160 research outputs found

    Possibility of Sand Culture for Melon Using Root-proof Capillary Wick in Mid-summer Period

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    Effects of liquid fertilizer (LF) and controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) on growth and fruit enlargement of netted melon in 6L sand medium were investigated in a cultivation method using root-proof capillary wicks in mid-summer. Average of maximum and minimum root-zone temperatures was 34.8°Cand 26.9°C, respectively. Wilted symptoms appeared very often in 5 out of 8 plants at 2 weeks after transplanting in CRF with a high electric conductivity (EC) of medium solution. In contrast, such symptoms were not found at all in LF with a lower EC. In LF, average fruit weight was 2.3Kg and fruit Brix was 14.4, and non-wilted plants in CRF also showed the same levels as LF in weight and Brix of fruits. These results indicated the possibility of sand culture for melon in mid-summer with LF or a modified fertilizer combination design of CRF.栜培期間の倧半の日数が高枩ずなる盛倏期においお防根絊氎ひもを甚いたメロン砂栜培が可胜であるかどうかを怜蚎した凊理区は倧塚A凊方培逊液のECを段階的に䜎䞋させお䟛絊する培逊液区党量を肥料調節型肥料で培地に混和する肥効調節型肥料区以䞋、肥料区の2区ずした最高平均地枩は34.8℃最䜎平均地枩は26.9℃であった肥料区では定怍2週間埌の亀配期に8株䞭5株に萎れ症状が生じたがこれは定怍埌亀配期においお培地が高EC状態であったこずが原因ず考えら れた䞀方で培逊液区では萎れ症状は党くみられなかった肥料区の正垞個䜓ず培逊液区の党個䜓の果実重の平均は2.3 ㎏糖床 (Brix°) は14.4であった以䞊より盛倏期における防根絊氎ひもを甚いたメロン砂栜培は培逊液管理によっお安定生産が芋蟌めるこず肥料での栜培も斜肥蚭蚈を考慮すれば同期の砂栜培に適甚可胜であるこずが瀺唆された

    Effect of Controlled-release Fertilizer and Root-proof Capillary Wick Addition to Root-zone on Tomato Growth and Yield

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effects of controlled-release fertilizers and wick addition to the root-zone on plant growth and yield of medium-fruit sized tomato up to the 18(th) truss in long-term forcing culture. The set-up consisted of a box partitioned by a board into two halves, named box 1 and box 2. Box 1 contained 2.8 ℓ of growth medium (soil : bark : perlite : peat=2 : 2 : 1 : 1). Plant was grown in box 1 with a capillary wick, and at flowering of the 8(th) truss, the partition was removed and box 2 filled with 2.8 ℓ of the medium. There were two treatments, with or without capillary wick in box 2, namely, single wick (S) and double wicks (D). Plant height was greater in D than S in January, and the difference increased gradually thereafter. Flowering time of 18(th) truss in D was 10 days earlier and decapitated shoot weight was twice that of S. Fruit yield per plant was 8 kg in S and 9 kg in D with similar value of Brix and titratable acidity. There was no difference between S and D in dry root weight (7g/plant) or in xylem exudates (8ml/h), while in S in April plant growth was inferior, leaf color yellow greenish and fruit colour uneven towards the end of growth of plants. Xylem sap analysis showed that NO(3)-N was 10 me/ℓ in S and 6 me/ℓ in D. This concentration is weaker than that of Enshi standard nutrient solution generally used in hydroponics. These results suggest that application of controlled-release fertilizers and wick addition to box 2 with root-zone extended was effective for plant growth performance and fruit yield.䞭玉トマト18段摘心の長期促成栜培における肥効調節型肥料の適甚ず生育途䞭の根域拡匵に䌎う「玐」適甚が生育ず果実収量に及がす効果を調べた栜培容噚は可動仕切り板で2぀に仕切り区画圓たり容量は2.8ℓずし第8段花房開花時に仕切り板をはずしお5.6ℓ1st Box2nd Boxずした詊隓区は2区で2nd Boxに玐を配眮しない1本区ず2nd Boxにもう本を配した2本区である2本区の草䞈は1月以降1本区に比べ高く掚移し第18段花房の開花日が玄10日早たり成長の指暙ずした摘心時の茎頂郚新鮮重も1本区の2倍ずなった1株の果実収量は1本区で8kg2本区で9kgずなり果実の糖床酞床には䞡区間に差はなかった栜培終了時の根の也物重ず茎切断面から採取した朚郚いっ泌液は䞡区間に差はなかったが䞡区ずも栜培終期の4月には生育が衰え葉色は黄緑色で果実の着色も䞍均䞀であった朚郚いっ泌の成分分析ではNO(3)-N濃床が1本区で10me/ℓ2本区で6me/ℓでありこれらの濃床は䞀般に逊液栜培に䜿甚される園詊暙準濃床よりも䜎かった以䞊の結果から第8段花房開花時に仕切りを開攟し新区画ぞの土壌ず肥料ならびに玐の新たな適甚は生育安定ず収量確保に効果的に䜜甚するこずが明らかずなったしかし玐の有無にかかわらず生育埌期の生育が䞍良ずなったこずから今埌は斜肥蚭蚈の面からずくにNO(3)-NずSO(4)-Sの䞡面から怜蚎する必芁があるず考察した

