4,916 research outputs found

    Deflection resistance indicator

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    Instrument for nondestructively measuring compression resistance of spray foam used as thermal insulation was developed. Cylindrical indicator has probe with coil spring to provide force and indicating dial. Probe is manually pressed against area to be tested until complete foot area contacts foam surfaces

    Heteronuclear ionizing collisions between laser-cooled metastable helium atoms

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    We have investigated cold ionizing heteronuclear collisions in dilute mixtures of metastable (2 3S1) 3He and 4He atoms, extending our previous work on the analogous homonuclear collisions [R. J. W. Stas et al., PRA 73, 032713 (2006)]. A simple theoretical model of such collisions enables us to calculate the heteronuclear ionization rate coefficient, for our quasi-unpolarized gas, in the absence of resonant light (T = 1.2 mK): K34(th) = 2.4*10^-10 cm^3/s. This calculation is supported by a measurement of K34 using magneto-optically trapped mixtures containing about 1*10^8 atoms of each species, K34(exp) = 2.5(8)*10^-10 cm^3/s. Theory and experiment show good agreement.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Charge density of a positively charged vector boson may be negative

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    The charge density of vector particles, for example W, may change sign. The effect manifests itself even for a free propagation; when the energy of the W-boson is higher than sqrt{2}m and the standing-wave is considered the charge density oscillates in space. The charge density of W also changes sign in close vicinity of a Coulomb center. The dependence of this effect on the g-factor for an arbitrary vector boson, for example rho-meson, is discussed. An origin of this surprising effect is traced to the electric quadrupole moment and spin-orbit interaction of vector particles. Their contributions to the current have a polarization nature. The charge density of this current, rho = -\nabla \cdot P, where P is an effective polarization vector that depends on the quadrupole moment and spin-orbit interaction, oscillates in space, producing zero contribution to the total charge.Comment: 4 pages, revte

    Chen-Ruan cohomology of ADE singularities

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    We study Ruan's \textit{cohomological crepant resolution conjecture} for orbifolds with transversal ADE singularities. In the AnA_n-case we compute both the Chen-Ruan cohomology ring HCR([Y])H^*_{\rm CR}([Y]) and the quantum corrected cohomology ring H(Z)(q1,...,qn)H^*(Z)(q_1,...,q_n). The former is achieved in general, the later up to some additional, technical assumptions. We construct an explicit isomorphism between HCR([Y])H^*_{\rm CR}([Y]) and H(Z)(1)H^*(Z)(-1) in the A1A_1-case, verifying Ruan's conjecture. In the AnA_n-case, the family H(Z)(q1,...,qn)H^*(Z)(q_1,...,q_n) is not defined for q1=...=qn=1q_1=...=q_n=-1. This implies that the conjecture should be slightly modified. We propose a new conjecture in the AnA_n-case which we prove in the A2A_2-case by constructing an explicit isomorphism.Comment: This is a short version of my Ph.D. Thesis math.AG/0510528. Version 2: chapters 2,3,4 and 5 has been rewritten using the language of groupoids; a link with the classical McKay correpondence is given. International Journal of Mathematics (to appear

    Relativistic electronic dressing in laser-assisted ionization of atomic hydrogen by electron impact

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    Within the framework of the coplanar binary geometry where it is justified to use plane wave solutions for the study of the (e,2e)(e,2e) reaction and in the presence of a circularly polarized laser field, we introduce as a first step the DVRPWBA1 (Dirac-Volkov Plane Wave Born Approximation1) where we take into account only the relativistic dressing of the incident and scattered electrons. Then, we introduce the DVRPWBA2 (Dirac-Volkov Plane Wave Born Approximation2) where we take totally into account the relativistic dressing of the incident, scattered and ejected electrons. We then compare the corresponding triple differential cross sections for laser-assisted ionization of atomic hydrogen by electron impact both for the non relativistic and the relativistic regime.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 7 figure

