15 research outputs found

    Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design: A Study Of Fear Of Crime And Social Integration Based On Different Road Hierarchy In A Residential Area In Penang, Malaysia

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    The concern for environmental safety has led to extensive research on the subject of crime prevention. The influence of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) in reducing crime and fear has found broad theoretical support, but its multivariate predictive relationships have not been empirically validated. This study focuses on the assessment of the CPTED construct that is hypothesized to be a predictor of fear of crime and social integration based on different road hierarchy. Pelbagai penyelidikan mengenai keselamatan persekitaran telah dijalankan akibat kerisauan terhadap isu keselamatan. Pengaruh kaedah Pencegahan Jenayah Melalui Rekabentuk Persekitaran (PJMRBP) di dalam mengurangkan jenayah dan ketakutan terhadap jenayah telah mendapat banyak sokongan dari aspek teoretikal

    Does Facilitating Human–Place Bonds Alleviate the Negative Effects of Incivilities on Health?

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    The present study has two purposes—methodological and theoretical. The methodological purpose is to examine a method for the analysis of perceived incivilities and health in urban neighbourhoods. The current study investigates the direct and indirect relationships between the two variables. The theoretical purpose is to measure neighbourhood incivility as a second-order latent variable that represents physical and social incivilities, and investigates place identity and place attachment as mediators in the relationship between incivilities and health. Previous research has focused on a single dimension of incivility. By contrast, the current study considers a multidimensional form of incivility. This quantitative study comprises 265 residents from an urban neighbourhood in Penang, Malaysia. The results of the structural equation modelling suggest that perceptions towards neighbourhood play a mediating role in the relationship between incivility and health. The mediation roles of place identity and place attachment in the relationship between incivilities and health are also supported. Thus, facilitating human–place bonds alleviates the negative effects of incivilities on health in the study neighbourhood. Residents are less attached to neighbourhoods that are perceived as socially and physically deteriorated. Thus, reducing incivilities and improving place attachment may enhance neighbourhood health

    Spatial Liminality as a Framework for Revitalising Dilapidated Abandoned Buildings in Historic Cities: A Case Study

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    This paper develops the theory of liminality as a guideline for revitalising disused urban fabrics in historic cities. Since Middle Eastern historic cities exist as a transitional phenomenon, spatial liminality is identified as an epistemological tool for their investigation. This paper sets up a mixed-method approach based on questionnaire surveys and field studies in twelve urban blocks in historic Yazd and Kashan. Using an interpretive historical study, it is verified that, during the premodern eras, spatial liminality has been synonymous with the formation of sense of place/citizenship, mainly generated as a result of the existence of in-between spaces in historic cities, which, in turn, could have facilitated the rites of passage for residents. In a quantitative layer, the correlation between dilapidated abandoned buildings (DABs) (i.e., disused urban fabrics) and sense of place/citizenship is investigated in case studies, which unfolds associations that lack of sense of place amongst local communities could convey to the meaning of spatial liminality. The analysis demonstrates DABs are associated with lack of spatial liminality, contributing to the breakdown of sense of community identification/place. Therefore, DABs need to be reutilized while maintaining their heritage values. The discourse identifies in-between spaces that once facilitated spatial liminality and demonstrates a guideline for revitalising historic cities. This study put forward a theoretical contribution that enables the use of spatial liminality to guide the understanding and management of historic cities

    Broken Windows and Collective Efficacy

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    The broken windows thesis posits that signs of disorder increase crime and fear, both directly and indirectly. Although considerable theoretical evidence exists to support the idea that disorder is positively related to fear of crime, the empirical literature on examining the indirect effect of the individual’s perception of incivilities on fear of crime is limited, especially in developing countries. This research was conducted to assess the indirect relationship between perceived disorder and fear of crime through collective efficacy. A total of 235 households from Penang, Malaysia, participated in this study. Results reveal that high perception of disorder is negatively associated with collective efficacy. High collective efficacy is associated with low fear of crime. Moreover, a significant and indirect effect of disorder on fear of crime exists through collective efficacy. The results provide empirical support for the broken windows theory in the Malaysian context and suggest that both environmental conditions and interactions of residents play a role in the perceived fear of crime

    The Influence of Permeability on Social Cohesion: Is it Good or Bad?