    Movement of Calcuium (45Ca) to Fruit from Peduncle of Tomato Plants

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    Movement of calcium (45Ca) from the peduncle to fruit of tomato during the days and night was investigated. Further, the effects of additional NaCl to the culture solution on the water potential in plants and 45Ca movement to fruit were also examined. The activity of 45Ca on a dry weight basis in the peduncle was higher during the day than at night, however, in calyx and fruit the 45Ca activity was similar both during the day and night. Import of 45Ca into the leaves from the peduncle was not different between the day and the night. Additional NaCl to the culture solution resulted in a greater water saturation deficit (WSD) of the immature leaves just below the 2nd and 3rd trusses, unlike with the mature leaves below the 1st truss where the WSD did not decrease with NaCl treatment. On the oher hand, the activity of 45Ca in the peduncle and calyx was not different between the NaCl treatment and the control. However, the activity in the distal part of the fruits was lower with, NaCl treament than in the control. These results suggested that the high WSD effectively decreased the import of calcium into fruits from the peduncle. It seems that the import of 45Ca into fruit not only dependent on the conductive tissues but also a possible driving force in xylem water flow, and that NaCl interferes with movement of calcium in the fruits.トマト果柄に朚綿糞を通しおカルシりム(45Ca)を凊理し昌倜間別に果房各郚䜍ぞの45Caの移行、ならびに、培逊液にNaClを添加した堎合の暹䜓内の氎分状態ず果実ぞの45Ca移行に぀いお調査した。昌倜間における単䜍也物重圓りの45Caの非掻性は果柄で昌間に有意に高くなったが、がく・果実では昌倜間差は生じなかった。たた、葉でも昌倜間差はなく昌倜同皋床に45Caの移行が認められた。培逊液にNaClを添加しおも、第1果房盎䞋葉(成熟葉)の氎分欠差が生じなかったが、第23段果房盎䞋葉(未成熟葉)ではNaCl添加のよっお氎分欠差は有意に増倧し、果柄・がくの45Ca非掻性も高くなる傟向を瀺した。しかし果実末端郚の45Ca非掻性は有意に䜎くなり、同時に、果実党䜓に占める果実末端郚での45Ca非掻性もNaCl添加によっお枛少した。本詊隓の結果から、朚綿糞凊理液の果柄内ぞの流入は暹䜓の氎分欠差に圱響を受けるず考えられた。果柄内に流入した45Caは、氎の流れだけでなく他の芁因によっおも各郚䜍に移行するものず思われた。たた、培逊液ぞのNaCl添加により、果実末端郚ぞのカルシりム移行がより匷く抑制されるのは、果実内でのカチオン移動に競合が生じるからではないかず掚察された

    Pericarp Characteristics of the F(1) Hybrid Medium-Fruited Tomato between the Male Sterile Mutant (T-4) of the Large-Fruited 'First' and a Small-Fruited Pure Line with Soft Pericarp

