25 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Scoring System pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Regional Employment Board or BKD is owned by the government agency in charge of implementing the preparation and implementation of regional policies in the field of employment, and can be assigned to carry out the implementation of the authority delegated by the Government to as Representative of the Government in the framework of deconcentration. BKD East Java is an agency that specialized personnel in the area of East Java. To improve the quality of human resources, then carried out the assessment process, the assessment in question is the performance appraisal.Nowadays, the assessment using assessment form East Java BKD submitted in each city and distributed to agencies that have employees JFT. Long process of distributing a form of assessment, and the assessment results. In addition, BKD also need to collect data on JFT employees recommended for promotion. From each of the above problems, the biggest impact is employee development apparatus JFT will be hampered because the time is not in accordance with the schedule recommended training for employees. From the above problems made JFT employee performance evaluation application that can provide a good recommendation and report to the BKD East Java and related institutions with a quick and precise

    Analisi Pengaruh Kualitas Website PT Badak LNG terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Menggunakan Metode Webqual 4.0

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    In technological progress, information technology needed a company to support the company performance , no exception the website. Pt Badak NGL is the first company formed to be one of a network in the center by the chain business lng . Now , PT. Badak LNG having a website www.badaklng.co.id .So far , after services website PT. Badak LNG mplemented has never done judgment on its quality perceived the ultimate user or visitors website , so that management website could not receive feedback on the website .There was going to an evaluation of the quality of website PT. Badak LNG . The purpose of this research is to analyze the quality of the website satisfaction users. Hal-hal done in this research among others , makes and spreading the questionnaire to respondents of 86 sample .The results will be processed on the ibm spss version 20 .While the analysis of data in relation done include the validation and reabilitas , the assumption , the test regression together and partial . The Results of research quality website on PT. Badak LNG indicates that dimensions of webqual is variable te USAbility quality, information quality, and iteraction quality to having influence a positive and significant impact on satisfaction users at the website PT. Badak LNG

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Analisis dan Evaluasi Harga Pokok Produksi pada PT AMSI

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    AMSI is engaged in the field of plastic recycling business located in Surabaya. AMSI serves more than one hundred shoppers scattered inside and outside the country. Still don\u27t have AMSI mechanism in the process of evaluation, which is the production cost analysis calculations. Model of analysis appropriate for current analysis of three difference raw material cost, the analysis of difference for direct labor costs and analysis of four factory overhead costs for the difference. AMSI applications require can help conduct analysis and evaluation to control production costs. Application analysis and evaluation of the cost of production of the goods that can help make a difference in the cost analysis and providing reports to evaluate the production cost at AMSI

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Laporan Keuangan pada CV. Budi Mandiri

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    CV. Budi Mandiri is a company engaged in the services sector that was built in 2005 at Pakis 86 Surabaya. At the inception of a company stand, the owner of CV. Budi Mandiri only handle a request driving course, but over time, CV. Budi Mandiri open a business as the Salon car or washing polishes car. Business activity in the CV. Budi Mandiri are driving course registration and payment, sales of car polish cleaning services, and payments of cash or purchase equipment polishing car wash. For process reporting a transaction is still recorded manually. The owner did not know the income received for never making a finance report in detail. The waterfall model is one method of system development SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) that are typical in the execution of each phase, each phase of the waterfall must be completed before proceeding to the next development phase. Waterfal model used in application design financial reports on the CV. Budi Mandiri .And stages through Waterfall models are determination and specification analysis, system design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance. Report Finance Aplication is a system that can archive data on revenues and cash expenditure company. Furthermore, the output generated application of financial report are a general journal report, ledger, income statement, statement of changes in equity, and the balance sheet

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pelaporan Kegiatan Guru Pendamping Kelas Sekolah Inklusif Se Kota Surabaya

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    Inclusive school is a school which has regular students and also disability students. In Surabaya there were 70 inclusive schools, With so many the number of schools cause dinas difficulty in showing data are sprouting the capabilities of students inclusive , know the development of the total students inclusive. For teachers reporting documents to cause teachers must commutes collecting the document to Dinas Pendidikan. Based on of problems that emerged, can be given a solution that education authorities need an application that can assist in the reporting process of teaching and learning activities in schools and recaps in knowing the developmental ability of students inclusive. This program designed web based to solve problem. This application is designed Based on the results of the test system by using the black box and white box that has created the application can solve problems that occur by displaying developmental ability students - inclusive, is able to determine the amount of growth students - inclusive, helping teachers in accelerating the process reporting. Web based in order to solve the existing problems

    Audit Keamanan Sistem Informasi Berdasarkan Standar ISO 27002 (Studi Kasus: PT. Aneka Jaya Baut Sejahtera)

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    PT.AJBS is a company that works in providing items/machinery for industrial purposes. PT.AJBS has many product lines Therefore, implementing a new and capable information system is a must. The new system need to have modules such as invetory, transaction, customer & supplier data and accounting journal. These modules need to be integratedto the new system, called Integrated Trading System. In addition, information security management is important because company's information is an important asset for the company. PT.AJBS need to audit their current information security system to find out the level of security PT.AJBS has. ISO 27002 is the standard that PT.AJBS has to be met when auditing. ISO 27002 standard is chosen because of its flexibility. It can be tailored according to the company's needs, company's visions, company's security system requirement, business processes, human resource needa and the structure of the organization, as well as information security system management. The result of maturity level 2.49 is produced from the implementation of information security system audit. The result is categorized to level 2, which is repeatable. This research also produces reccomendations for PT.AJBS such as better information system processes and improvement in level of information securit