1,499 research outputs found

    The repair of the Achilles tendon rupture: comparison of two percutaneous techniques

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    This study proposes a comparison between two percutaneous techniques of subcutaneous Achilles tendon rupture by evaluating the risk of lesion developing, the morbidity of the surgical technique adopted and the effectiveness of each technique. Sixty patients were operated at Padua Orthopaedic Clinic by using the two different procedures: (1) Ma and Griffith in 30 cases and (2) Tenolig in 30 cases. Risk of rupture developing has been evaluated in relation to sex, age, side, kind of trauma, work and presence of preoperative risk factors. The Morbidity of surgical technique has been evaluated in with respect to surgical time, hospital permanence, immobilization, active nonweight-bearing mobilization, assisted weight bearing until the full one, number of early and late complications before and after hospital discharge. Effectiveness has been evaluated in relation to return time to common life, work and sport; anatomical and functional features have been evaluated using McComis score, rating results as: very good (from 80 to 70), good (from 69 to 60), fair (from 59 to 50) and poor (<50). Tenolig group shows shorter average time from hospital admission and operation, hospital permanence and immobilization (P < 0.05), and it results in an easier and quicker execution and functionally stimulates the tendon healing in a short time. Effectiveness was the same for both techniques because average McComis score was good (P = 0.35), and there was no significant differences in common life returning time (P = 0.12). Tenolig technique seems to be preferable to Ma and Griffith

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and cancer in man.

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    Various substances and industrial processes, surrogates of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), are currently classified as human carcinogens. This paper reviews recent epidemiological studies reporting direct evidence of the carcinogenic effects of PAHs in occupationally exposed subjects. Risks of lung and bladder cancer were dose dependent when PAHs were measured quantitatively and truly nonexposed groups were chosen for comparison. These new findings suggest that the current threshold limit value of 0.2 mg/m3 of benzene soluble matter (which indicates PAH exposure) is unacceptable because, after 40 years of exposure, it involves a relative risk of 1.2-1.4 for lung cancer and 2.2 for bladder cancer

    A combined genome-wide approach identifies a new potential candidate marker associated with the coat color sidedness in cattle

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    Coat color is one of the most important phenotypic features in livestock breeds. Cinisara is a local cattle breed generally of uniform black color which occasionally presents a particular phenotype, with animals typically display a white band along their spine, from the head to the tail, and on the ventral line (color sidedness). Therefore, this breed provides an ideal model to study the genetic components underlying phenotypic variation in coat color. A total of 63 animals, ten with sidedness phenotype and 53 with uniform black color were genotyped with Illumina Bovine 50 K. The comparison among genome-wide association study and FST analysis revealed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), ARS-BFGL-NGS-55928, significantly associated with the trait. Only one gene (PLK2)was annotated near the associated SNP in a window of Âą200 kb. The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the polo-like kinases, the same family of several known coat-color candidate genes. Based on the reported results, we draw the possible conclusion that the identified marker is potentially associated with the coat color sidedness in Cinisara. The local breeds with their genetic variability represent an important resource and model to study the genetic basis affecting peculiar traits. Future studies would be particularly relevant to refine these results and to better understand the genetic basis for this phenotype

    Juvenile diabetes and systemic sclerosis: just a coincidence?

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    Background: Limited joint mobility (LJM), previously known as cheiroarthropathy, refers to the presence of reduced extension at the finger joints in people with diabetes and may be associated with scleroderma-like syndromes such as diabetic sclerodactyly. While scleroderma-like syndromes and LJM have been observed in patients with long-term diabetes and associated complications, the coexistence of diabetes with Juvenile systemic sclerosis (jSSc) is rarely described. Case presentation: We describe the case of a 14-year-old boy with long-lasting type 1 diabetes (T1D) and suspected LJM associated with Raynaud phenomenon, sclerodactyly and tapering of the fingertips. A comprehensive work-up showed positive autoantibodies (ANA, anti-Ro-52, anti-Mi-2b), abnormal nailfold capillaroscopy with a scleroderma pattern, interstitial lung disease and cardiac involvement. The overall clinical picture was consistent with the diagnosis of jSSc. Conclusions: LJM can be the initial sign of underlying systemic sclerosis. Nailfold capillaroscopy may help differentiate jSSc from classical LJM in pediatric patients with T1D and finger contractures or skin induration of no clear origin. This case report provides a starting point for a novel hypothesis regarding the pathogenesis of jSSc. The association between T1D and jSSc may be more than a coincidence and could suggest a relationship between glucose metabolism, fibrosis and microangiopathy

    Clinical and Pathophysiological Insights Into Immunological Mediated Glomerular Diseases in Childhood

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    The kidney is often the target of immune system dysregulation in the context of primary or systemic disease. In particular, the glomerulus represents the anatomical entity most frequently involved, generally as the expression of inflammatory cell invasion or circulant or in situ immune-complex deposition. Glomerulonephritis is the most common clinical and pathological manifestation of this involvement. There are no universally accepted classifications for glomerulonephritis. However, recent advances in our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms suggest the assessment of immunological features, biomarkers, and genetic analysis. At the same time, more accurate and targeted therapies have been developed. Data on pediatric glomerulonephritis are scarce and often derived from adult studies. In this review, we update the current understanding of the etiologic events and genetic factors involved in the pathogenesis of pediatric immunologically mediated primitive forms of glomerulonephritis, together with the clinical spectrum and prognosis. Possible new therapeutic targets are also briefly discussed