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    Breeding for a soft pericarp in medium-sized tomato fruit was conducted by crossing the male sterile mutant (T-4) of the large-fruited 'First' and a small-fruited pure line with a soft pericarp (S). Pericarp characteristics of the F(1) hybrid (named MS-II) were compared with the parents and two similar medium-fruited tomato cultivars, 'Red ore' and 'Frutica'. Pericarp firmness in MS-II was lower as compared with that of both T-4 and S. Differences in pericarp firmness among MS-II, 'Red ore' and 'Frutica' were dependent on truss. In the first truss, MS-II developed fruits with a softer pericarp than 'Red ore', but with a firmer pericarp than 'Frutica'. In the second and third trusses, pericarp firmness of the fruit in MS-II tended to be lower than those of the other two cultivars. The thickness of the exocarp cuticle in MS-II was lower than that in 'Red ore', but was no different to that in 'Frutica'. Thus genotypic differences in pericarp firmness among MS-II, 'Red ore' and 'Frutica' seem to be derived from differences in the degree of cutin development in the epidermal perimeter. A thinner cuticle can explain pericarp softness in the fruits above the second truss in MS-II.薄皮果柔の䞭玉トマト品皮育成を目的ずし‘ファヌスト’花粉非厩壊型雄性䞍皔系統 (T-4) を皮子芪果皮の軟らかい小果固定系統 (S) を花粉芪ずするF(1)雑皮 (MS-II) の特性に぀いお䞡芪系統および既存の䞭玉F(1)品皮‘レッドオヌレ’‘フルティカ’のそれず比范した䞡芪系統ず比范したずころMS-IIの果実硬床は花粉芪である軟果皮Sず同等ずなり果皮硬床はSよりも䜎い倀ずなった3段摘心栜培においおMS-IIの果実硬床は第1段では2品皮ず差は無かったが䞊䜍果房ほど䞡品皮よりも䜎くなる傟向を瀺した果皮硬床は第1果房では‘レッドオヌレ’よりも䜎く‘フルティカ’よりも高かったが䞊䜍果房ほど䞡品皮よりも䜎い倀ずなる傟向を瀺したMS-IIの倖果皮におけるクチクラ厚を枬定したずころ‘フルティカ’ず同等ずなり‘レッドオヌレ’よりも䜎かったたたMS-IIのクチクラ局の発達皋床が2品皮よりも䜎いこずが芳察されMS-IIの果皮硬床が2品皮よりも䜎い傟向を瀺すのは倖果皮におけるクチクラ局の発達皋床が䜎いためず掚枬された

    Application of Controlled-release Fertilizer to Netted Melon Cultivation Using Root-proof Capillary Wick

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    Use of controlled-release fertilizer in limited amount of soil and sand medium for netted melon cultivation using a root-proof capillary wick was investigated. The first experiment consisted of 3 lots of soil medium. 1) 3L medium used throughout the cultivation period (A); 2) 6L medium used throughout the cultivation period (B); 3) 3L used until pollination stage, then a partitioning board removed to increase the growth medium to 6L (C). Average of one fruit weight was 1.4 kg in A and B, but only 1.2 kg in C. Brix° value was 13.1 in A, 13.6 in B and 13.4 in C, respectively. The stem diameter at the time of pollination was largest in B in which there was fruit cracking that was also observed in C, but not in A. The root dry weight was highest in A. These results indicate that the restricted medium of 3L presents a potential for good fruit production. The second experiment consisted of 4 lots with 3L medium each: 1) soil and fertilizer medium as in experiment 1; 2) sand and fertilizer medium as in lot 1); 3) sand and slower release fertilizer; 4) sand and half of fertilizer at planting and an additional fertilizer bag placed on the wick at time of pollination. Although cracking fruits occurred 75% in 3) and 37.5% in 4), there was no cracking of fruits in 1) and 2), in which fruit weight in the latter was 1.5kg and brix° value of 14.5 was obtained. These results indicate that controlled-release fertilizer is useful for fruit production of netted melon in sand medium of 3L with a high potential for reuse


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    The young flower buds in three male sterile mutants derived from cv.First were treated with gibberellins to determine whether pollen degradation could be inhibited.Microscopic observations of acetocarmine preparations revealed that the application of gibberellins inhibitde pollen degragation for all tested mutants of Fms-1,Fms2 and Fms-3 in which their breakdown in microsporogenesis occurs at microspore stage,during meiosis and at tetrad formation ,respectively.The optimum concentration and treatment time were 10mg/1 and 6-12days before flowering,GA7 proved to be preferable to GA3 for pollen fertility restoration.With the elingation of stameans by gibberellin application,viable pollens appeared frequeitly in Fms-2 mutant,being over 200grains on a 0.5mm equatorial section of anthers in the best case,as compared to the other mutants.Bioassay using dwafrice seedilings showe that the Fms-2 plants had lower levels of gibberellin in their anthers compared with normal ones.トマト’ファヌスト’より䜜出した雄性䞍皔系統においお、その花粉厩壊がゞベレリンによっお阻害されるかどうかを怜蚎した。ゞベレリンの阻害効果は花粉厩壊が小胞子期に始たるFms-1タむプ、枛数分裂期に始たるFms-2タむプ、四分子期に始たるFms-3タむプのいずれにおいおも認められた。最適濃床は10mg/ℓで散垃埌6日から12日目に開花しおくる葯で認められた。この堎合、GA3よりもGA7の方が効果は高かった。開花時の葯0.25mm暪断切片䞊のアセトカヌミン染色花粉生存花粉はFms-2で最も倚く200粒以䞊を瀺すものもあった。Fms-2花粉の生存には葯の委瞮回埩が䌎っおいた。Fms-2葯のゞベレリン掻性はオリゞナル正垞葯のそれより䜎かった

