115 research outputs found

    Is the NEI-VFQ-25 a useful tool in identifying visual impairment in an elderly population?

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    BACKGROUND: The use of self-report questionnaires to substitute for visual acuity measurement has been limited. We examined the association between visual impairment and self reported visual function in a population sample of older people in the UK. METHODS: Cross sectional study of people aged more than 75 years who initially participated in a trial of health screening. The association between 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ) scores and visual impairment (defined as an acuity of less than 6/18 in the better eye) was examined using logistic regression. RESULTS: Visual acuity and NEI-VFQ scores were obtained from 1807 participants (aged 77 to 101 years, 36% male), from 20 general practices throughout the UK. After adjustment for age, gender, practice and NEI-VFQ sub-scale scores, those complaining of poor vision in general were 4.77 times (95% CI 3.03 to 7.53) more likely to be visually impaired compared to those who did not report difficulty. Self-reported limitations with social functioning and dependency on others due to poor vision were also associated with visual impairment (odds ratios, 2.52, 95% CI 1.55 to 4.11; 1.73, 95% CI 1.05 to 2.86 respectively). Those reporting difficulties with near vision and colour vision were more likely to be visually impaired (odds ratios, 2.32, 95% CI 1.30 to 4.15; 2.25, 95% CI 1.35 to 3.73 respectively). Other NEI-VFQ sub-scale scores were unrelated to measures of acuity. Similar but weaker odds ratios were found with reduced visual acuity (defined as less than 6/12 in the better eye). Although differences in NEI-VFQ scores were small, scores were strongly associated with visual acuity, binocular status, and difference in acuity between eyes. CONCLUSION: NEI-VFQ questions regarding the quality of general vision, social functioning, visual dependency, near vision and colour vision are strongly and independently associated with an objective measure of visual impairment in an elderly population

    Patient-centred measurement in ophthalmology – a paradigm shift

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    Ophthalmologists and researchers in ophthalmology understand what a rapidly evolving field ophthalmology is, and that to conduct good research it is essential to use the latest and best methods. In outcomes research, one modern initiative has been to conduct holistic measurement of outcomes inclusive of the patient's point of view; patient-centred outcome. This, of course, means including a questionnaire. However, the irony of trying to improve outcomes research by being inclusive of many measures is that the researcher may not be expert in all measures used. Certainly, few people conducting outcomes research in ophthalmology would claim to be questionnaire experts. Most tend to be experts in their ophthalmic subspecialty and probably simply choose a popular questionnaire that appears to fit their needs and think little more about it. Perhaps, unlike our own field, we assume that the field of questionnaire research is relatively stable. This is far from the case. The measurement of patient-centred outcomes with questionnaires is a rapidly evolving field. Indeed, over the last few years a paradigm shift has occurred in patient-centred measurement

    Personality and functional vision in older adults with age-related macular degeneration

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    Introduction: The purpose of the study was to determine whether personality traits influence self-reported functional vision in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods: This is a prospective cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the Low Vision Depression Prevention Trial. Participants (N = 182) over age 65 with bilateral AMD, visual acuity worse than 20/70 in the better-seeing eye, and subthreshold depression were recruited from the Wills Eye Hospital retina practice. Assessments included visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire-25 plus Supplement (NEI VFQ-25) near and distance subscales, depression, and personality testing. Structural equation models were used to investigate the relationship of the NEI VFQ near activities and distance activities with the various demographic, clinical, and psychological predictors. Results: In the single-predictor model for near functional vision, visual acuity at logMAR ≀ 1 (estimate = -0.33 [95% confidence interval {CI} -0.46, -0.20]; p ≀ 0.001), neuroticism (estimate = -0.05 [95% CI -0.08, -0.01]; p = 0.01), and education (estimate = -0.08 [95% CI 0.01, 0.15]; p = 0.03) were statistically significant predictors. In the single-predictor model for distance functional vision, only visual acuity at logMAR ≀ 1 (estimate = -0.49 [95% CI -0.69, -0.29]; p ≀ 0.001) and neuroticism (estimate = -0.09 [95% CI -0.15, 0.02]; p = 0.008) were statistically significant predictors. Discussion: Self-reported functional vision depends on the severity of vision loss as well as the personality trait of neuroticism. Implications for practitioners: Assessment of personality traits, particularly neuroticism, may increase the precision of rating scales of functional vision and suggest new rehabilitative interventions to improve the functional vision and quality of life of patients with AMD © 2014 AFB, All Rights Reserved

    Spanish version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-Sp)

