683 research outputs found

    String Phase Transitions in a Strong Magnetic Field

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    We consider open strings in an external constant magnetic field HH. For an (infinite) sequence of critical values of HH an increasing number of (highest spin component) states lying on the first Regge trajectory becomes tachyonic. In the limit of infinite HH all these states are tachyons (with a common tachyonic mass) both in the case of the bosonic string and for the Neveu-Schwarz sector of the fermionic string. This result generalizes to extended object the same instability which occurs in ordinary non-Abelian gauge theories. The Ramond states have always positive square masses as is the case for ordinary QED. The weak field limit of the mass spectrum is the same as for a field theory with gyromagnetic ratio gS=2g_S=2 for all charged spin states. This behavior suggests a phase transition of the string as it has been argued for the ordinary electroweak theory.Comment: 8 page

    R2{\cal R}^2 Supergravity

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    We formulate R2R^2 pure supergravity as a scale invariant theory built only in terms of superfields describing the geometry of curved superspace. The standard supergravity duals are obtained in both "old" and "new" minimal formulations of auxiliary fields. These theories have massless fields in de Sitter space as they do in their non supersymmetric counterpart. Remarkably, the dual theory of R2R^2 supergravity in the new minimal formulation is an extension of the Freedman model, describing a massless gauge field and a massless chiral multiplet in de Sitter space, with inverse radius proportional to the Fayet-Iliopoulos term. This model can be interpreted as the "de-Higgsed" phase of the dual companion theory of R+R2R+R^2 supergravity.Comment: 12 page

    The economic effects of violent conflict: evidence from asset market reactions

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    This paper studies the effects of conflict onset on asset markets applying the event study methodology. We consider a sample of 112 conflicts during the period 1974-2004 and find that a sizeable fraction of them had a significant impact on stock market indices and on major commodity prices. Furthermore, our results suggest that we are more likely to see investor reactions in response to conflicts that occur in highly polarized settings, possibly because the expected duration and intensity of the conflict is higher.Stock exchanges ; Prices

    Diamonds are forever, wars are not. Is conflict bad for private firms?

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    This paper studies the relationship between civil war and the value of firms in a poor, resource abundant country using microeconomic data for Angola. We focus on diamond mining firms and conduct an event study on the sudden end of the conflict, marked by the death of the rebel movement leader in 2002. We find that the stock market perceived this event as “bad news” rather than “good news” for companies holding concessions in Angola, as their abnormal returns declined by 4 percentage points. The event had no effect on a control portfolio of otherwise similar diamond mining companies. This finding is corroborated by other events and by the adoption of alternative methodologies. We interpret our findings in the light of conflict-generated entry barriers, government bargaining power and transparency in the licensing process.Microeconomics ; Mineral industries

    Bots increase exposure to negative and inflammatory content in online social systems

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    Societies are complex systems which tend to polarize into sub-groups of individuals with dramatically opposite perspectives. This phenomenon is reflected -- and often amplified -- in online social networks where, however, humans are no more the only players, and co-exist alongside with social bots, i.e., software-controlled accounts. Analyzing large-scale social data collected during the Catalan referendum for independence on October 1, 2017, consisting of nearly 4 millions Twitter posts generated by almost 1 million users, we identify the two polarized groups of Independentists and Constitutionalists and quantify the structural and emotional roles played by social bots. We show that bots act from peripheral areas of the social system to target influential humans of both groups, bombarding Independentists with violent contents, increasing their exposure to negative and inflammatory narratives and exacerbating social conflict online. Our findings stress the importance of developing countermeasures to unmask these forms of automated social manipulation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Food, Migration, and Identity: Halal food and Muslim immigrants in Italy

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    Recent events have solidified an Islamic identity for North African immigrants in Italy. Parts of the Italian population have transformed their general prejudice against immigrants into an anti-Islamic sentiment. This sentiment is caused by a clash of created identities that do not necessarily correspond to ethnic groups. Food is an important aspect of personal identity, and in the case of Muslim immigrants, religious dietary guidelines make certain foods legal (halal) and other ones illegal (haram). Does halal food unite Muslim immigrants or are other aspects of personal identity that are more important? Halal butcher shops have become the symbol of this cultural identity, where both religion and national origin mix. I argue that immigrants recreate a personal and ethnic Muslim identity through food

    Supersymmetry Breaking by Higher Dimension Operators

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    We discuss a supersymmetry breaking mechanism for N = 1 theories triggered by higher dimensional op- erators. We consider such operators for real linear and chiral spinor superfields that break superymmetry and reduce to the Volkov-Akulov action. We also consider supersymmetry breaking induced by a higher dimensional operator of a nonminimal scalar (complex linear) multiplet. The latter differs from the stan- dard chiral multiplet in its auxiliary sector, which contains, in addition to the complex scalar auxiliary of a chiral superfield, a complex vector and two spinors auxiliaries. By adding an appropriate higher di- mension operator, the scalar auxiliary may acquire a nonzero vev triggering spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We find that the spectrum of the theory in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum consists of a free chiral multiplet and a constraint chiral superfield describing the goldstino. Interestingly, the latter turns out to be one of the auxiliary fermions, which becomes dynamical in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. In all cases we are considering here, there is no sgoldstino mode and thus the goldstino does not have a superpartner. The sgoldstino is decoupled since the goldstino is one of the auxiliaries, which is propagating only in the supersymmetry breaking vacuum. We also point out how higher dimension operators introduce a potential for the propagating scalar of the theory.Comment: 28 page

    Minimal Supergravity Models of Inflation

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    We present a superconformal master action for a class of supergravity models with one arbitrary function defining the Jordan frame. It leads to a gauge-invariant action for a real vector multiplet, which upon gauge fixing describes a massive vector multiplet, or to a dual formulation with a linear multiplet and a massive tensor field. In both cases the models have one real scalar, the inflaton, naturally suited for single-field inflation. Vectors and tensors required by supersymmetry to complement a single real scalar do not acquire vev's during inflation, so there is no need to stabilize the extra scalars which are always present in the theories with chiral matter multiplets. The new class of models can describe any inflaton potential which vanishes at its minimum and grows monotonically away from the minimum. In this class of supergravity models one can fit any desirable choice of inflationary parameters n_s and r.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, the version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Higher Order Corrections in Minimal Supergravity Models of Inflation

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    We study higher order corrections in new minimal supergravity models of a single scalar field inflation. The gauging in these models leads to a massive vector multiplet and the D-term potential for the inflaton field with a coupling g^{2} ~ 10^{-10}. In the de-Higgsed phase with vanishing g^2, the chiral and vector multiplets are non-interacting, and the potential vanishes. We present generic manifestly supersymmetric higher order corrections for these models. In particular, for a supersymmetric gravity model -R+ R^2 we derive manifestly supersymmetric corrections corresponding to R^n. The dual version corresponds to a standard supergravity model with a single scalar and a massive vector. It includes, in addition, higher Maxwell curvature/scalar interaction terms of the Born-Infeld type and a modified D-term scalar field potential. We use the dual version of the model to argue that higher order corrections do not affect the last 60 e-foldings of inflation; for example the \xi R^4 correction is irrelevant as long as \xi< 10^{24}.Comment: 25 pages, the version to appear in JCA
