113 research outputs found

    Can classical surface plasmon resonance advance via the coupling to other analytical approaches?

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    For nearly 40 years, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis has been used to better understand the binding interaction strength between surface immobilized bioreceptors and the analytes of interest. The advantage of surface plasmon resonance, over other affinity sensing approaches such as Western blots and ELISAs approaches, resides in its possibility to reveal binding kinetics in a label-free manner. The concept of surface plasmon resonance has in addition been widely employed for the development of biosensors capitalizing on its direct assay format, short response times, simple sample treatments along with multiplexed sensing possibilities. To this must be added the possibility to reach high sensitivity due to the capability of surface plasmon resonance to detect very small changes in refractive index at the sensing interfaces in particular for analytes of larger size such as cells (e.g., bacteria), proteins, peptides and oligonucleotides. Challenges inherent to all affinity approaches call for further research and include non-specific surface binding events, mass transportation restrictions, steric hindrance, and the risk of data misinterpretation in case of lack of selective analyte binding. This opinion article is devoted to outlining the different approaches proposed to address these challenges by e.g., coupling with fluorescence read out, electrochemical sensing, mass spectroscopy analysis and more recently to integrate lateral flow concepts into surface plasmon resonance. Other plasmonic methods such as localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR), surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) will not be considered in detail, as such techniques have nowadays their own standing

    Assessment of the longitudinal humoral response in non-hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals at decentralized sites: Outcomes and concordance

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    IntroductionEarly in the COVID-19 pandemic, reagent availability was not uniform, and infrastructure had to be urgently adapted to undertake COVID-19 surveillance.MethodsBefore the validation of centralized testing, two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) were established independently at two decentralized sites using different reagents and instrumentation. We compared the results of these assays to assess the longitudinal humoral response of SARS-CoV-2-positive (i.e., PCR-confirmed), non-hospitalized individuals with mild to moderate symptoms, who had contracted SARSCoV-2 prior to the appearance of variants of concern in Québec, Canada.ResultsThe two assays exhibited a high degree of concordance to identify seropositive individuals, thus validating the robustness of the methods. The results also confirmed that serum immunoglobulins persist ≥ 6 months post-infection among non-hospitalized adults and that the antibodies elicited by infection cross-reacted with the antigens from P.1 (Gamma) and B.1.617.2 (Delta) variants of concern.DiscussionTogether, these results demonstrate that immune surveillance assays can be rapidly and reliably established when centralized testing is not available or not yet validated, allowing for robust immune surveillance

    Cursive Eye-Writing With Smooth-Pursuit Eye-Movement Is Possible in Subjects With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disorder causing a progressive motor weakness of all voluntary muscles, whose progression challenges communication modalities such as handwriting or speech. The current study investigated whether ALS subjects can use Eye-On-Line (EOL), a novel eye-operated communication device allowing, after training, to voluntarily control smooth-pursuit eye-movements (SPEM) so as to eye-write in cursive. To that aim, ALS participants (n = 12) with preserved eye-movements but impaired handwriting were trained during six on-site visits. The primary outcome of the study was the recognition of eye-written digits (0–9) from ALS and healthy control subjects by naïve “readers.” Changes in oculomotor performance and the safety of EOL were also evaluated. At the end of the program, 69.4% of the eye-written digits from 11 ALS subjects were recognized by naïve readers, similar to the 67.3% found for eye-written digits from controls participants, with however, large inter-individual differences in both groups of “writers.” Training with EOL was associated with a transient fatigue leading one ALS subject to drop out the study at the fifth visit. Otherwise, itching eyes was the most common adverse event (3 subjects). This study shows that, despite the impact of ALS on the motor system, most ALS participants could improve their mastering of eye-movements, so as to produce recognizable eye-written digits, although the eye-traces sometimes needed smoothing to ease digit legibility from both ALS subjects and control participants. The capability to endogenously and voluntarily generate eye-traces using EOL brings a novel way to communicate for disabled individuals, allowing creative personal and emotional expression

    Optoplasmonic effects in highly curved surfaces for catalysis, photothermal heating, and SERS