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    BACKGROUND: The need for appraisal of oral health-related quality of life has been increasingly recognized over the last decades. The aims of this study were to develop a Spanish version (OHIP-Sp) of the Oral Health Impact Profile and to evaluate its convergent and discriminative validity, and its internal consistency. METHODS: The original 49-items OHIP was translated to Spanish, revised for understanding and semantics by two independent dentists, and then translated back to English by an independent bilingual dentist. The data originated in a cross sectional study conducted among high school students from the Province of Santiago, Chile. The study group was sampled using a multistage random cluster procedure yielding 9,203 students aged 12–21 years. All selected students were invited to participate and all filled a questionnaire with information on socio-demographic factors; oral health related behaviors; and self-reported oral health status (good, fair or poor). From this group, 9,163 students also accepted to fill a detailed questionnaire on socio-economic indicators and to receive a clinical examination comprising direct recordings of clinical attachment levels (CAL) in molars and incisors, tooth loss, and the presence of necrotizing ulcerative gingival lesions. RESULTS: The participation rate and the questionnaire completeness were high with OHIP-Sp total scores being computed for 9,133 subjects. Self-perceived oral health status was associated with the total OHIP-Sp score and all its domains (Spearman rank correlation). The OHIP-Sp total score was also directly associated with the 4 dental outcomes investigated (Mann-Whitney test) and the largest impact was found for the outcomes, 'tooth loss' with a mean OHIP-Sp score = 13.5 and 'CAL >= 3 mm' with a mean OHIP-Sp score = 13.0. CONCLUSION: The OHIP-Sp revealed suitable convergent and discriminative validity and appropriate internal consistency (Cronbach's α). Further studies on OHIP-Sp warrant the inclusion of populations with a higher disease burden; and the use of test-retest reliability exercises to evaluate the stability of the test

    Effects of standard training in the use of closed-circuit televisions in visually impaired adults: design of a training protocol and a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reading problems are frequently reported by visually impaired persons. A closed-circuit television (CCTV) can be helpful to maintain reading ability, however, it is difficult to learn how to use this device. In the Netherlands, an evidence-based rehabilitation program in the use of CCTVs was lacking. Therefore, a standard training protocol needed to be developed and tested in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to provide an evidence-based training program in the use of this device.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>To develop a standard training program, information was collected by studying literature, observing training in the use of CCTVs, discussing the content of the training program with professionals and organizing focus and discussion groups. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated in an RCT, to obtain an evidence-based training program. Dutch patients (n = 122) were randomized into a treatment group: normal instructions from the supplier combined with training in the use of CCTVs, or into a control group: instructions from the supplier only. The effect of the training program was evaluated in terms of: change in reading ability (reading speed and reading comprehension), patients' skills to operate the CCTV, perceived (vision-related) quality of life and tasks performed in daily living.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The development of the CCTV training protocol and the design of the RCT in the present study may serve as an example to obtain an evidence-based training program. The training program was adjusted to the needs and learning abilities of individual patients, however, for scientific reasons it might have been preferable to standardize the protocol further, in order to gain more comparable results.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p><url>http://www.trialregister.nl</url>, identifier: NTR1031</p

    Additional psychometric information and vision-specific questionnaires are available for age-realted macular degeneration

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    Purpose: To present psychometric information and studies dealing with questionnaires for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and visually impaired patients in addition to the study by Finger et al. "Quality of life in AMD: a review of available vision-specific psychometric tools". We propose that their literature search should not have focused solely on the specific eye disease AMD. Methods: The literature search was partly replicated (PubMed) by using "visual impairment" instead of "macular degeneration" as free text words. Psychometric information was obtained from the additional studies. Preliminary results from a differential item functioning (DIF) analysis used to examine the relationship between item responses on the Vision-related quality of life Core Measure (VCM1) of AMD patients versus patients with other eye conditions are discussed. Results: Eight studies of visually impaired patient populations, including AMD patients, are discussed, with psychometric information from six vision-specific questionnaires. The VCM1 items did not present DIF, which means that the items were equally interpreted by all patients. Conclusions: The results on DIF and the additional studies presented here confirm that a specific eye disorder is of minor importance in the choice of a vision-specific questionnaire or, in this case, a literature search

    Re-evaluating a vision-related quality of life questionnaire with item response theory (IRT) and differential item functioning (DIF) analyses

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    Background: For the Low Vision Quality Of Life questionnaire (LVQOL) it is unknown whether the psychometric properties are satisfactory when an item response theory (IRT) perspective is considered. This study evaluates some essential psychometric properties of the LVQOL questionnaire in an IRT model, and investigates differential item functioning (DIF). Methods: Cross-sectional data were used from an observational study among visually-impaired patients (n = 296). Calibration was performed for every dimension of the LVQOL in the graded response model. Item goodness-of-fit was assessed with the S-X2-test. DIF was assessed on relevant background variables (i.e. age, gender, visual acuity, eye condition, rehabilitation type and administration type) with likelihood-ratio tests for DIF. The magnitude of DIF was interpreted by assessing the largest difference in expected scores between subgroups. Measurement precision was assessed by presenting test information curves; reliability with the index of subject separation. Results: All items of the LVQOL dimensions fitted the model. There was significant DIF on several items. For two items the maximum difference between expected scores exceeded one point, and DIF was found on multiple relevant background variables. Item 1 ‘Vision in general’ from the “Adjustment” dimension and item 24 ‘Using tools’ from the “Reading and fine work” dimension were removed. Test information was highest for the “Reading and fine work” dimension. Indices for subject separation ranged from 0.83 to 0.94. Conclusions: The items of the LVQOL showed satisfactory item fit to the graded response model; however, two items were removed because of DIF. The adapted LVQOL with 21 items is DIF-free and therefore seems highly appropriate for use in heterogeneous populations of visually impaired patients. (aut.ref.
