599 research outputs found

    Preliminary Report on the Study of Beam-Induced Background Effects at a Muon Collider

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    Physics at a multi-TeV muon collider needs a change of perspective for the detector design due to the large amount of background induced by muon beam decays. Preliminary studies, based on simulated data, on the composition and the characteristics of the particles originated from the muon decays and reaching the detectors are presented here. The reconstruction performance of the physics processes H→bbˉH\to b\bar b and Z→bbˉZ\to b\bar b has been investigated for the time being without the effect of the machine induced background. A preliminary study of the environment hazard due to the radiation induced by neutrino interactions with the matter is presented using the FLUKA simulation program

    Effect of the wooden vats on traditional cheese characteristics

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    Wooden vats have been used for centuries to collect and transform milk by farmers and cheesemakers all over the world. Nowadays, the tree species mostly used to this purpose are Douglas fir and chestnut. The use of wooden vats is mandatory for the production of all PDO Sicilian cheeses, such as Ragusano, Pecorino Siciliano, Piacentinu Ennese and Vastedda della valle del Belìce. In the last years, the wooden vats have been deeply explored for the microbiological characteristics and they are covered by biofilms mainly represented by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) entrapped in a polysaccharide matrix. These microbial associations do not include pathogenic species. Up to date, there are no studies performed on the effect of wooden vats made with different tree species on the characteristics of the final cheeses. Thus, this aspect represents the main aim of the present study. Eight wooden vats (20-L volume) were made with eight tree species (Calabrian Chestnut, Sicilian Chestnut, Cedar, Cherry, Ash, Wot, Pine and Poplar) and subjected to 15-d whey treatment for the activation of the LAB biofilms on the internal surfaces. All 8 wooden vats were then used to produce PDO Vastedda della valle del Belìce cheese, according to the EU Regulation. Each cheese making (carried out in duplicate at 7-d interval) was obtained from 14 l of raw ewes’ milk. The cheeses were packaged under vacuum and, after 14 days of refrigerated storage, analysed for their physical (pH, aw, CIELab parameters) and chemical composition (DM, fat, protein, N soluble, ash, salt) according to official methods. Moreover, peroxides, TBARs and polyphenols were also determined. Vastedda cheeses were subject to a sensory evaluation following the ISO indications. Several ANOVA models were employed to statistical analyses. The results of the characterization of the cheeses revealed that the wooden vats did not influence their chemical composition, while Lightness (L*) and hue angle were significantly modified by the tree species (table 1). In particular, the cheeses produced in vats made with Calabrian and Sicilian chestnut were characterized by a lower yellow intensity than the other tree species. Poplar vat produced Vastedda cheeses with significant lower peroxidase oxidation (1.68 mq/kg) and TBARs (0.0042 mg MDA/100 g of fat), probably due to the effect of natural antioxidant transferred from the wood to the milk. No particular differences among cheeses were appreciated by the panellists

    Fabrication of Molecular Micro-NanoStructures by Surface-Tension-Driven Technique

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    We present the fabrication of a pixels structure by a well-defined pattern replication of a micrometer template driven by a surface free-energy lithographic technique, realized by molecular aggregation in dewetting conditions and by confining the liquid solution with geometric boundaries. The organization in the solid-state of the selected thiophene-based molecular materials allows to realize a bicoloured, green and red-emitting pixels structure, by exploiting the molecular structural arrangement, induced during a dewetting process, and the great conformational flexibility of DTT7Me
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