17 research outputs found


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    Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between green perceived value/greenknowledge and intentions to buy green products through green attitude. The research object of this study focuses on Pakistanis consumer. The study undertakes the empirical study and therefore, data are collected through a self-administered questionnaire form 252 respondents. Structural equation modelling technique is used for the analysis of the data with the help of AMOS 22. The empirical results show that green perceived value, green knowledge and green attitude are drivers of intentions to buy green products. Although previous studies have investigated the pertinent issues about green consumer behavior, however, very few studies have been conducted in developing counties like Pakistan. Compared to other developing countries, research on environmental issues in Pakistan is still in the very early stages. This study proposes a research framework which could be helpful for green marketing companies to enhance consumes intentions to buy green products via green perceived value, green knowledge and the green attitude. The empirical results of this study address a serious gap in the existing literature especially in the perspective of an emerging country in the context of green products perception knowledge, attitude and purchase intention. The findings from this study offer significant implications for marketers, academicians as well as policymakers who may concern in promoting extensive promotion and/or adoption of green products.Keywords: green products, green perceived value, green attitude, green knowledge and customer


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    Purpose of Study: Malaysian tourism sector has widened its scope by venturing into extreme sports tourism. With this new development, tourism opportunities are created and boosting the Malaysian tourism industry growth. The study highlights the development of extreme sports destination that closely related to international and tourists’ involvement and preferences in Malaysia. The purpose of this paper is to determine the predictors of sports tourism involvement in Malaysia from the extreme sports perspective. Specifically, it is going to investigate the possible significant predictors that possibly influenced the international or local tourists’ preferences in choosing Malaysia as their preferred extreme sports tourism destination. This study is restricted to international or local tourists who participated or going to participate in extreme sports activities in Malaysia. Methodology: This study proposes a theoretical framework that is developed based on the review of past researches and literatures. We identified five factors that possibly influenced international tourists or local tourists to choose Malaysia as their extreme sports tourism destination simultaneously involved in such activities. Those predictors are event popularity and entertainment, economics (costs and expenses), facilities and infrastructures, social, and environmental impact. Results: The proposed hypotheses predicted a significant and positive relationship exists between event popularity and entertainment, economics (costs and expenses), facilities and infrastructures, social, and environmental impact towards the tourist involvement and sports tourism development in Malaysia. For the future research, we proposed to further conduct an empirical analysis to test these hypotheses. Implications/Applications: This study could help tourism sectors to explore opportunities for development particularly in the extreme sports sectors in Malaysia.  This study is also useful for researchers, students, tourism operators, tourism sectors, government and society because it could increase the involvement of international tourist or local into the extreme sports activities in Malaysia.&nbsp

    Destination Image as A Healing Destination Among Medical Tourists: An Exploratory Case Study of Penang, Malaysia

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    Medical tourism has become adjectival tourism in both developed and developing nations. In recent years, it has gained impetus in Malaysia, which is an ideal hub for medical tourism in Asia due to various competitive factors. Although several key elements have contributed to the growth of medical tourism in the country, few studies have explored the role of destination image in the context of medical tourism. Therefore, this research aims to provide insight into the attributes of destination image in the context of medical tourism in Penang, Malaysia. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 26 patients randomly chosen at selected private hospitals in Penang, and the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council’s (MHTC) concierge and lounge at Penang International Airport. The findings revealed that the dominant attributes of the ldestination image perceived by medical tourists in Penang are: (a) Hospital Internal Amenities; (b) Influenced and Informed Decisions; and (c) Aesthetics. The paper further discusses Penang's apparent image as a healing destination among  medical  tourists  who  travel   to  Malaysia.   This  study  thus  carries implications for healthcare practitioners to enhance and position their healthcare services based on destination image as their source of competitive advantage.