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    Surface curvature can be used to focus light and alter optical processes. Here, we show that curved surfaces (spheres, cylinders, and cones) with a radius of around 5 μm lead to maximal optoplasmonic properties including surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), photocatalysis, and photothermal processes. Glass microspheres, microfibers, pulled fibers, and control flat substrates were functionalized with well-dispersed and dense arrays of 45 nm Au NP using polystyrene-block-poly-4-vinylpyridine (PS-b-P4VP) and chemically modified with 4-mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA, SERS reporter), 4-nitrobenzenethiol (4-NBT, reactive to plasmonic catalysis), or 4-fluorophenyl isocyanide (FPIC, photothermal reporter). The various curved substrates enhanced the plasmonic properties by focusing the light in a photonic nanojet and providing a directional antenna to increase the collection efficacy of SERS photons. The optoplasmonic effects led to an increase of up to 1 order of magnitude of the SERS response, up to 5 times the photocatalytic conversion of 4-NBT to 4,4′-dimercaptoazobenzene when the diameter of the curved surfaces was about 5 μm and a small increase in photothermal effects. Taken together, the results provide evidence that curvature enhances plasmonic properties and that its effect is maximal for spherical objects around a few micrometers in diameter, in agreement with a theoretical framework based on geometrical optics. These enhanced plasmonic effects and the stationary-phase-like plasmonic substrates pave the way to the next generation of sensors, plasmonic photocatalysts, and photothermal devices

    High Power Electric Propulsion: MARS plus EUROPA – Already Beyond 2025!

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    It’s mid-term realization plus global strategic investments: the results of the European Russian DEMOCRITOS project (Horizon 2020) related to the MW class INPPS (International Nuclear Power and Propulsion System) flagship will be described. INPPS flagship includes high power electric thrusters cluster, supplied electric power by the nuclear reactor (successfully tested in Russia) and a solar power ring. Two INPPS versions were studied – the wide and arrow wing versions. Both versions have a futuristic design with standardized interfaces for several flagship subsystems. Especially the high payload mass of INPPS allows the transport of – for example – up to 12 t to JUPITER moon EUROPA and about 18 t to MARS – as a function of specific impulse of electric thrusters. INPPS flagship not only allows scientific, but especially commercial and communication payloads as well. This means industrial-scale production of space flight systems for robotic and human space exploration. International cooperation related to INPPS realization are necessary within an International High Power Space Transportation program to realize the DEMOCRITOS core, ground and space components until 2025. DEMOCRITOS project included partners from Europe, Russia and a Brazilian guest observer and received several inputs from NASA Cleveland and JAXA Tokyo

    A Comparison between Query Languages for the Extraction of Association Rules

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    Abstract. Recently inductive databases (IDBs) have been proposed to afford the problem of knowledge discovery from huge databases. With an IDB the user/analyst performs a set of very different operations on data using a special-purpose language, powerful enough to perform all the required manipulations, such as data preprocessing, pattern discovery and pattern post-processing. In this paper we present a comparison between query languages (MSQL, DMQL and MINE RULE) that have been proposed for association rules extraction in the last years and discuss their common features and differences. We present them using a set of examples, taken from the real practice of data mining. This allows us to define the language design guidelines, with particular attention to the open issues on IDBs.

    Drug-Based Gold Nanoparticles Overgrowth for Enhanced SPR Biosensing of Doxycycline

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    In clinical chemistry, frequent monitoring of drug levels in patients has gained considerable importance because of the benefits of drug monitoring on human health, such as the avoidance of high risk of over dosage or increased therapeutic efficacy. In this work, we demonstrate that the drug doxycycline can act as an Au nanoparticle (doxy-AuNP) growth and capping agent to enhance the response of a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor for this drug. SPR analysis revealed the high sensitivity of doxy-AuNPs towards the detection of free doxycycline. More specifically, doxy-AuNPs bound with protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) immobilized on the SPR sensing surface yield the response in SPR, which was enhanced following the addition of free doxy (analyte) to the solution of doxy-AuNPs. This biosensor allowed for doxycycline detection at concentrations as low as 7 pM. The study also examined the role of colloidal stability and growth of doxy-AuNPs in relation to the response-enhancement strategy based on doxy-AuNPs. Thus, the doxy-AuNPs-based SPR biosensor is an excellent platform for the detection of doxycycline and demonstrates a new biosensing scheme where the analyte can provide enhancement