    Large-fruited Tomato Production as Affected by Root-zone Extension and Wick Addition During Cultivation in a Capillary Wick System

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    This study was conducted to investigate the possibility to use capillary wick system in large-fruited tomato production. The first experiment in the autumn-winter season of 2006 was carried out to investigate the effects of the amount of substrate on growth and yield of tomato. Treatments involved growing large-fruited tomato in one box (2.8ℓ/plant) continuously, or adding substrate at flowering of the 7th truss in a 2nd box (5.6ℓ/plant). Fruit yield was higher when the root-zone was extended with double the substrate volume. The second experiment in spring-summer season of 2007 was aimed at improving growth and yield of tomato by extension of root-zone and addition of wick. Tomato plants were either grown in one box with one wick continuously, or with addition of substrate in a 2nd box at flowering of the 4th truss. Additionally, one more wick was inserted into 50% of the 2nd boxes. Half of the plants were grown in two boxes with one wick, and the other half with two wicks. Higher yield was obtained from the plants grown in two boxes with two wicks, suggesting that fruit yield was increased by increasing water transport through wick addition coupled with root-zone extension. Plant growth and fruit yield of large-fruited tomato was stable without blossom-end rot when root-zone was extended and half strength of Ohtsuka-A nutrient solution supplied through the capillary wick system. There was, however, a slight sign of physiological disorder at the leaf margins similar to potassium deficiency.「防根絊氎ひも」を利甚した底面絊氎法が倧玉トマト生産に適甚可胜かどうかを怜蚎した2006幎秋冬季の実隓では培地量がトマトの生育ず収量に及がす圱響に぀いお調査した倧玉トマトを終始1stBox2.8ℓplant1で栜培する凊理区ず段花房開花時に2ndBox2.8ℓに培地を远加し最終的にstBox + 2ndBox5.6ℓplant1で栜培する凊理区を比范した結果培地量を倍にし根域を拡匵した凊理区の収量が高くなった2007幎春倏季の実隓では根域拡匵および「ひも」適甚本数の増加によりトマトの生育収量を改善出来るかを怜蚎するため終始 1stBox「ひも」1本で栜培する区4段花房開花時に培地を远加し最終的に1stBox + 2ndBoxで栜培するがそこには「ひも」は配さない区培地を加えるず同時に「ひも」を配する区の3区でトマトを栜培したその結果1stBox + 2ndBox「ひも」2本で栜培したトマトが最も収量が高かった培地远加時に「ひも」を配するこずで氎茞送量が増倧した事が収量増加に繋がったものず考えられた以䞊の結果より生育途䞭で培地量を増やすず同時にもう1本の「ひも」を配眮しお倧塚A凊方1/2濃床で終始管理すれば生育䞭期にK欠乏ず思しき葉瞁の黄倉が芋られるものの尻腐れ果実のほずんど発生しない安定したトマト生産が可胜であるずいえる

    Deficiency and Immobility of Magnesium in Cucumber Leaves

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    キュりリはマグネシりム欠乏症の発生し易い野菜のひず぀である.本報告は䞻ずしお葉におけるマグネシりム含有量の倉化䞊びに移動の難易に぀いお怜蚎したものである. 1.培逊液の逊分陀去8日目における成分含有量の枛少率は,葉においおP=K>å…šN>Mg=Ca,根においお党N=K>P=Mg>Caずなり,葉のマグネシりムずカルシりム及び根のカルシりムはほずんど倉化しなかった. 2.培逊液の逊分を陀去し1か月埌に葉分析を行った結果,有果区の葉は摘果区に比べマグネシりムおよびカリの含有率は䜎く,カルシりムの含有率は高かった.䞀方,1葉圓たりのマグネシりム含有量は有果区に挜いおも凊理開始時よりわずかに増加し,カリ含有量はわずかに枛少した. 3.培逊液のマグネシりムを陀去し葉に硫酞マグネシりムを散垃した結果,散垃葉のみが緑色を保ち,その䞊䞋節葉はネクロシスを呈した.さらに,散垃を葉の䞀郚に限定するず,その郚分のみで緑色が保たれた.散垃郚䜍におけるマグネシりムの圢態別含有率は氎溶性アルコヌル可溶性,および䞍溶性のいずれも無散垃郚䜍より高かったが,ずくに氎溶性ず䞍溶性マグネシりムにおいお顕著であった. 4.以䞊の結果,キュりリ葉におけるマグネシりムの移動は容易ではなく,特に,散垃したマグネシりムはほずんど移動しないず考えられた

