25 research outputs found

    A Framework of Successful E-Business Incubator for Indonesian Public Universities

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    . In many developed countries, many business incubators take part to help starts-up company to develop their own business; especially the baby born business cannot compete with the giant industries that have become the old business players. Universities play an important role in motivating young graduates to become technology entrepreneur. Unemployment in Indonesia is still the main issue for the government program to increase welfare in the future. In year 2014 the data from Statistic Center of Indonesia state that Indonesia has 4% unemployment from Indonesia' work generation. In Indonesia, incubators has been developed since 1992 initiated by the government, Cooperative Department and also universities. This effort continued in 1997 when there was a program called the Development of Entrepreneurship Culture in universities, and of its activity was New Entrepreneur Incubator. The objectives of the research are to investigate the success factor for e-business incubator, and to propose and develop a framework for successful e-business incubator for public universities in Indonesia. Research location is in Indonesia for the public universities that have their e-business incubator. This research will conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses based on data collection from incubator managers and business founders in Indonesia. The result of this research is a framework for successful e-business incubator in Indonesian public universities

    A preliminary flora survey in Gunung Kajang, Pulau Tioman, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia

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    Gunung Kajang is one of the main area in Pulau Tioman, Pahang Darul Makmur. It is therefore, important to study her ecosystem and documenting various existing biodiversity components for management and conservation purposes. The Management and Utilization of Biological Resources Unit from Strategic Resources Research Centre (SR), MARDI Headquarters was tasked with documenting the rare and wild edible fruit species from the region and collecting the wild genetic resources of plants from this area for conservation purpose. From this survey, 51 families of flowering plants were identified, consists of 131 species, followed by monocotyledons with 11 families and 32 species. On the other hand, gymnosperm was represented by 3 species only, namely Agathis borneensis, Gnetum latifolium and Podocarpus polystachus. There were 26 species of rare and wild edible fruit species that are important for the food security and food sources for the wild animals community here. Many wild fruit species found are not known and are underutilised. Information on their potential health benefits is critical in efforts at promoting these fruits. This paper provides a preliminary checklist of rare and wild fruit trees recorded following a survey carried out from 5 – 10 April 2011

    Understanding students’ behavior in online social networks: a systematic literature review

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    The use of online social networks (OSNs) has increasingly attracted attention from scholars’ in different disciplines. Recently, student behaviors in online social networks have been extensively examined. However, limited efforts have been made to evaluate and systematically review the current research status to provide insights into previous study findings. Accordingly, this study conducted a systematic literature review on student behavior and OSNs to explicate to what extent students behave on these platforms. This study reviewed 104 studies to discuss the research focus and examine trends along with the important theories and research methods utilized. Moreover, the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model was utilized to classify the factors that influence student behavior. This study’s results demonstrate that the number of studies that address student behaviors on OSNs have recently increased. Moreover, the identified studies focused on five research streams, including academic purpose, cyber victimization, addiction, personality issues, and knowledge sharing behaviors. Most of these studies focused on the use and effect of OSNs on student academic performance. Most importantly, the proposed study framework provides a theoretical basis for further research in this context

    Comparative studies of leaf venation in some species of sapindaceae of Malaysia

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    A study on the variation of leaf venation pattern was undertaken on 43 taxa belonging to 19 genera of Sapindaceae in Malaysia. Results showed that there were 17 venation patterns observed based on the leaf lamina venation, ultimate marginal and veinlet patterns. A total of 15 taxa showed bi-veinlets, 15 taxa uni-veinlets, eight taxa simple veinlets, three taxa tri-veinlet patterns and two other taxa with no ending veinlets. The presence of idioblast cells on the leaf lamina surfaces, presence and localization of simple trichomes on the leaf veins or on the leaf epidermis are the diagnostic characteristics that can be used in identification of Guioa, Harpullia and Glenneia. Druses observed on the leaves lamina can be very useful for species identification of Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites. Combination of variation in the leaf venation and diagnostic characteristics found in this study have taxonomic value especially in species and genus identification and differentiation in Sapindaceae in Malaysia

    Critical success and moderating factors effect in Indonesian Public Universities' business incubators

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    This study aims to examine the effect of critical success and moderating factors in Indonesian public universities' business incubators. The study of business incubators benefits university professors in their roles as managers and advisors, university faculty entrepreneurs and start-ups/tenants in the knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship learning processes, and government officials in effective policy making. For the universities, the incubators serve as a platform for the commercialization of their research efforts. The incubators assist the universities' stakeholders in fulfilling their newly identified responsibilities towards building the nation's economy and giving the faculty members and graduate students the chance to conduct research. Regarding the economic environment, the incubators help create job opportunities, increase the country's economic value, and reduce poverty. This research employed the quantitative method approach, and the data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 23 and Smart PLS version 3 statistical software packages. The samples of this research were comprised of 31 business incubator managers from Indonesian public universities. Although there have been previous models about critical success and moderating factors for business incubators in other countries, this study is the first that was conducted in Indonesia and found direct and indirect relationships between critical success factors and moderating success factors for Indonesian Public University Business Incubators. The results of the research demonstrated that good system and infrastructure showed a strong direct relationship with success factors and that information technology showed a strong relationship with the moderating factors, namely age and quality of facilities. Furthermore, mentoring and networking showed a strong relationship with the moderating factors good system and infrastructure and that university regulation had a strong relationship with moderating factor credit and rewards. Entry criteria, exit criteria, and funding support showed strong direct relationships to success factors. These findings could improve the management of business incubators in Indonesian Public Universities and allow them to more successful

