a result of ineffective materials management, construction projects have been plagued by poor performances namely time overrun, cost overrun, compromised quality, low productivity and wastage. Thus, to mitigate these issues and concurrently enhance project performance, an effective materials management appears to be a viable solution. Nonetheless, literature review have further highlighted various issues and challenges with materials management implementation in terms of the limited exploration of the factors associated with effectiveness, lack of recognition on its relationship with project performance, and therefore, depicting the need for a new model that incorporates all aspect of materials management. Hence, this study aimed at exploring the factors associated with effective materials management and developing a model as a mechanism to improve this management effectiveness. The quantitative method adopted for data collection involved a survey of 202 practitioners using structured questionnaires. The results of the univariate analysis via SPSS ranked the influential and effect factors. Meanwhile, multivariate analysis using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique via SmartPLS 3 tested the relationship between the exogenous construct (influential factors of effective materials management) and endogenous construct (effect factors of project performance). Findings revealed that effective materials management (i.e. transportation, management, purchasing, expediting, site storage and condition, contractual, governmental interference and suppliers) has a significant effect on project performance (i.e. waste, cost, time, productivity and quality). The findings from both analyses were used to develop an effective materials management model for better performance in construction projects. The developed model was evaluated by 28 practitioners to provide feedback on the model’s usability and usefulness. This research model reflects the associated factors in a holistic view as well as integrated all the processes in materials management supply chain that would contribute in enhancing materials management effectiveness. This model also has the capability of assisting in the decision-making process by facilitating an understanding of the influential and effect factors of effective materials management. In conclusion, effective materials management should be implemented in order to enhance better project performance

    The Structural of Effective Materials Management Factors Model: A PLS-SEM Approach

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    Effective materials management has a significant role in the success of any construction projects. Understanding the factors related to the management effectiveness may assist the decision-makers of construction firms to allocate resources in the best possible manner in managing materials when implementing construction projects. However, limited studies have explored and investigated the associated factors of effective materials management related to project performance, especially in the Malaysian construction industry context. Thus, this research paper aims to investigate the influential factors of effective materials management and their effects on project performance. A partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach was employed to analyse 202 pieces of data collected from a questionnaire survey. The results indicate that the effective materials management has a positive significant impact on project performance. The top three groups of factors that contribute to this management effectiveness are transportation, management, and purchasing; meanwhile, the most implied factors of the effective materials management are waste, cost and time of project performance. To increase project performance, more resources should be allocated to improve the transportation, management and purchasing components of materials management

    Influential Factors for Effective Materials Management in Construction Projects

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    Construction projects are plagued with the issue of poor project performance such as low productivity, wastage, time overrun, compromised quality and cost overrun. Research literature reveals that this issue occurs partly due to ineffective materials management. Nonetheless, the effective management of materials seems like a viable solution to enhance the performance of any construction projects. Despite its importance, not much literature has explored the influential factors for effective management of materials. Since the identification of factors is an essential step to recommend any improvement efforts, thus, this paper examines the influential factors for effective materials management. A questionnaire survey was conducted with practitioners from contractor organisations and 111 valid responses were obtained. Data was analysed using exploratory factor analysis via the IBM SPSS version 21 software. Results indicate that only 50 influential factors were relevant in Malaysian construction project and these were categorised into 8 specific components namely: management, purchasing, expediting, transportation, site storage and condition, supplier, contractual and governmental interference. Summarily, findings reported in this paper constitute part of a questionnaire development process for a research project undertaken to develop an effective materials management model for better projects performance. Thus, the outcome of this study may assist practitioners in decision making process by understanding the identified influential factors that contribute to effective materials management

    Quantum meruit in construction contracts

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    Quantum meruit claims can arise in both contract and restitution. It is a claim for the reasonable sum for the work done. In the case of Renard Construction (ME) Pty Ltd v Minister for Public Works[1992] 26 NSWLR 234, Meagher JA held that the contractor was entitled to recover a quantum meruit that should be quantified on reasonable remuneration basis, not value of the work basis for work performed. In addition, the contract price did not represent a ceiling to the contractor?s remedy. Similarly, in the case of Murdock v Kennedy [1952] 69 WN (NSW) 191, Street CJ. held that the contract was not conclusive evidence, though it may be strong evidence. By referring to these cases, the courts do not seem to be uniformed in devising formula to for quantifying the reasonable amount for quantum meruit. Hence, this study intends to identify the methods of assessment used to calculate quantum meruit claim. The analysis was carried out by referring to quantum meruit cases in Malaysia construction contract. From the study, there are four methods of assessment used based on the value of work basis which are value of work done plus unfixed material, the cost of labours, materials and others plus percentage profit, the value of work done plus unfixed material less remedial cost and LAD and the balance of progress claim. While, the method of assessment used based on the reasonable remuneration basis is the average of remuneration multiply with duration of work performed. This study also found that quantification of quantum meruit based on reasonable remuneration basis only involves the pre-contract stage as the scope of assessment