    Teori Maslow dalam konteks memenuhi keperluan asas pekerja dan peranannya dalam meningkatkan prestasi organisasi: kajian dan perspektif Islam

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    Teori hierarki keperluan Maslow yang menerangkan aras keperluan manusia telah digunapakai secara meluas dan diterima dalam dunia akademik dan pengamal pengurusan organisasi moden untuk meningkatkan prestasi organisasi. Walaupun begitu, ianya tidak langsung memiliki unsur-unsur yang bersifat pembinaan aspek kerohanian. Justeru, kajian konseptual ini bertujuan untuk meneruskan legasi dan usaha Islamisasi ilmu dengan memilih teori hierarki keperluan Maslow iaitu tingkat keperluan asas untuk dibincang, dibahas dan dihubungkan dengan kerangka ilmu-ilmu Islam sedia ada. Analisis terhadap ilmu moden dibincangkan melalui perbincangan dari sudut tasawwur Islam. Kajian ini juga mengemukakan idea Islamisasi melalui tiga (3) pendekatan utama dalam teori Maslow iaitu pengetahuan tentang muamalah, adab dan akhlak, dan juga pengetahuan tentang budaya organisasi. Melalui ketiga-tiga pendekatan utama tersebut, seseorang pekerja dapat melaksanakan tugasannya secara berkesan seterusnya meningkatkan prestasi organisasi secara holistik menerusi landasan-landasan syariat. Metodologi kajian adalah menggunakan kaedah hermeneutik iaitu interpretasi teks terutamanya kitab Ihyā’Ulumuddin karangan Imam al-Ghāzalī

    Supply Chain Policy for the Worldview of Innovations

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    Abstract— Innovation is an important activity to ensure the organization's sustainability which strongly depends on the supply chain policy of the system. In addition to generating profits to the organization, innovation should also be an act that can warrant well-being not only to the present generation's life, but to future generations as well and for Islam, including well-being in the hereafter. This means, innovation is not just an ordinary activity, but a responsibility to be implemented. Nevertheless, the approach of innovation between the west and Islam is different. Before an innovation could take place, it is important and worthy for an innovator to comprehend the worldview of both civilizations as there are ethical boundaries that separate the objectives, ways, and direction of an innovation. This article discusses perspective of innovation from both Islamic and western worldview and its relationship with innovation in narrative methodology

    The Contribution of Arrival Number of Halal Tourism and Economic Growth of West Sumatra Based on the Supply Chain Strategy: Using the Cointegration Test

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    Abstract. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between the number of halal tourist arrivals of West Sumatra with economic growth by using the method of test and Granger cause testers Granger in the period 2000–2017. To review this written report, tourism growth is proxy with the number of tourist arrivals (LAR). While the economic consumption of income from tourism (LPAD) is utilized as a placeholder for the increase of tourism as the research. The significance of this research is the maturation of the tourism sector, which is more grievous in the hope it can contribute significantly to the economic and social development of the country in question. Further development in the tourism industry of West Sumatra as a tourist destination has put tourism industry, which knows the halal tourism industry as one of the important industry and the biggest contributor of the western Sumatra region

    Impact of strategic leadership on organizational performance, strategic orientation and operational strategy

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    This paper focuses on the impact of strategic leadership on operational strategy and organizational performance of the automobile industry in Malaysia with a particular focus on Proton (Perusahaan Otomobil Malaysia). Since the mid-1980s a growing body of research on leadership has focused on strategic leadership, in contrast to managerial and visionary leadership. It has focused on how lead-ers make decisions in the short term that guarantees long-term viability of the organization. Senior leaders also have the ability to align human resources in an effective way directly to the business strategy. This article focuses on how national car manufacturer, Proton, exercises strategic leadership to influence its operational strategy and performance. It examines both dependent and inde-pendent variables that influence on strategic leadership with implications for future research

    Online market communicational patterns in developing countries: a Malaysian perspective

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    The aim of present study is to provide ideas across a variety of online buyer practices and choices that will assist communicators to be more set in market patterns of developing countries. The study signifies not just for the web-vendors in promoting online market, but also for those individuals who are hesitant to buy products online. On a sample size of 50 Malaysian e-shoppers, an open ended questionnaire was used as a primary data collection method to analyze buyer practicing ideas gathered around several variables reviewed through past studies i.e. web promotion, consumer’s decision making methodologies, extensive online clientage, and online shopping related knowledge. The outcomes evidenced powerful influence of some of these variables on online buyer’s practices