    Diversity and use of traditional fruit species in selected home gardens or fruit orchards in Malaysia (Kepelbagaian dan kegunaan spesies buah-buahan tradisi di halaman rumah atau di dusun di Malaysia)

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    Abstract The distribution and use of traditional fruit tree species were surveyed in four home gardens or orchards in four different sites in the country. Such data would provide important information required for initiating on-farm conservation efforts. Home gardens or orchards in Kampung Lingkungan, Sabah possessed the highest fruit species diversity followed by that in Kampung Changkul, Sarawak, Kampung Pintas, Sabah and Kampung Hulu Cheka, Jerantut, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. The fruit tree species provide food nutrition and food security but more importantly secure household income. The knowledge on the use of fruit tree species for medicines, healthcare and handicrafts is known among very few old folks and is vanishing without being passed on to the younger generations. The land use conversion also leads to a significant loss of fruit tree diversity

    Innovation and knowledge management as the catalyst of small medium enterprise’s performance: a conceptual paper

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    Malaysia is now moving towards becoming a developed nation, targeting on the high-income nation by 2020. In order to execute this intention, Malaysia needs to develop and strengthen the economic growth. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are acknowledged have a significant role in Malaysian economic growth and expected to contribute 41% of GDP by 2020. However, there are a few factors hinder SMEs to maximize their growth and it has been reported that SMEs contributions to the country’s economy are still comparatively low compared with the contributions of SMEs in many developed and developing countries. Innovation is one of the important factors to remaining competitive in this globalization world. Therefore, SMEs need to focus on innovation activities to increase contribution and remain competitive. Knowledge management is one of the most effective strategies that may help to stimulate innovations and enable innovation activities into the business. Hence, the main aim of this study is to investigate the role of innovation in the relationship between knowledge management practices and SMEs Performance. This study proposed to investigate innovation activities at SMEs manufacturing sector focusing in food and beverages industry. Specifically, innovation types that will be focused in this study are product, process and management innovation. The result hopefully will become an empirical evidence that confirmed innovation is crucial to increase SMEs competitive ability and increase organizational performance. In addition, the result also expectantly prove knowledge management practices have an impact on innovation. Lastly, this study will help Malaysian Government to strategies the policy to overcome difficulties and more importantly in ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of Malaysian SMEs

    The influence of innovation types towards small medium enterprises performance: a study of Malaysian manufacturing industry

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    Malaysian SMEs is very important to the country especially in contribution to creating more job opportunities, generating higher production volumes, increase export and many others. SMEs has been recognized because of the essential role that has been carried out towards the economic growth, but it is actually disappointed because the fact shows that the developments and performances of Malaysian SME considered low if compared to the others developing's country. Even though numerous government efforts have been and are being implemented over the years, SMEs performance is still not achieved as expected. In addition, with globalization economy nowadays, SME also faced the difficulties in order to sustain and survive especially to compete with foreign company. The competition from foreign company has forced SME to strategies their organization to be more competitive particularly through innovation performance. Therefore, this study has selected innovation as variables and aim to find out the influence of innovation towards Malaysian SME performance. This study measured innovation by four types of innovation namely product innovation, process innovation, administrative innovation, and marketing innovation. SMEs performance was measured from the perspective of financial and non-financial. The survey was conducted among top-level management of 440 Manufacturing SME in Malaysia. The data was analyzed through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and the hypotheses were tested through regression analysis

    Critical success factors for business intelligence system implementation in public sector organisation

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    Business intelligence (BI) system offers competitive advantages to public organisations by gathering, storing and analysing large volume of data for effective decision making. Although, the rate of BI implementation within public sector organisations is increasing, still some of the BI implementation projects fail. Hence, this study aims to investigate the critical success factors (CSFs), which affect the success of BI system implementation in public sector organisations. This study structures previous research by presenting a comprehensive classification of CSFs in the area of BI system implementation success. The review of the literature identifies the large number of CSFs for BI success mostly related to private sector organisations. Moreover, prior studies indicate that there has not been enough research on impact of culture on success of BI system implementation. Finally, the main finding of this study revealed achieving success in BI system implementation in public sector organisation is associated with four factors namely culture of learning, decision-making culture, information sharing culture and collaboration culture under culture dimension

    The role of knowledge management in facilitating innovation for sustainable SMEs performance

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    This paper formulates a framework postulated innovation as mediator of the relationship between knowledge management practices and SMEs Performance. Knowledge management and innovation are believed have an important impact on sustainability and organizational performance. Thus, analyzing these concepts is critical for creating competitive advantage for an organization's survival. Management team or governing bodies require to have strategies to generate, modify, and manage knowledge in order to continue their innovation capability, thus boost organizational performance. Hence, the main aim of this study is to examine the relationship between effective knowledge management strategies with technological and organizational innovation in sustaining SMEs performance. This study is important for organization desire to increase innovation capabilities, especially small, developing and geographically disconnected countries that have traditionally seen innovation through early adoption as opposed to active involvement. Particularly in Malaysia, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a very high potential in supporting nations' economic development and wealth creation. Despite all the governments' supports, SMEs experience difficulties at the early stage of their organizational growth. Therefore, the SME needs to evaluate survival ability, and improving their current strategy in innovation to compete and sustain in the market. Thus, this study proposes to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and innovation in Malaysian SMEs. This study also will propose a conceptual model to further understand factors contribute to success in innovation capabilities