    Density Functional Theory for the Photoionization Dynamics of Uracil

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    Photoionization dynamics of the RNA base Uracil is studied in the framework of Density Functional Theory (DFT). The photoionization calculations take advantage of a newly developed parallel version of a multicentric approach to the calculation of the electronic continuum spectrum which uses a set of B-spline radial basis functions and a Kohn-Sham density functional hamiltonian. Both valence and core ionizations are considered. Scattering resonances in selected single-particle ionization channels are classified by the symmetry of the resonant state and the peak energy position in the photoelectron kinetic energy scale; the present results highlight once more the site specificity of core ionization processes. We further suggest that the resonant structures previously characterized in low-energy electron collision experiments are partly shifted below threshold by the photoionization processes. A critical evaluation of the theoretical results providing a guide for future experimental work on similar biosystems

    Path Integral Approach to the Non-Relativistic Electron Charge Transfer

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    A path integral approach has been generalized for the non-relativistic electron charge transfer processes. The charge transfer - the capture of an electron by an ion passing another atom or more generally the problem of rearrangement collisions is formulated in terms of influence functionals. It has been shown that the electron charge transfer process can be treated either as electron transition problem or as elastic scattering of ion and atom in the some effective potential field. The first-order Born approximation for the electron charge transfer cross section has been reproduced to prove the adequacy of the path integral approach for this problem.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical, vol.34, 200

    A Keck High Resolution Spectroscopic Study of the Orion Nebula Proplyds

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    We present the results of spectroscopy of four bright proplyds in the Orion Nebula obtained at a velocity resolution of 6 km/s. After careful isolation of the proplyd spectra from the confusing nebular radiation, the emission line profiles are compared with those predicted by realistic dynamic/photoionization models of the objects. The spectral line widths show a clear correlation with ionization potential, which is consistent with the free expansion of a transonic, ionization-stratified, photoevaporating flow. Fitting models of such a flow simultaneously to our spectra and HST emission line imaging provides direct measurements of the proplyd size, ionized density and outflow velocity. These measurements confirm that the ionization front in the proplyds is approximately D-critical and provide the most accurate and robust estimate to date of the proplyd mass loss rate. Values of 0.7E-6 to 1.5E-6 Msun/year are found for our spectroscopic sample, although extrapolating our results to a larger sample of proplyds implies that 0.4E-6 Msun/year is more typical of the proplyds as a whole. In view of the reported limits on the masses of the circumstellar disks within the proplyds, the length of time that they can have been exposed to ionizing radiation should not greatly exceed 10,000 years - a factor of 30 less than the mean age of the proplyd stars. We review the various mechanisms that have been proposed to explain this situation, and conclude that none can plausibly work unless the disk masses are revised upwards by a substantial amount.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, uses emulateapj.sty, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (scheduled November 1999

    Wormhole Cosmology and the Horizon Problem

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    We construct an explicit class of dynamic lorentzian wormholes connecting Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) spacetimes. These wormholes can allow two-way transmission of signals between spatially separated regions of spacetime and could permit such regions to come into thermal contact. The cosmology of a network of early Universe wormholes is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, in RevTe

    Search for LBV Candidates in the M33 Galaxy

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    A total of 185 luminous blue variable (LBV) candidates with V < 18.5 and B-V < 0.35 are selected based on the photometrical Survey of Local Group Galaxies made by P. Massey et al. 2006. The candidates were selected using aperture photometry of H-alpha images. The primary selection criterion is that the prospective candidate should be a blue star with H-aplha emission. In order not to miss appreciably reddened LBV candidates, we compose an additional list of 25 presumably reddened (0.35 < B-V < 1.2, V < 18.5) emission star candidates. A comparison with the list of known variables in the M33 galaxy showed 29% of our selected candidates to be photometrically variable. We also find our list to agree well with the lists of emission-line objects obtained in earlier papers using different methods.Comment: 6 figure