1,601 research outputs found
What's new under the sun? A corpus linguistic analysis of the 2022 Italian election campaign themes in party manifestos
Con questo lavoro introduciamo un approccio innovativo allo studio dei temi che caratterizzano le campagne elettorali in Italia. Facciamo ciò attraverso una corpus linguistic analysis originale dei manifesti elettorali relativi alle cruciali elezioni del 2022. Tramite la sua sistematicità e flessibilità, il nostro approccio ci permette di valutare delle proposizioni deduttive impiegando un'estesa mole di dati testuali fin qui inesplorati. Come anticipato, i manifesti elettorali italiani del 2022 sono caratterizzati da una configurazione di enfasi piuttosto bilanciata tra una varietà di temi, dei quali alcuni sono più controversi mentre altri più condivisi sia tra gli elettori che tra i partiti. Inoltre, i partiti si concentrano in primo luogo su quei temi che storicamente gli appartengono di più, da un punto di vista ideologico e di competenza percepita. Infine, i principali ‘temi caldi’ del dibattito pubblico durante la campagna elettorale sono enfatizzati in modo differenziato dai partiti italiani, i quali in particolare evitano di concentrarsi oltremodo sul tema spinoso della guerra tra Russia e Ucraina.In this article, we introduce an innovative approach to examining campaign themes in Italy, by performing an original corpus linguistic analysis of the party manifestos related to the crucial 2022 election. Through its systematicity and flexibility, our approach allows us to gauge theory-driven propositions using a large amount of so far unexplored textual data. As anticipated, the 2022 Italian party manifestos are characterised by a somewhat balanced configuration of emphasis across a variety of themes, of which some are more controversial and others more widely shared among voters and parties. Further, we also corroborate that parties primarily focus on those themes that historically fit them best, ideologically and in terms of perceived competence. Lastly, salient ‘issues of the day’ are differently emphasised by Italian parties, which particularly avoid devoting considerable attention to the highly sensitive Russian-Ukrainian war
General and Intensive Care Outcomes for Hospitalized Patients With Solid Organ Transplants With COVID-19
© The Author(s) 2020. Purpose: COVID-19 has been associated with a dysregulated inflammatory response. Patients who have received solid-organ transplants are more susceptible to infections in general due to the use of immunosuppressants. We investigated factors associated with mechanical ventilation and outcomes in solid-organ transplant recipients with COVID-19. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of all solid-organ transplant recipients admitted with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in our 23-hospital health system over a 1-month period. Descriptive statistics were used to describe hospital course and laboratory results and bivariate comparisons were performed on variables to determine differences. Results: Twenty-two patients with solid-organ transplants and COVID-19 were identified. Eight patients were admitted to the ICU, of which 7 were intubated. Admission values of CRP (p = 0.045) and N/L ratio (p = 0.047) were associated with the need for mechanical ventilation. Seven patients (32%) died during admission, including 86% (n = 6) of patients who received mechanical ventilation. Conclusions: In solid-organ transplant recipients with COVID-19, initial CRP and N/L ratio were associated with need for mechanical ventilation
Holocene carbon-cycle dynamics based on CO2 trapped in ice at Taylor Dome, Antarctica
A high-resolution ice-core record of atmospheric CO2 concentration over the Holocene epoch shows that the global carbon cycle has not been in steady state during the past 11,000 years. Analysis of the CO2 concentration and carbon stable-isotope records, using a one-dimensional carbon-cycle model,uggests that changes in terrestrial biomass and sea surface temperature were largely responsible for the observed millennial-scale changes of atmospheric CO2 concentrations
Defective production of interferon-γ and tumour necrosis factor-α by AIDS mononuclear cells after in vitro exposure to Rhodococcus equi
The production of interferon-γ and tumour necrosis factor-α was evaluated in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy donors and AIDS patients after Rhodococcus equi infection in vitro. PBMCs from healthy donors secreted elevated levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α when challenged in vitro with killed R. equi, whereas the release of both cytokines was impaired in supernatant cultures from AIDS patients. We conclude that the failure of IFN-γ generation in AIDS patients in response to R. equi is not antigen-specific but it may reflect the global impairment of T-cell function. In such patients, however, the infection with R. equi, a facultative intracellular pathogen which survives and replicates within macrophages, may be responsible for the impairment in the TNF-α release, possibly enhancing the HIV-induced macrophage dysftmction
Lambliasis-associated Schönlein-Henoch purpura in an Italian traveller: first case report in Italy
