3 research outputs found

    "Mi smo Romi, ne Cigani"

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    \u27\u27The forgotten\u27\u27: multiple discrimination against Roma women and identity struggles

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    Rominje so ženske, ki so se zaradi različnih (strukturnih) razlogov znašle na križišču rasizma in seksizma, iz identitetnih bojev pa so pogosto namerno ali nenamerno izključene. V nalogi obravnavam razsežnosti večkratne/intersekcionalne diskriminacije romskih žensk. V tem kontekstu identificiram, kako se ta izvaja v praksi ter kakšne so njene posledice v vsakdanjem življenju Rominj. Izhodišča razprave so teoretizacija sodobnega rasizma, etnizacija in normalizacija romske kulture. To so tudi osrednji pojmi, s katerimi konkretiziram večkratno diskriminacijo. Znotraj identitetnih bojev izpostavljam romski feminizem, ki se je v javnih diskurzih pojavil šele pred nekaj leti in se bori za to, da vsaka Rominja postane enakopravna in avtonomna članica družbe. Pri tem izhajam iz kritike tistih feminizmov, ki so v identitetnih bojih ignorirali položaj romskih žensk. Cilj naloge je pokazati, da je diskriminacija vpeta v številne prakse na mikro in makro ravneh vsakdanjega življenjanajbolj nevarne so tiste prakse, ki delujejo prikrito in zato bolj učinkovito. Prav tako me je zanimalo, katerim pogojem je potrebno zadostiti za uspešno politično subjektivacijo romskih žensk. V ta namen sem izvedla osebne intervjuje z Rominjami, ki se same identificirajo kot avtonomne in neodvisne ter se na različne načine borijo za pravice romskih žensk oziroma druge Rominje spodbujajo k emancipaciji. Rezultati kažejo, da se mobilizacija in spremembe najbolj uspešno vršijo na mikro in mezo ravni, kjer je ključno delovanje neformalnih skupin in društev, ki jim Rominje zaupajo bolj, kot npr. državnim institucijam.Due to various (structural) reasons, Romani women have found themselves at the crossroad of racism and sexism, and are often deliberately or unintentionally excluded from identity struggles. The thesis deals with dimensions of multiple/intersectional discrimination against Romani women. The author identifies how the latter is presented in practice and how it affects them. The theoretical basis of the study is contemporary racism, processes of ethnization and normalization of Roma culture, which are key concepts for actualizing the concept of multiple discrimination. Within the framework of identity struggles, the author highlights Romani feminism, which appeared in public discourses only a few years ago, and advocates towards equality and autonomy of Romani women. The starting point is criticising those feminisms, that have previously ignored the situation of Romani women. The aim of the thesis is to show that discrimination is embedded in a number of practices on the micro and macro levels of Roma women’s everyday lifeparticularly dangerous are practices that are latent and therefore more effective. Additional goal was to determine which requirements have to be satisfied for a successful political subjectivation of Romani women. For this purpose, personal interviews with Roma women that identify themselves as autonomous and independent and in various ways fight for the rights and emancipation of Romani women, were conducted. The results indicate that mobilization and changes are most successful on the micro and mezzo levels, since the most crucial actions take place in non-formal groups and societies, that Roma women trust more than e.g. state institutions