325 research outputs found

    Severe Plastic Deformation under High Pressure: Upsizing Sample Dimensions

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    It is well known that severe plastic deformation (SPD) produces ultrafine-grained structures in bulk metallic materials. The SPD process becomes more versatile when it is performed under high pressure as high-pressure torsion (HPT) and high-pressure sliding (HPS). Not only the grain size is more refined but also the process is applicable to hard-to-deform materials such as intermetallics, semiconductors and ceramics, leading to enhancement of functional properties as well as structural properties. The major drawback is that the sample size is small so that the applicability is limited to a laboratory scale and it is an important subject to increase the sample dimensions. This paper presents an overview describing efforts devoted thus far to deal with this upscaling issue

    Histological development of stapes footplate in human embryos.

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    Normal development of the human stapes footplate was investigated in serial sections by light microscopy. Materials were obtained from 35 Japanese embryos from the 6th to 32nd week of embryonal age. Eighteen embryos up to 16 weeks of age (3.5mm to 105mm in crown-rump length) were examined, focusing particularly on the lamina stapedialis of the otic capsule. The present study showed that primordial formation of the lamina stapedialis appeared in 16mm embryo and that the lamina was completely formed and fused to the base of the annular stapes in a 35mm embryo. In a 50mm embryo, the adult form of stapes was found with a rim and annular ligament. The results, therefore, seemed to essentially agree with the theory of dual origin and development of the footplate proposed by Cauldwell and Anson, and teratogenic agents might affect any stage of the process producing anomalies,</p

    Current-induced sliding motion in a helimagnet MnAu2_2

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    We have found a signature of current-induced sliding motion in a helimagnet MnAu2_2 thin film. In the helimagnetic state with a uniform chirality, differential resistivity shows an abrupt change at a threshold bias current. Judging from the similarity to the canonical charge/spin density wave systems, we have ascribed the abrupt change to the sliding motion of the helimagnetic structure. When the two chiral domains are equally mixed, the anomaly in the differential resistivity disappears, indicating the strong pinning effect of chiral domain wall.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Substellar Companions to Evolved Intermediate-Mass Stars: HD 145457 and HD 180314

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    We report the detections of two substellar companions orbiting around evolved intermediate-mass stars from precise Doppler measurements at Subaru Telescope and Okayama Astrophysical Observatory. HD 145457 is a K0 giant with a mass of 1.9 M_sun and has a planet of minimum mass m_2sini=2.9 M_J orbiting with period of P=176 d and eccentricity of e=0.11. HD 180314 is also a K0 giant with 2.6 M_sun and hosts a substellar companion of m_2sin i=22 M_J, which falls in brown-dwarf mass regime, in an orbit with P=396 d and e=0.26. HD 145457 b is one of the innermost planets and HD 180314 b is the seventh candidate of brown-dwarf-mass companion found around intermediate-mass evolved stars.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Emergence of swing-to-stance transition from interlocking mechanism in horse hindlimb

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    The bodies of quadrupeds have very complex muscle-tendon structure. In particular, it is known that in the horse hindlimb, multiple joints in the leg are remarkably interlocked due to the muscle-tendon structure. Although the function of these interlocking mechanisms during standing has been investigated in the field of anatomy, the function related to the emergence of limb trajectory during dynamic walking has not been revealed. To investigate the role of the interlocking mechanism, we developed a robot model imitating the muscle-tendon arrangement and the dynamics of a horse hindlimb. In the walking experiment, the robot autonomously generated a limb trajectory with a smooth transition between the swing phase and the stance phase by simply swinging the hip joint with sinusoidal input. Moreover, we compared the joint angles between successful and failed walking. The compared results indicate that the extension of the fetlock joint after hoof touchdown plays the crucial role in emergence of a function of supporting body.K. Miyashita, Y. Masuda, M. Gunji, A. Fukuhara, K. Tadakuma and M. Ishikawa, "Emergence of Swing-to-Stance Transition from Interlocking Mechanism in Horse Hindlimb," 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2020, pp. 7860-7865, doi: 10.1109/IROS45743.2020.9341026

    Planetary Companions to Evolved Intermediate-Mass Stars: 14 Andromedae, 81 Ceti, 6 Lyncis, and HD 167042

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    We report on the detection of four extrasolar planets orbiting evolved intermediate-mass stars from a precise Doppler survey of G and K giants at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory. All of the host stars are considered to be formerly early F-type or A-type dwarfs when they were on the main sequence. 14 And (K0 III) is a clump giant with a mass of 2.2 M_solar and has a planet of minimum mass m_2sin i=4.8 M_Jup in a nearly circular orbit with a 186 day period. This is one of the innermost planets around evolved intermediate-mass stars and such planets have only been discovered in clump giants. 81 Cet (G5 III) is a clump giant with 2.4 M_solar hosting a planet of m_2sin i=5.3 M_Jup in a 953 day orbit with an eccentricity of e=0.21. 6 Lyn (K0 IV) is a less evolved subgiant with 1.7 M_solar and has a planet of m_2sin i=2.4 M_Jup in a 899 day orbit with e=0.13. HD 167042 (K1 IV) is also a less evolved star with 1.5 M_solar hosting a planet of m_2sin i=1.6 M_Jup in a 418 day orbit with e=0.10. This planet was independently announced by Johnson et al. (2008, ApJ, 675, 784). All of the host stars have solar or sub-solar metallicity, which supports the lack of metal-rich tendency in planet-harboring giants in contrast to the case of dwarfs.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PAS
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