4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of an interactive, case-based review session in teaching medical microbiology

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oklahoma State University-Center for Health Sciences (OSU-CHS) has replaced its microbiology wet laboratory with a variety of tutorials including a case-based interactive session called Microbial Jeopardy!. The question remains whether the time spent by students and faculty in the interactive case-based tutorial is worthwhile? This study was designed to address this question by analyzing both student performance data and assessing students' perceptions regarding the tutorial.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Both quantitative and qualitative data were used in the current study. Part One of the study involved assessing student performance using archival records of seven case-based exam questions used in the 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 OSU-CHS Medical Microbiology course. Two sample t-tests for proportions were used to test for significant differences related to tutorial usage. Part Two used both quantitative and qualitative means to assess student's perceptions of the Microbial Jeopardy! session. First, a retrospective survey was administered to students who were enrolled in Medical Microbiology in 2006 or 2007. Second, responses to open-ended items from the 2008 course evaluations were reviewed for comments regarding the Microbial Jeopardy! session.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both student performance and student perception data support continued use of the tutorials. Quantitative and qualitative data converge to suggest that students like and learn from the interactive, case-based session.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The case-based tutorial appears to improve student performance on case-based exam questions. Additionally, students perceived the tutorial as helpful in preparing for exam questions and reviewing the course material. The time commitment for use of the case-based tutorial appears to be justified.</p

    Student responses to the introduction of case-based learning and practical activities into a theoretical obstetrics and gynaecology teaching programme

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    BACKGROUND: The fourth-year Obstetrics and Gynaecology course at our institution had previously been taught using theory classes alone. A new teaching model was introduced to provide a better link with professional practice. We wished to evaluate the impact of the introduction of case discussions and other practical activities upon students' perceptions of the learning process. METHODS: Small-group discussions of cases and practical activities were introduced for the teaching of a fourth-year class in 2003 (Group II; 113 students). Comparisons were made with the fourth-year class of 2002 (Group I; 108 students), from before the new programme was introduced. Students were asked to rate their satisfaction with various elements of the teaching programme. Statistical differences in their ratings were analysed using the chi-square and Bonferroni tests. RESULTS: Group II gave higher ratings to the clarity of theory classes and lecturers' teaching abilities (p < 0.05) and lecturers' punctuality (p < 0.001) than did Group I. Group II had greater belief that the knowledge assessment tests were useful (p < 0.001) and that their understanding of the subject was good (p < 0.001) than did Group I. Group II gave a higher overall rating to the course (p < 0.05) than did Group I. However, there was no difference in the groups' assessments of the use made of the timetabled hours available for the subject or lecturers' concern for students' learning. CONCLUSIONS: Students were very receptive to the new teaching model