A unique report of Schonlein-Henoch purpura (SHP) associated with a recent Giardia lamblia enteric infec-tion is described and discussed on the ground of the available literature. Tinidazole plus an appropriate probiotic therapy, including Lactobacillus reuteri and vitamin D, proved to be effective in the condition. SHP is an immunocomplex-mediated disorder characterised by a number of differently associated signs and symptoms, leading to the possible involvement of the skin, joints, abdomen and kidneys. Recent bacterial, viral, or protozoan infections may trigger the disease onset in patients of all ages. The paper de-scribes the first case of SHP triggered by a giardiasis. Tinidazole plus an appropriate probiotic therapy, i.e. L. reuteri and vitamin D proved to be effective in this condition. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of lambliasis-associated SHP described in an international traveller
In memoriam: Celso-Ramon Garcia, M.D. (1922–2004), reproductive medicine visionary
This article traces the career of Celso-Ramon Garcia (1922–2004), noted physician, educator, and internationally renowned pioneer in the field of reproductive endocrinology. His work helped to formulate oral contraceptives used by millions of women throughout the world. Garcia's research collaborators included Gregory Pincus and John Rock, who together finalized the landmark clinical data needed to secure initial FDA approval for "the pill" in 1960. In addition to Garcia's monumental work in contraceptive endocrinology, his scholarly interests encompassed physiology of the menopause, minimally invasive reproductive surgery, as well as psychological aspects of infertility. Closely identified with the University of Pennsylvania, Garcia was instrumental in establishing the first formal clinical program in reproductive biology and influenced countless young scientists whose training he supervised and mentored. His distinguished career was emblematic of the best of the medical profession, characterized by compassion, intellect, and a sincere desire to help others. Our manuscript outlines Garcia's wide range of interests, acknowledges his superior fund of knowledge, and honors his humanitarian spirit – all of which contributed to an impressive legacy of medical discoveries. The impact of Prof. Garcia's work will continue to be felt for many years
Is teicoplanin a complementary treatment option for COVID-19? The question remains
We read with great interest the editorial by Baron et al. suggesting the potential use of teicoplanin as an alternative drug to treat patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1]. Indeed, this glycopeptide antibiotic, commonly used to treat Gram-positive bacterial infections, also showed potential complementary antiviral activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Ebola virus, as previously highlighted by Zhou et al.; moreover, influenza A and B viruses and feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) were reported as potential targets of teicoplanin and its chemical derivatives [2], [1], [2], [3]. Recently, additional studies have provided evidence that SARS-CoV-2, similarly to SARS-CoV, is a cathepsin L-dependent virus: in fact, these viruses require a multistep infection process including (i) receptor binding, (ii) change in spike (S) glycoprotein conformation, and finally (iii) cathepsin L proteolysis of the S protein, crucial for virus entry. Teicoplanin was found to specifically inhibit the activity of cathepsin L and potentially to play a critical role in blocking cell entry of the virus [2,6,7]
Data on unveiling the occurrence of transient, multi-contaminated mafic magmas inside a rhyolitic reservoir feeding an explosive eruption (Nisyros, Greece)
This data article includes the description and the geochemical and mineralogical dataset of 67 pyroclastic rock samples from the Upper Pumice (UP) explosive activity of Nisyros volcano (eastern South Aegean Active Volcanic Arc). A detailed field and petrographic description of the studied outcrops and samples are reported, including representative photomicrographs and SEM images, whole-rock major and trace elements compositions of 31 representative samples and Sr-Nd isotope ratios on 22 selected samples. Analytical methods and conditions used for data acquisition are also reported. The UP eruption produced a stratigraphic sequence constituted by a basal fallout deposit, gradually substituted by pyroclastic density current (PDC) deposits; these are overlaid by a lag-breccia unit, and the sequence is closed by a grey ash flow level. The juvenile is mainly constituted by white-yellow, moderately crystalline pumice with rhyolitic composition and homogenous Sr-Nd isotope values. Variable amounts of dense, grey, crystalline juvenile lapilli clasts (CRC, Crystal-Rich Clast), with rounded shape and less evolved composition (andesite to dacite) are also present in the deposit. These mafic CRCs are peculiar due to their large variability in textures (from distinctive diktytaxitic to strongly fragmented structure without a defined fabric) and in the geochemical and isotopic composition. The data acquired were fundamental to reconstruct the complex and peculiar history of ascent, storage and differentiation/assimilation processes of these mafic melts before their intrusion into the shallow, rhyolitic magma chamber, with important implication on the possible eruption trigger during the more recent explosive phase of activity at Nisyros volcano. Moreover, the geochemical and isotopic analyses provide new original data to the general knowledge of the Aegean volcanics. All the data reported in this paper are related to the research article Braschi et al. (2022
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