    A Review on Implication of Material Management to Project Performance

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    Material management is an important element in project management as materials contribute a major portion to total project cost. It also plays a key role because of the successes of every construction project rely on having proper resources. Thus, it gives implication on project performance. Despite the importance of material management to project performance, there are limited numbers of research available related to this topic. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the effects factors of material management on project performance. Literature from books, journal articles and conferences papers related to this topic are reviewed. In conclusion, exploring the implication of material management towards project performance will benefit construction players in improving the efficiency of material management in order to minimize the impacts on construction projects performance

    Influential factors affecting materials management in construction projects

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    Construction projects are more often than not plagued by poor performances such as delays, cost overrun, low productivity, construction wastes and compromised quality. Amongst the critical contributory factors of poor project performances, is the ineffectiveness of materials management occurring in the construction sites. Indeed, materials management is a very important component for construction projects. However, there are only limited numbers of research available regarding this topic. Thus, this research focuses its study on materials management, specifically in identifying the influential factors that affect materials management in the construction project activities. Literatures from books, journal articles and conference papers related to poor project performances and materials management have been reviewed. Consequently, this study sorted the salient influential factors and categorized them based on their specific group. Out of 47 factors identified, they are classified into 8 groups. They are (1) site condition; (2) planning and handling on site; (3) management; (4) materials; (5) supplier and manufacturer default; (6) transportation; (7) contractual; and (8) governmental interferences. In conclusion, this study contends that by identifying the influential factors affecting materials management, it will help construction players to avoid the occurrence of those factors and will minimize the negative impacts on the overall performance of construction projects. Hence, the handling-over of project will be according to schedule and not delayed by materials mismanagemen

    Influential factors affecting materials management in construction projects

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    Construction projects are more often than not plagued by poor performances such as delays, cost overrun, low productivity, construction wastes and compromised quality. Amongst the critical contributory factors of poor project performances, is the ineffectiveness of materials management occurring in the construction sites. Indeed, materials management is a very important component for construction projects. However, there are only limited numbers of research available regarding this topic. Thus, this research focuses its study on materials management, specifically in identifying the influential factors that affect materials management in the construction project activities. Literatures from books, journal articles and conference papers related to poor project performances and materials management have been reviewed. Consequently, this study sorted the salient influential factors and categorized them based on their specific group. Out of 47 factors identified, they are classified into 8 groups. They are (1) site condition; (2) planning and handling on site; (3) management; (4) materials; (5) supplier and manufacturer default; (6) transportation; (7) contractual; and (8) governmental interferences. In conclusion, this study contends that by identifying the influential factors affecting materials management, it will help construction players to avoid the occurrence of those factors and will minimize the negative impacts on the overall performance of construction projects. Hence, the handling-over of project will be according to schedule and not delayed by materials mismanagemen

    A Review on Implication of Material Management to Project Performance

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    Material management is an important element in project management as materials contribute a major portion to total project cost. It also plays a key role because of the successes of every construction project rely on having proper resources. Thus, it gives implication on project performance. Despite the importance of material management to project performance, there are limited numbers of research available related to this topic. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the effects factors of material management on project performance. Literature from books, journal articles and conferences papers related to this topic are reviewed. In conclusion, exploring the implication of material management towards project performance will benefit construction players in improving the efficiency of material management in order to minimize the impacts on construction projects performance

    A Review on Implication of Material Management to Project Performance

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    Material management is an important element in project management as materials contribute a major portion to total project cost. It also plays a key role because of the successes of every construction project rely on having proper resources. Thus, it gives implication on project performance. Despite the importance of material management to project performance, there are limited numbers of research available related to this topic. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the effects factors of material management on project performance. Literature from books, journal articles and conferences papers related to this topic are reviewed. In conclusion, exploring the implication of material management towards project performance will benefit construction players in improving the efficiency of material management in order to minimize the impacts on construction projects performance