27 research outputs found

    Use of an experimental high-magnesium tall fescue to reduce grass tetany in cattle

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    Grass tetany (hypomagnesemia) continues to be a problem for the livestock industry. An experimental cultivar of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Shreb.) selected for high Mg concentration, HiMag, was compared against four other cultivars for its ability to increase serum-Mg and reduce the risk of grass tetany. Forage from HiMag contained 22% more Mg, 183% more Ca, and 9% more P than other cultivars; K levels were not different. Regardless of cultivar, concentrations of Ca and Mg were lower while K and P were higher during the spring than the autumn. The tetany ratio IK/(Ca + Mg) on basis] was lower for HiMag than for other cultivars (1.34 vs. 1.65); all cultivars had a higher ratio during spring than autumn (1.91 vs. 1.31). In cattle (Bos taurus) grazing trials, blood serum from steers grazing HiMag contained 8% more Mg in autumn 1993 but was not different in spring 1994. Blood serum Mg was not different for cows (either dry or nursing calves) during autumn grazing, but approached significance (P = 0.09) during the spring 1995 calving season (2.32 vs. 2.07 mg/dL for HiMag vs. other cultivars). Except for differences between calves on HiMag compared with Kentucky-31 in autumn 1995 (58 vs. 43 lb, respectively), animal weight change was not affected by cultivar. Normal forage Mg concentrations (>0.20%) and tetany ratios below 2.2 for all cultivars in every season except spring 1995 may explain the lack of consistent animal response. No clinical symptoms of grass tetany were observed at any time during these studies. However, the higher Mg concentration and lower tetany ratio suggest that HiMag could provide a means of reducing the incidence of grass tetany in livestock during periods when risk of the disorder is high

    Registration of HiMag Tall Fescue Germplasm

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    HiMag (Reg. no. GP-79, PI 615587) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) was developed and released by the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA-ARS in 1997. HiMag has relatively high Mg and Ca concentrations and low tetany ratio [K/(Ca + Mg)] expressed as moles of charge. Parental germplasm for the Co cycle of selection for HiMag included 950 plants from 'Kenhy' (Buckner et al., 1977), 831 plants from 'Kentucky-31', and 688 plants from `Missouri-96' (Asay et al., 1979). All plants were endophyte free [ Neotyphodium coenophialum (Morgan-Jones and Gams) Glenn, Bacon, and Hanlin comb. nov.]. Parental plants were transplanted to the field near Columbia, MO, in the fall of 1983. The soil was a Mexico silt loam (a fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Udollic Ochraqualf) with a pH of 6.4. Selection was applied against crown rust (caused by Puccinia coronata Corda. var. coronata), leaving 1011 plants which were harvested in the fall of 1984 and analyzed for elemental concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, and the tetany ratio. Sixty-five plants (11 from Kentucky- 31, 54 from Missouri-96, and 0 from Kenhy) were chosen to generate the C1 cycle of selection. These 65 plants contained 5.0 to 7.0 g kg-1 Mg, 5.0 to 10.2 g kg' Ca, 20 to 33 g K, and had K/(Ca + Mg) values of 0.61 to 0.99. These were allowed to open-pollinate in the greenhouse during the winter of 1985/86. Harvested seeds were germinated in the greenhouse and seedlings were transplanted to the field in the fall of 1986. During the fall of 1987 approximately 1000 plants were analyzed from the CI cycle to determine elemental concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, and the tetany ratio. Forty-six plants chosen for the C2 contained 4.4 to 6.1 g kg -' Mg, 5.5 to 8.1 g kg-' Ca, 17.2 to 30.9 g kg' K, and had tetany ratios of 1.06 to 2.13. These were allowed to open-pollinate in the greenhouse in the winter of 1988-1989. Approximately 1000 seedlings were transplanted to the field having areas of Creldon silt loam (Mollic Fragiudalf) and Hobert silt loam (Umbric Fragiaqualf) at the Southwest Research Center, located near Mt. Vernon, MO, in the fall of 1989. In the summer of 1990, seed was harvested from these spaced plants and planted into an irrigated Portneuf silt loam soil (Durinodic Xeric Haplocalcid) to establish a seed increase block at Kimberly, ID, in April 1991. In 1992, seed from HiMag was harvested with the following characteristics: 1635 kg ha-1, 400 seeds g-1, 2.5 g 1000 seeds-1, and 302 kg m-3