    Insights into genetic diversity, runs of homozygosity and heterozygosity-rich regions in maremmana semi-feral cattle using pedigree and genomic data

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    Semi-feral local livestock populations, like Maremmana cattle, are the object of renewed interest for the conservation of biological diversity and the preservation and exploitation of unique and potentially relevant genetic material. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic diversity parameters in semi-feral Maremmana cattle using both pedigree-and genomic-based approaches (FIS and FROH), and to detect regions of homozygosity (ROH) and heterozygosity (ROHet) in the genome. The average heterozygosity estimates were in the range reported for other cattle breeds (HE = 0.261, HO = 0.274). Pedigree-based average inbreeding (F) was estimated at 4.9%. The correlation was low between F and genomic-based approaches (r = 0.03 with FIS, r = 0.21 with FROH), while it was higher between FIS and FROH (r = 0.78). The low correlation between F and FROH coefficients may be the result of the limited pedigree depth available for the animals involved in this study. The ROH islands identified in Maremmana cattle included candidate genes associated with climate adaptation, carcass traits or the regulation of body weight, fat and energy metabolism. The ROHet islands contained candidate genes associated with nematode resistance and reproduction traits in livestock. The results of this study confirm that genome-based measures like FROH may be useful estimators of individual autozygosity, and may provide insights on pedigree-based inbreeding estimates in cases when animals’ pedigree data are unavailable, thus providing a more detailed picture of the genetic diversity

    Metabolomic evaluation of Mitomycin C and rapamycin in a personalized treatment of pancreatic cancer

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    In a personalized treatment designed for a patient with pancreatic cancer resistant to other treatments, the success of Mitomycin C (MMC) has been highlighted. This was revealed in a murine xenograft tumor model encompassing pancreatic adenocarcinoma cells extracted from the patient. The patient was found to exhibit a biallelic inactivation of the PALB2 gene, involved in DNA repair in addition to another mutation in the TSC2 gene that induces susceptibility of the tumor to therapeutic targets of the PI3K-mTOR pathway. The aim of the study was to apply metabolomics to elucidate the modes of action of each therapy, suggesting why MMC was so successful in this patient and why it could be a more popular choice in future pancreatic cancer treatment. The effectiveness of MMC compared to rapamycin (RM), another relevant therapeutic agent has been evaluated through liquid- and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomic analyses of the xenograft tumors. The relative concentrations of many metabolites in the xenograft tumors were found to be increased by MMC relative to other treatments (RM and a combination of both), including a number that are involved in central carbon metabolism (CCM). Metabolic fingerprinting revealed statistically significantly altered pathways including, but not restricted to, the pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, TCA cycle, purine metabolism, fatty acid biosynthesis, in addition to many significant lipid and amino acid alterations. Given the genetic background of the patient, it was expected that the combined therapy would be most effective; however, the most effective was MMC alone. It is proposed that the effectiveness of MMC is owed to its direct effect on CCM, a vital region of tumor metabolism

    Genome-wide homozygosity in Maremmana cattle

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    The current availability of large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the genome makes these markers particularly suitable for the detection of patterns of genetic diversity and of genome-wide homozygosity in animal populations. The aim of this work was to estimate genetic diversity and homozygosity in the Maremmana cattle breed. We used a sample of 149 animals (males and females) genotyped with the BovineSNP50 v2 (54K) Illumina BeadChip. After editing for call-rate > 0.9 and removing SNP unassigned or on the sex chromosomes, 128 animals and 50,814 SNPs were left. We estimated the following genetic parameters: observed and expected heterozygosity (Ho and He), minor allele frequency (MAF), and the FIS statistic. We also scanned the genome for runs of homozygosity (ROH). In the present study, ROH were detected based on 20-SNP-long sliding-windows, and allowing for a maximum of 1 missing and 1 heterozygote genotype, and a maximum gap between consecutive SNP of 105 bp. ROH contained minimum 10 SNPs, and had a minimum length of 1 Mb and a minimum density of 1 SNP every 50 kbps. The average Ho and He were 0.374 \ub10.132 and 0.365 \ub10.120, respectively, and the average MAF was 0.274 \ub10130. These values are consistent with the range observed in other cattle breeds. We obtained some negative values for FIS (-0.162 to 0.180) which corresponded to animals with lower than average homozygosity. In total, 10,465 ROH were detected (81.75 per animal), with an average length of 2.69 Mb. Most ROH (74%) had length 64 2 Mb. ROH are contiguous lengths of homozygous genomic segments where the two inherited haplotypes are identical. ROH indicate genomic regions where a reduction in heterozygosity occurred, and offer new opportunities to estimate inbreeding (F). The inbreeding coefficient based on ROH (FROH) was estimated by the ratio between the total ROH length and the size of the genome in each animal. Average FROH was 0.0869 \ub10.032. Unlike inbreeding estimated based on Ho, FROH is not influenced by allele frequencies (sampling) and can distinguish recent from ancient inbreeding. However, FROH requires SNP positions to be known (unlike Ho). Two genomic regions with ROH in over 60% of the animals were found: one on BTA6 (38.6-39.7 Mbps), one on BTA13 (54.3-54.8 Mbps). These may highlight regions where selective pressures have shaped the genome of the Maremmana breed
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