31 research outputs found

    New linear plasma devices in the trilateral euregio cluster for an integrated approach to plasma surface interactions in fusion reactors

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    New linear plasma devices are currently being constructed or planned in the Trilateral Euregio Cluster (TEC) to meet the challenges with respect to plasma surface interactions in DEMO and ITER: i) MAGNUM-PSI (FOM), a high particle and power flux device with super-conducting magnetic field coils which will reach ITER-like divertor conditions at high magnetic field, ii) the newly proposed linear plasma device JULE-PSI (FZJ), which will allow to expose toxic and neutron activated target samples to ITER-like fluences and ion energies including in vacuo analysis of neutron activated samples, and iii) the plasmatron VISION I. a compact plasma device which will be operated inside the tritium lab at SCK-CEN Mol, capable to investigate tritium plasmas and moderately activated wall materials. This contribution shows the capabilities of the new devices and their forerunner experiments (Pilot-PSI at FOM and PSI-2 Julich at FZJ) in view of the main objectives of the new TEC program on plasma surface interactions. (C) 2011 Forschungszentrum Julich, Institut fur Energieforschung-Plasmaphysik. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Lake Muzahi, Rwanda:limnological features and phytoplankton production

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    peer reviewedLake Muhazi, a small lake of Rwanda (East Africa) was studied from 1986 to 1990. A dramatic decrease of the catch of Oreochromis niloticus (350 T y-1 in the fifties vs 30 T y-1 in 1982) suggested a loss of productivity or overfishing. In the same period, other ecological changes occurred: the submerged macrophytes regressed and there was a decrease in Secchi depth (0.65 m in 1987 vs 1.5 m in the fifties). Compared to other lakes of the same area, the plankton production seemed low. The results of the present study characterize lake Muhazi as a shallow lake with a rather unstable diurnal stratification and with slight differences in mixing regime between its eastern, deepest part and its western, shallowest part. Secchi disk depth does not vary seasonally to a large extent. The water has a rather high mineral content (conductivity of about 500 μS cm-1 at 25 °C) and low concentrations of dissolved N and P, except in the hypolimnion, where NHinf4sup+ -N can be high. Two species, Microcystis aeruginosa and Ceratium hirundinella, account for most of the phytoplankton biomass, which is about 50-80 mg chlorophyll a m-2 in the euphotic zone, usually with little seasonal variation. Daily gross production estimates amount to about 6 to 9.5 g O2 m-2 d-1 with a significant difference between the two parts of the lake. Data on C:N and C:P ratio in the phytoplankton suggest that some N deficiency might occur in the eastern part. Moreover, the Zm:Zc ratio could also lead to rather low net production rates (0.21-0.25 d-1 for a mixed layer of 4 m) In conclusion, the primary production of lake Muhazi is medium for African lakes and the hypothesis that decreased planktonic production could account for a reduced fish production should be discarded. Whereas the present yield of the fishery is only 20 kg ha-1 y-1, the yield estimated from primary production ranges between 46 and 64 kg ha-1 y-1. This could be reached through proper management. Finally, some hypotheses are given to explain the ecological changes which occurred in the lake. © 1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Peroperative cardiogenic shock suggesting acute coronary syndrome as initial manifestation of Lyme carditis.

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    Carditis can complicate Lyme disease in an estimated <5% of cases, and cardiogenic shock and severe cardiac arrhythmias are described with electrocardiographic abnormalities that could be suggestive of coronary manifestations. We report a case of severe persistent biventricular heart failure complicated by cardiac arrhythmias as initial manifestation of a Lyme disease developing peroperatively electrocardiographic abnormalities suggesting acute transmural myocardial infarction

    Leaflet escape of a mitral duromedics prosthesis. Case report

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    SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe