128 research outputs found

    Minimising the heat dissipation of quantum information erasure

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    Quantum state engineering and quantum computation rely on information erasure procedures that, up to some fidelity, prepare a quantum object in a pure state. Such processes occur within Landauer's framework if they rely on an interaction between the object and a thermal reservoir. Landauer's principle dictates that this must dissipate a minimum quantity of heat, proportional to the entropy reduction that is incurred by the object, to the thermal reservoir. However, this lower bound is only reachable for some specific physical situations, and it is not necessarily achievable for any given reservoir. The main task of our work can be stated as the minimisation of heat dissipation given probabilistic information erasure, i.e., minimising the amount of energy transferred to the thermal reservoir as heat if we require that the probability of preparing the object in a specific pure state φ1|\varphi_1\rangle be no smaller than pφ1maxδp_{\varphi_1}^{\max}-\delta. Here pφ1maxp_{\varphi_1}^{\max} is the maximum probability of information erasure that is permissible by the physical context, and δ0\delta\geqslant 0 the error. To determine the achievable minimal heat dissipation of quantum information erasure within a given physical context, we explicitly optimise over all possible unitary operators that act on the composite system of object and reservoir. Specifically, we characterise the equivalence class of such optimal unitary operators, using tools from majorisation theory, when we are restricted to finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Furthermore, we discuss how pure state preparation processes could be achieved with a smaller heat cost than Landauer's limit, by operating outside of Landauer's framework

    Symmetry-enhanced supertransfer of delocalized quantum states

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    Coherent hopping of excitation rely on quantum coherence over physically extended states. In this work, we consider simple models to examine the effect of symmetries of delocalized multi-excitation states on the dynamical timescales, including hopping rates, radiative decay, and environmental interactions. While the decoherence (pure dephasing) rate of an extended state over N sites is comparable to that of a non-extended state, superradiance leads to a factor of N enhancement in decay and absorption rates. In addition to superradiance, we illustrate how the multi-excitonic states exhibit `supertransfer' in the far-field regime: hopping from a symmetrized state over N sites to a symmetrized state over M sites at a rate proportional to MN. We argue that such symmetries could play an operational role in physical systems based on the competition between symmetry-enhanced interactions and localized inhomogeneities and environmental interactions that destroy symmetry. As an example, we propose that supertransfer and coherent hopping play a role in recent observations of anomolously long diffusion lengths in nano-engineered assembly of light-harvesting complexes.Comment: 6 page

    Environment-assisted analog quantum search

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    Two main obstacles for observing quantum advantage in noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers (NISQ) are the finite precision effects due to control errors, or disorders, and decoherence effects due to thermal fluctuations. It has been shown that dissipative quantum computation is possible in presence of an idealized fully-engineered bath. However, it is not clear, in general, what performance can be achieved by NISQ when internal bath degrees of freedom are not controllable. In this work, we consider the task of quantum search of a marked node on a complete graph of nn nodes in the presence of both static disorder and non-zero coupling to an environment. We show that, given fixed and finite levels of disorder and thermal fluctuations, there is an optimal range of bath temperatures that can significantly improve the success probability of the algorithm. Remarkably for a fixed disorder strength σ\sigma, the system relaxation time decreases for higher temperatures within a robust range of parameters. In particular, we demonstrate that for strong disorder, the presence of a thermal bath increases the success probability from 1/(nσ2)1/(n \sigma^2) to at least 1/21/2. While the asymptotic running time is approximately maintained, the need to repeat the algorithm many times and issues associated with unitary over-rotations can be avoided as the system relaxes to an absorbing steady state. Furthermore, we discuss for what regimes of disorder and bath parameters quantum speedup is possible and mention conditions for which similar phenomena can be observed in more general families of graphs. Our work highlights that in the presence of static disorder, even non-engineered environmental interactions can be beneficial for a quantum algorithm