    Saturn Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics

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    2 Saturn inhabits a dynamical regime of rapidly rotating, internally heated atmospheres similar to Jupiter. Zonal winds have remained fairly steady since the time of Voyager except in the equatorial zone and slightly stronger winds occur at deeper levels. Eddies supply energy to the jets at a rate somewhat less than on Jupiter and mix potential vorticity near westward jets. Convective clouds exist preferentially in cyclonic shear regions as on Jupiter but also near jets, including major outbreaks near 35°S associated with Saturn electrostatic discharges, and in sporadic giant equatorial storms perhaps generated from frequent events at depth. The implied meridional circulation at and below the visible cloud tops consists of upwelling (downwelling) at cyclonic (anti-cyclonic) shear latitudes. Thermal winds decay upward above the clouds, implying a reversal of the circulation there. Warm-core vortices with associated cyclonic circulations exist at both poles, including surrounding thick high clouds at the south pole. Disequilibrium gas concentrations in the tropical upper troposphere imply rising motion there. The radiative-convective boundary and tropopause occur at higher pressure in the southern (summer) hemisphere due to greater penetration of solar heating there. A temperature “knee ” of warm air below the tropopause, perhaps due to haze heating, is stronger in the summer hemisphere as well. Saturn’s south polar stratosphere is warmer than predicted by radiative models and enhanced in ethane, suggesting subsidence-driven adiabatic warming there. Recent modeling advances suggest that shallow weather laye

    Use of an experimental high-magnesium tall fescue to reduce grass tetany in cattle

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    Grass tetany (hypomagnesemia) continues to be a problem for the livestock industry. An experimental cultivar of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Shreb.) selected for high Mg concentration, HiMag, was compared against four other cultivars for its ability to increase serum-Mg and reduce the risk of grass tetany. Forage from HiMag contained 22% more Mg, 183% more Ca, and 9% more P than other cultivars; K levels were not different. Regardless of cultivar, concentrations of Ca and Mg were lower while K and P were higher during the spring than the autumn. The tetany ratio IK/(Ca + Mg) on basis] was lower for HiMag than for other cultivars (1.34 vs. 1.65); all cultivars had a higher ratio during spring than autumn (1.91 vs. 1.31). In cattle (Bos taurus) grazing trials, blood serum from steers grazing HiMag contained 8% more Mg in autumn 1993 but was not different in spring 1994. Blood serum Mg was not different for cows (either dry or nursing calves) during autumn grazing, but approached significance (P = 0.09) during the spring 1995 calving season (2.32 vs. 2.07 mg/dL for HiMag vs. other cultivars). Except for differences between calves on HiMag compared with Kentucky-31 in autumn 1995 (58 vs. 43 lb, respectively), animal weight change was not affected by cultivar. Normal forage Mg concentrations (>0.20%) and tetany ratios below 2.2 for all cultivars in every season except spring 1995 may explain the lack of consistent animal response. No clinical symptoms of grass tetany were observed at any time during these studies. However, the higher Mg concentration and lower tetany ratio suggest that HiMag could provide a means of reducing the incidence of grass tetany in livestock during periods when risk of the disorder is high

    Registration of HiMag Tall Fescue Germplasm

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    HiMag (Reg. no. GP-79, PI 615587) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) was developed and released by the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA-ARS in 1997. HiMag has relatively high Mg and Ca concentrations and low tetany ratio [K/(Ca + Mg)] expressed as moles of charge. Parental germplasm for the Co cycle of selection for HiMag included 950 plants from 'Kenhy' (Buckner et al., 1977), 831 plants from 'Kentucky-31', and 688 plants from `Missouri-96' (Asay et al., 1979). All plants were endophyte free [ Neotyphodium coenophialum (Morgan-Jones and Gams) Glenn, Bacon, and Hanlin comb. nov.]. Parental plants were transplanted to the field near Columbia, MO, in the fall of 1983. The soil was a Mexico silt loam (a fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Udollic Ochraqualf) with a pH of 6.4. Selection was applied against crown rust (caused by Puccinia coronata Corda. var. coronata), leaving 1011 plants which were harvested in the fall of 1984 and analyzed for elemental concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, and the tetany ratio. Sixty-five plants (11 from Kentucky- 31, 54 from Missouri-96, and 0 from Kenhy) were chosen to generate the C1 cycle of selection. These 65 plants contained 5.0 to 7.0 g kg-1 Mg, 5.0 to 10.2 g kg' Ca, 20 to 33 g K, and had K/(Ca + Mg) values of 0.61 to 0.99. These were allowed to open-pollinate in the greenhouse during the winter of 1985/86. Harvested seeds were germinated in the greenhouse and seedlings were transplanted to the field in the fall of 1986. During the fall of 1987 approximately 1000 plants were analyzed from the CI cycle to determine elemental concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, and the tetany ratio. Forty-six plants chosen for the C2 contained 4.4 to 6.1 g kg -' Mg, 5.5 to 8.1 g kg-' Ca, 17.2 to 30.9 g kg' K, and had tetany ratios of 1.06 to 2.13. These were allowed to open-pollinate in the greenhouse in the winter of 1988-1989. Approximately 1000 seedlings were transplanted to the field having areas of Creldon silt loam (Mollic Fragiudalf) and Hobert silt loam (Umbric Fragiaqualf) at the Southwest Research Center, located near Mt. Vernon, MO, in the fall of 1989. In the summer of 1990, seed was harvested from these spaced plants and planted into an irrigated Portneuf silt loam soil (Durinodic Xeric Haplocalcid) to establish a seed increase block at Kimberly, ID, in April 1991. In 1992, seed from HiMag was harvested with the following characteristics: 1635 kg ha-1, 400 seeds g-1, 2.5 g 1000 seeds-1, and 302 kg m-3