8,338 research outputs found

    Deconvolution with Shapelets

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    We seek to find a shapelet-based scheme for deconvolving galaxy images from the PSF which leads to unbiased shear measurements. Based on the analytic formulation of convolution in shapelet space, we construct a procedure to recover the unconvolved shapelet coefficients under the assumption that the PSF is perfectly known. Using specific simulations, we test this approach and compare it to other published approaches. We show that convolution in shapelet space leads to a shapelet model of order nmaxh=nmaxg+nmaxfn_{max}^h = n_{max}^g + n_{max}^f with nmaxfn_{max}^f and nmaxgn_{max}^g being the maximum orders of the intrinsic galaxy and the PSF models, respectively. Deconvolution is hence a transformation which maps a certain number of convolved coefficients onto a generally smaller number of deconvolved coefficients. By inferring the latter number from data, we construct the maximum-likelihood solution for this transformation and obtain unbiased shear estimates with a remarkable amount of noise reduction compared to established approaches. This finding is particularly valid for complicated PSF models and low S/NS/N images, which renders our approach suitable for typical weak-lensing conditions.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to A&

    From Illegal to Legal: Estimating Previous Illegal Experience among New Legal Immigrants to the United States

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    This paper develops a framework for estimating previous illegal experience among annual cohorts of new legal immigrants to the United States – using public-use administrative microdata alone, survey data alone, and the two jointly – and provides estimates for the FY 1996 cohort of new immigrants, based on both administrative and survey data. Our procedures enable assessment of type of illegal experience, including entry without inspection, visa overstay, and unauthorized employment. We compare our estimates of previous illegal experience to estimates that would be obtained using administrative data alone; examine the extent of previous illegal experience by country of birth, immigrant class of admission, religion, and geographic residence in the United States; and estimate multivariate models of the probability of having previous illegal experience. To further assess origins and destinations, we carry out two kinds of contrasts, comparing formerly illegal new legal immigrants both to fellow immigrants who do not have previous illegal experience and also to the broader unauthorized population, the latter using estimates developed by DHS (2002), Passel (2002), and Costanzo et al. (2002).administrative data, legal immigration, illegal immigration, survey data

    Immigrant Health--Selectivity and Acculturation

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    This paper explores some salient issues concerning immigrant health. Ethnic health disparities are inherently linked to immigration since ethnic identities often are traced to the country of origin of one's immigrant ancestors. Two of the central questions that have dominated the medical and social science literature on immigrant health are the central focus of this paper. These issues involve the magnitude and mechanisms shaping health selectivity and the determinants of health trajectories following immigration. As part of this paper, we also developed a theoretical model that attempts to explain the diversity in health selection among immigrants.

    Immigration, health, and New York City: early results based on the U.S. new immigrant cohort of 2003

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    This article was presented at a conference organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in April 2005, "Urban Dynamics in New York City." The goal of the conference was threefold: to examine the historical transformations of the engine-of-growth industries in New York and distill the main determinants of the city's historical dominance as well as the challenges to its continued success; to study the nature and evolution of immigration flows into New York; and to analyze recent trends in a range of socioeconomic outcomes, both for the general population and recent immigrants more specifically.Immigrants - New York (N.Y.) ; Medical care - New York (N.Y.) ; Economic conditions - New York (N.Y.) ; Federal Reserve District, 2nd

    MERLIN radio detection of an interaction zone within a binary Orion proplyd system

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    Presented here are high angular resolution MERLIN 5 GHz (6 cm) continuum observations of the binary proplyd system, LV 1 in the Orion nebula, which consists of proplyd 168--326SE and its binary proplyd companion 168--326NW (separation 0.4 arcsec). Accurate astrometric alignment allows a detailed comparison between these data and published HST PC Halpha and [Oiii] images. Thermal radio sources coincide with the two proplyds and originate in the ionized photoevaporating flows seen in the optical emission lines. Flow velocities of approx 50 km/s from the ionized proplyd surfaces and \geq 100 km/s from a possible micro-jet have been detected using the Manchester Echelle spectrometer. A third radio source is found to coincide with a region of extended, high excitation, optical line emission that lies between the binary proplyds 168--326SE/326NW . This is modelled as a bowshock due to the collision of the photoevaporating flows from the two proplyds. Both a thermal and a non-thermal origin for the radio emission in this collision zone are considered.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap
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