11 research outputs found

    Comparison of VP7 antigenic epitope sites between Pakistani G3 strains and rotavirus vaccine Rotarix<sup>TM</sup> and RotaTeq<sup>TM</sup>.

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Antigenic residues are divided into three antigenic epitopes 7-1a, 7-1b and 7–2. Amino acid highlighted in green are those that differ from G3 strain of RotaTeq<sup>TM</sup> while those in gray are different from Rotarix<sup>TM</sup>. <b>(B)</b> Surface representation of VP7 trimer (PDB 3FMG). Antigenic epitopes are colored in red 7-1a, purple 7-1b and green 7–2. Surface exposed residues that differ between Pakistani G3 and vaccine strains of Rotarix<sup>TM</sup> and RotaTeq<sup>TM</sup> are shown in cyan.</p

    Alignment of antigenic residues in VP4 between the strains contained in Rotarix<sup>TM</sup> and RotaTeq<sup>TM</sup> and Pakistani P[8] and P[4].

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    <p><b>(A)</b> Antigenic residues are divided in three antigenic epitopes in VP8* (8–1, 8–2, 8–3 and 8–4). Amino acids in green are different from both Rotarix<sup>TM</sup> and G3 strain of RotaTeq<sup>TM</sup>. <b>(B)</b> Surface representation of the VP8* core (PDB 1KQR). Antigenic epitopes are colored red 8–1, orange 8–2, green 8–3 and blue 8–4. Surface exposed residues that differ between Pakistani G3P[8] and vaccine Rotarix<sup>TM</sup> and RotaTeq<sup>TM</sup> are shown in cyan.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of VP7 gene segment of G3 rotavirus strains.

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    <p>Phylogenetic tree was reconstructed using neighbor-joining method. Bootstrap values were calculated using 1000 replicates. Bootstrap values less than 60 are not shown. Filled triangles represent G3 strains detected in this study.</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of gB, gN and gH genotypes of HCMV.

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    <p>The reference strains and isolates detected through BLAST are given for genetic comparison. The phylogenetic tree with 1000 bootstrap replicates was reconstructed using neighbor joining method and Kimura two-parameter distances model incorporated in MEGA v5.0. The number at the nodes indicates bootstrap values shown above 50. Fig 2A, 2B and 2C represent genetic relationships of gB, gH and gN genotypes of CMV respectively. The strains detected in this study are represented by sample identification with codes mentioned as PAK: Pakistan, NIH: National Institute of Health Islamabad.</p