43 research outputs found

    Focus on the larger purpose of schooling and improvement may follow

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    Success in schools may best be achieved not by pursuing it directly, but as a ‘side-effect’ of an unwavering dedication to the larger educational purpose, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO

    Learning from mistakes

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    A willingness to acknowledge and learn from failure is essential for all progress, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO

    Principal Performance Improvement Tool

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    What is a highly effective school principal, and what do they do that makes them so effective? The Principal Performance Improvement Tool sets out to answer these questions. It provides a point of reference that principals can use to reflect on their current practices and to identify areas in which their work could be still more effective

    Achievement gaps - the continuing challenge

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    Professor Geoff Masters AO discusses the challenges of closing achievement gaps

    What is \u27equity\u27 in education

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    Equity in education is often viewed as equivalence or sameness. A more useful way to view equity is through the lens of ‘fairness’

    A 21st Century curriculum

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    One of the biggest challenges we face in school education is to identify and develop the knowledge, skills and attributes required for life and work in the 21st Century, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO

    Shifting the focus of NAPLAN

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    The decision to move NAPLAN online provides an opportunity to place less emphasis on comparing the performances of schools and more emphasis on supporting student learning, according to Professor Geoff Masters AO

    But can we measure it?

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    It’s often asserted that some things can’t be measured, Professor Geoff Masters AO writes in his latest column. But how true is this? And if we can’t measure something, should we stop pretending we can teach or develop it

    The ‘long tail’ of underachievement

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    One of the biggest challenges educators face is to find better ways to meet the learning needs of the many students who fall behind in our schools, fail to meet year-level expectations (often year after year) and, as a consequence, become increasingly disengaged, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO

    Reconciliation begins at home

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    \u27Sitting down with our children to watch programs that demonstrate and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing and being, such as Little J & Big Cuz, is one small ‘next step’ that each of us can take on the journey towards reconciliation.\u2