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    AbstractFinding ways to increase social interactions among residents in residential neighbourhoods may be one mechanism to improve health and wellbeing. Understanding environmental conditions of the neighbourhoods can play a critical role in maintaining social interactions among residents. This research is carried out to assess the effect of street permeability on the degree of social cohesion among residents in a residential neighbourhood in Penang, Malaysia. A total of 250 households participated in the study. The findings indicate that permeability can account for a significant proportion of the variance in residents’ social cohesion. Residents living in less permeable streets are more likely to have a high social cohesion with their neighbours. The results further support the defensible space concept which advocates closed and less permeable streets. Implications for future research are discussed

    Using a Space Syntax Approach to Enhance Pedestrians’ Accessibility and Safety in the Historic City of George Town, Penang

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    Contemporary urban development places a critical emphasis on pedestrian environments, especially in historic cities like George Town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Malaysia. Although survey questionnaires effectively captured public perceptions of issues such as poor road connectivity, weak accessibility, crime and safety concerns in George Town, they fell short in providing a comprehensive understanding of the root causes. This study leverages space syntax theory to model and analyze George Town’s unique pedestrian landscape, aiming to identify strategies for improving pedestrian networks in historical urban landscapes. Space syntax theory, known for revealing structural issues within urban contexts, is applied after a thorough examination of George Town’s urban layout, climate, architectural features, and development policies. George Town employs an informal grid layout widely utilized in British colonial port cities to enhance overall efficiency. The predominant architectural form is the shophouse, which is characterized by a ground level designed for pedestrian movement known as the “five-foot way” and adapted to Malaysia’s climate. Various axis drawing methods for the unique five-foot way under different circumstances are considered. The George Town special area plan (SAP) emphasizing heritage preservation guides development policies, thus requiring an inclusive approach to pedestrian environments. This enhances the practical significance of the current study, with the eastern and northern coastal areas serving as crucial focal points for investigation. This approach results in a comprehensive spatial model that captures the essence of George Town’s pedestrian landscape. Evaluation using space syntax indicators such as connectivity, integration, intelligibility, and choice reveals issues like poor overall network connectivity, inadequate access to key attractions, suboptimal integration, concentrated pedestrian flows, and significant safety concerns, which are exacerbated by limited infrastructure on certain two-way roads and a lack of zebra crossings. The practical implications of this study include recommendations for enhancing pedestrian spaces along identified roads and strategically installing zebra-crossings. This research is significant for its focus on a historical city in a Southeast Asian developing country, deeply integrating local environmental characteristics and providing insights into urban planning and optimization, thereby serving as a reference for similar cities

    Does Facilitating Human–Place Bonds Alleviate the Negative Effects of Incivilities on Health?

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    The present study has two purposes—methodological and theoretical. The methodological purpose is to examine a method for the analysis of perceived incivilities and health in urban neighbourhoods. The current study investigates the direct and indirect relationships between the two variables. The theoretical purpose is to measure neighbourhood incivility as a second-order latent variable that represents physical and social incivilities, and investigates place identity and place attachment as mediators in the relationship between incivilities and health. Previous research has focused on a single dimension of incivility. By contrast, the current study considers a multidimensional form of incivility. This quantitative study comprises 265 residents from an urban neighbourhood in Penang, Malaysia. The results of the structural equation modelling suggest that perceptions towards neighbourhood play a mediating role in the relationship between incivility and health. The mediation roles of place identity and place attachment in the relationship between incivilities and health are also supported. Thus, facilitating human–place bonds alleviates the negative effects of incivilities on health in the study neighbourhood. Residents are less attached to neighbourhoods that are perceived as socially and physically deteriorated. Thus, reducing incivilities and improving place attachment may enhance neighbourhood health

    Examining the effects of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) on residential burglary

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    Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) began to develop in the early 1970s as a response to an increase in crime and fear in urban areas. Advancing research in CPTED requires clarifying the theoretical conceptualizations and validating an integrated CPTED model. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a hierarchical CPTED model for urban neighborhoods. Conceptually, this study extends theory by reframing CPTED as a reflective, hierarchical construct and modelling its impact on burglary victimization. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that CPTED is a third-order, reflective construct model with four main dimensions, namely, surveillance, access control, territoriality and maintenance. The results of the structural model support the theoretical findings in the literature that associate high CPTED with low victimization. The scale can be applied for a wide range of landed residential properties. Crime prevention practitioners should take these factors into consideration to make informed decisions for future developments