    Implementasi sertifikasi amil zakat di YDSF Malang

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    INDONESIA: Zakat salah satu dari rukun sebagai salah satu instrumen pengentas kemiskinan. Indonesia memiliki potensi yang sangat tinggi dalam menghimpun dana zakat, dikarekan mayoritas penduduk Indonesia adalah beragama Islam. Untuk meningkatkan dan juga menjamin mutu pengelolaan zakat serta amil zakat yang profesional, serta perlunya untuk mengatur mengenai standarisasi dalam pengelolaan di bidang zakat, maka BAZNAS mengeluarkan Peraturan Nomor 2 Tahun 2018 tentang Sertifikasi Amil Zakat. YDSF Malang merupakan salah satu organisasi pengelola zakat di kota Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuaN untuk mengkaji lebih dalam lagi terhadap pengimplementasian Sertifikasi Amil Zakat di YDSF Malang serta apa saja faktor penghambat dan pendukung pengimplementasian peraturan tersebut. Penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah penelitian lapangan dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun sumber data primer ini berasal dari 3 amil zakat YDSF Malang yang sudah bersertifikasi amil zakat. Pengolahan data melaui tahap-tahap : pemeriksaan data, klasifikasi, verifikasi, analisis, dan kesimpulan. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa : (1.) Jadi di YDSF Malang telah menerapkan sertifikasi amil zakat di YDSF Malang akan tetapi sertifikasi itu belum sepenuhnya diterapkan kepada semua amilnya. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya standar yang ditetapkan oleh lembaga untuk bisa mengirim amilnya dalam mengikuti sertifikasi amil zakat. Ada beberapa persyaratan atau SOP baik dari pihak lembaga YDSF Malang ataupun dari BAZNAS yang harus dipenuhi oleh para amil untuk mereka bisa mengikuti ujian sertifikasi amil itu sendiri. (2.) Adapun faktor penghambat untuk bisa menerapkan peraturan tersebut dari YDSF Malang adalah sumberdaya manusia, terkait kesiapan atau kemampuan amil itu sendiri. Adapun yang menjadi faktor pendukung untuk bisa menerapkan peraturan ini adalah adanya komunikasi; disposisi; dan struktur birokrasi. ENGLISH: Zakat which is one of the pillars as an instrument of poverty alleviation. Indonesia has a very high potential in collecting zakat funds, because the majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim. The one who manages zakat is called amil. To improve and ensure the quality of zakat management and professional zakat management, as well as the need to regulate standardization in zakat management, BAZNAS issued Regulation Number 2 of 2018 concerning Certification of Amil Zakat. YDSF Malang is one of the zakat management organizations in the city of Malang. This study aims to examine more deeply the implementation of the Indonesian Amil Zakat Agency Regulation Number 2 of 2018 concerning Amil Zakat Certification at YDSF Malang and what are the inhibiting and supporting factors for the implementation of the regulation. The research used by researchers is field research with descriptive qualitative methods. As for the primary data source, it comes from 3 amil zakat in YDSF Malang who have received amil zakat certification. Data processing through the stages: data checking, classification, verification, analysis, and conclusions. In this study, This research concludes that: (1.) So YDSF Malang has implemented zakat amil certification at YDSF Malang but the certification has not been fully applied to all amil. This is because there are standards set by the institution to be able to send their amil in participating in zakat amil certification. There are several requirements or SOPs from either the YDSF Malang institution or from BAZNAS that must be fulfilled by the amil so that they can take the amil certification exam itself. (2.) The inhibiting factor for implementing the regulation from YDSF Malang is human resources, related to the readiness or ability of the amil itself. As for the supporting factors to be able to apply this regulation is the existence of communication; disposition; and bureaucratic structures. ARABIC: الزكاة ركن من أركان التخفيف من حدة الفقر. تتمتع إندونيسيا بإمكانيات عالية جدًا في تحصيل أموال الزكاة ، لأن غالبية سكان إندونيسيا مسلمون. لتحسين وضمان جودة إدارة الزكاة والإدارة المهنية للزكاة ، وكذلك الحاجة إلى تنظيم التوحيد القياسي في إدارة الزكاة ، أصدرت بازناس اللائحة رقم 2 لعام 2018 بشأن اعتماد عامل الزكاة. YDSF Malang هي إحدى منظمات إدارة الزكاة في مدينة مالانج. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إجراء فحص أعمق لتطبيق شهادة زكاة العامل في YDSF Malang وما هي العوامل المثبطة والداعمة لتنفيذ اللائحة. استخدمت الباحثة بهذا البحث منهاجا وصفيا كيفيا. أمّا مصدر الأساسي بهذا البحث هو من ثلاثة عوامل YDSF مالانج الذين تم تصديقها من عامل الزكاة. طريق تحليل البيانات المستخدمة بهذا البحث هي تفطيش البيانات، تصنيف البيانات، التحقق، تحليل البيانات، و الإستنباط. يخلص هذا البحث إلى ما يلي: 1.( لقد نفذت YDSF Malang شهادة زكاة الأميل في YDSF Malang ولكن لم يتم تطبيق الشهادة بالكامل على جميع الأميل. هذا بسبب وجود معايير وضعتها المؤسسة لتتمكن من إرسال الأميل الخاص بهم في المشاركة في شهادة زكاة الأميل. هناك العديد من المتطلبات أو إجراءات التشغيل الموحدة من مؤسسة YDSF Malang أو من BAZNAS والتي يجب أن يفي بها الأميل حتى يتمكنوا من اجتياز امتحان شهادة الأميل نفسه. 2.( العامل المثبط للقدرة على تطبيق اللوائح من YDSF Malang هو الموارد البشرية ، المتعلقة باستعداد أو قدرة الأميل نفسه. أما بالنسبة للعوامل الداعمة للقدرة على تطبيق هذه اللائحة فهي وجود الاتصال ؛ تغير؛ والهياكل البيروقراطية