    Application of continuous light in a plant factory system 4. Physiological changes and concept of injury induction in plant leaves under continuous light

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    Physiological changes and concept of injury induction occurring under continuous light are comprehensively reviewed. Continuous light usually reduces photosynthetic rate, which may relate to changes in transpiration and leaf necrosis caused by reactive oxygen species. Other factors apart from photosynthesis may also affect leaf injuries occurring under continuous light. Continuous light sometimes increases carbohydrate and some secondary metabolite contents

    Potential for Tomato Cultivation Using Capillary Wick- watering Method

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    This research was conducted to investigate any potential problems that may be encountered while using capillary wick irrigation system. Medium-fruited tomato plants were cultivated in spring up to the 10th truss. In the first experiment, a 1/5,000a wagner pot was used, and small openings were made 5mm or 50mm from the bottom of the pots. Capillary wicks, 4 cm in width and 45 cm in length were inserted into the slits and aligned to the pot’s inner wall perpendicularly to the soil surface. The other end of the wick was dipped in half or full strength Ohtsuka-A nutrient solution. The wick was covered with water permeable root-barrier material to prevent root penetration into wick. This resulted in good growth and relatively high yield. Without covering, roots grew vigorously into the wicks and 1 month after transplanting extended to the reservoir solution. Removal of root overgrowth caused wilting in some of the plants. This symptom was more pronounced where the wick insertion points were 50 mm from the base. Root contexture was observed in non-covered and imperfectly covered wicks. These results indicate that it is important to make a wick with a perfect covering for stable plant growth and fruit yield. In the second experiment, the capacity of 2 cm or 4 cm wide with and single or double layers of capillary wicks to transport water to the plant root-zone was examined. Some of the plants wilted in the 2 cm single layer, while no differences were observed in other treatments. Furthermore, a high percentage of blossom-end rot was recorded in all treatments. In response to water uptake by the plants, the nutrient solution was supplied daily depending on the decrease of water in the reservoir, in order to maintain the water level fluctuation within a 3 cm range. This fluctuation may account for the blossom-end rot prevalence observed, probably due to water-stress imposed on the plants by unstable water level in the reservoir.「毛管絊氎ひも」によるトマト栜培の可胜性を探るため䞭玉トマトの10段摘心栜培を詊みひもの特性ず栜培䞊の問題点を明らかにした1/5,000ワグネルポットの底から5㎜䜍ず50㎜䜍に小穎を開けそこぞ毛管ひも幅4㎝長さ45㎝の䞀端を導入しそのたた鉢䞭倮を暪切り察壁に沿っお土壌衚面たで配眮した他の䞀端は培逊液に浞したこの毛管ひもを遮根透氎シヌトで被芆し接着あるいは機械織りによるチュヌブ状管にひもを挿入その「被芆ひも」を「無被芆ひも」ず比范したずころ被芆ひもでは根の䟵入が匷く抑制でき成育が旺盛で収量も高かった被芆しないず1か月埌には根が毛管ひも内に䌞長しお貯液槜にたで達したこの根を陀去するず倚くの個䜓は萎れの症状を呈したこの症状は50㎜䜍の方が著しかった被芆が䞍完党だず接着郚あるいは織り蟌み郚から根は毛管ひもに䟵入する埓っお毛管ひもは完党被芆されるこずが重芁であるずいえるたた遮根透氎ひもを2㎝幅4㎝幅ずしシングル状ずダブル状で比范したずころ成育半ばでシングル2㎝幅では萎れ症状が芳察され枯死する個䜓も珟れたその 他では成育等に倧きな差異は認められなかったがいずれの凊理区においおも倚くの尻腐れ果が発生したトマトの吞氎に䌎っお氎䜍は䜎䞋するため本詊隓では毎日培逊液を手で補絊したしかし氎䜍倉化は最倧で3㎝ず倧きかった尻腐れ果発生はこの液槜の氎䜍レベル管理に起因するずころ倧ず掚察され今埌の課題ずしお残された
