74 research outputs found

    The production rate of the coarse grained Gibbs entropy and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy: a real connection ?

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    We discuss the connection between the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, hKSh_{KS}, and the production rate of the coarse grained Gibbs entropy, rGr_G. Detailed numerical computations show that the (often accepted) identification of the two quantities does not hold in systems with intermittent behavior and/or very different characteristic times and in systems presenting pseudo-chaos. The basic reason of this fact is in the asymptotic (with respect to time) nature of hKSh_{KS}, while rGr_G is a quantity related to short time features of a system.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures Submitted to PR

    Properties making a chaotic system a good Pseudo Random Number Generator

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    We discuss two properties making a deterministic algorithm suitable to generate a pseudo random sequence of numbers: high value of Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and high-dimensionality. We propose the multi dimensional Anosov symplectic (cat) map as a Pseudo Random Number Generator. We show what chaotic features of this map are useful for generating Pseudo Random Numbers and investigate numerically which of them survive in the discrete version of the map. Testing and comparisons with other generators are performed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, new version, title changed and minor correction

    Scaling and topology in the 2-d O(3) σ\sigma-model on the lattice with the fixed point action

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    We study scaling properties and topological aspects of the 2--d O(3) non--linear σ\sigma--model on the lattice with the parametrized fixed point action recently proposed by P.~Hasenfratz and F.~Niedermayer. The behavior of the mass gap confirms the good properties of scaling of the fixed point action. Concerning the topology, lattice classical solutions are proved to be very stable under local minimization of the action; this outcome ensures the reliability of the cooling method for the computation of the topological susceptibility, which indeed reproduces the results of the field theoretical approach. Disagreement is instead observed with a different approach in which the fixed point topological charge operator is used: we argue that the discrepancy is related to the ultraviolet dominated nature of the model.Comment: 24 pages (Latex) + 8 figures (PostScript) in a uuencoded compressed tar fil

    A strong-coupling analysis of two-dimensional O(N) sigma models with N≥3N\geq 3 on square, triangular and honeycomb lattices

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    Recently-generated long strong-coupling series for the two-point Green's functions of asymptotically free O(N){\rm O}(N) lattice σ\sigma models are analyzed, focusing on the evaluation of dimensionless renormalization-group invariant ratios of physical quantities and applying resummation techniques to series in the inverse temperature β\beta and in the energy EE. Square, triangular, and honeycomb lattices are considered, as a test of universality and in order to estimate systematic errors. Large-NN solutions are carefully studied in order to establish benchmarks for series coefficients and resummations. Scaling and universality are verified. All invariant ratios related to the large-distance properties of the two-point functions vary monotonically with NN, departing from their large-NN values only by a few per mille even down to N=3N=3.Comment: 53 pages (incl. 5 figures), tar/gzip/uuencode, REVTEX + psfi


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    Scaling Laws and Multifractality in Magnetic Dynamos

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    The relevance of chaos for the linear response theory

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