4 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Theory of Mind Training On the Social Skills of Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    How to Cite This Article: Adibsereshki N, Nesayan A, Asadi Gandomani R, Karimlou M. The Effectiveness of Theory of Mind Training On the Social Skills of Children with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. Iran J Child Neurol. Summer 2015;9(3):40-49.AbstractObjectiveChildren with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) tend to have problems inestablishing and maintaining their social relationships. Some professionalsbelieve this social impairment is the result of deficit in Theory of Mind (ToM).This study was conducted to explore the effectiveness of ToM training on suchchildren.Materials & MethodsA quasi-experimental method, pre- test, post-test with control group was used.The sample included of 12 girls and 12 boys with High Functioning AutismSpectrum Disorders (HFASD). Two instruments were used as follows: theTheory of Mind test and the social skills questionnaire (1). The samples wererandomly placed in the experimental and control groups. The experimentalgroups had 15 sessions of ToM training and the control groups had just regularschool program.ResultsThe data were analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov, independent t- and twoway-variance tests. The scores for social skills in the experimental group weresignificantly more than the control group.ConclusionToM training might improve the social skills of children with autism spectrumdisorders.

    Comparison of Effectiveness of Adeli Suit Therapy and Bobath Approach on Gross Motor Function Improvement in Children with Cerebral Palsy

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Adeli Suit Therapy (AST) and Bobath approach on improvement of gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy aged 4 to 11 years of old. Materials & Methods: In this experimental and randomized clinical trial study, 24 children with cerebral palsy were selected simply according to inclusive and exclusive criteria from patients referred to ValieAsr rehabilitation center and then assigned into two Adeli Suit Thrapy and Bobath groups by simple random method. Period of therapeutic intervention was 36 sessions, 3 times per week for both groups. Assessment tool was Gross Motor Function Measure test (GMFM–66). Data was analyzed by Kolmogroff Smirnoff, Independent T-test and ANOVA for repeated measurements. Results: After intervention, the gross motor function improved significantly in both groups (P<0.001). Follow up study revealed significant improvement of functions in Adeli Suit group (P=0.007) and significant regression of functions in Bobath group (P=0.004). There was no significant difference, just after the intervention, between two groups (P=0.598), but there was significant difference between two groups at follow up assessments (P=0.002). Conclusion: Both Adeli Suit and Bobath approaches are effective in improvement of gross motor functions in children with cerebral palsy during the therapeutic sessions. At follow up study, the Adeli Suit group, were still improving their function whereas the Bobath group regressed

    بررسي پايايي نسخه فارسي مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي در افراد مبتلا به سكته مغزي

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    مقدمه: هدف از پژوهش حاضر فراهم‌‌سازي ابزاري پايا به زبان فارسي جهت سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي در افراد مبتلا به سكته مغزي، از طريق ترجمه و معادل‌سازي پرسش‌نامه «مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي» به زبان فارسي و بررسي پايايي نسخه فارسي معادل‌سازي شده در این افراد بود. مواد و روش‌ها: پرسش‌نامه «مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي» طي سه مرحله طبق روش IQOLA (International quality of life assessment project) به زبان فارسي ترجمه و معادل‌سازي شد. براي بررسي تكرارپذيري، پرسش‌نامه در دو نوبت با فاصله حداكثر 3 هفته در اختيار 10 نفر فارسي‌زبان مبتلا به سکته مغزی قرار گرفت و برای بررسی هم‌خوانی درونی در اختیار 60 نفر كه طبق تشخيص پزشك مبتلا به سكته مغزي بودند و جهت دريافت خدمات پزشكي و توان‌بخشي به دو بيمارستان كاشاني و الزهراء‌(س) در شهر اصفهان طی سال‌های 86-1384 مراجعه كرده بودند، قرار گرفت. روش نمونه‌گيري به صورت ساده و غير احتمالي بود. داده‌هاي به دست آمده از لحاظ تكرارپذيري در دفعات آزمون و هم‌خواني دروني گزینه‌ها، تحت تجزيه و تحليل آماري قرار گرفت. یافته‌ها: ضرايب Cronbach's alpha که برای بررسی هم‌خواني دروني حوزه‌هاي پرسش‌نامه «مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي» به کار رفته بود، ما بین 69/0 تا 87/0به دست آمد كه نشان مي‌دهد حوزه‌های متفاوت مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي (Stroke impact scale یا SIS) يك مفهوم را ارزيابي مي‌كنند. ضريب ICC (Intraclass correlation coefficient) كه براي بررسي تكرارپذيري نسبي نسخه فارسي پرسش‌نامه «مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي» در دفعات آزمون به كار رفته بود، محاسبه شد و بالاتر از 78/0 به دست آمد كه از مقدار قابل قبول 70/0 بالاتر بود. این مقدار تكرارپذيري خوب نسخه فارسي پرسش‌نامه «مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي» را نشان مي‌داد. همچنین ضرایب همبستگی دو بار تکرار آزمون از 71/0 بالاتر بود که این همبستگی قوی و بالا نشان می‌داد، با گذشت زمان این آزمون قابلیت اندازه‌گیری مفهوم مورد ارزیابی را دارد. نتیجه گیری: اين يافته‌ها نشان داد كه پرسش‌نامه «مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي» از پایایی خوبی برخوردار است و مي‌توان آن را به عنوان ابزاری پایا به منظور سنجش تأثیرات بیماری در افراد مبتلا به سکته مغزی به کار برد. کلید واژه‌ها: سكته مغزي، پرسش‌نامه «مقياس سنجش تأثيرات سكته مغزي»، ترجمه، معادل‌سازي، پاياي

    The Efficacy of Psychosocial Occupational Therapy Services on Quality of life of Chronic Pschiatric Patents

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    Objective: Quality of life has recently been recognized as an important goal of health care in psychiatry. In this study quality of life of chronic psychiatric patients was evaluated after psychosocial occupational therapy interventions. Materials & Methods: This study is interventional and quasi experimental. Twoenty four chronic mental patients who had refered to SINA Daily Center as intervention group and fifty chronic mental patients as control group were selected by simle and convenient sampling. The instrument was Wisconsin Quality of Life Client Questionnaire that included 8 subscales. Occupational therapy services consisting group therapy, activity therapy and art therapy, according to center’ plane, were performed during 3 months (2 times in week, 90 minutes in each session) for intervention group. Independent T test & Paired T test were used for data analysis. Results: There was no significant difference between two groups in parts of QOL before intervention, but after intervention, significant differences were observed in mean scores of satisfaction level, occupational activities, psychological well–being, physical health and total quality o life (P<0.001), also social relation (P=0.005) and economic situation (P=0.003).There was no significant difference between two group in symptoms (P=0.277) and activity of daily living (P=0.020) after intervention. Conclusion: Psychosocial occupational therapy services are effective on satisfaction level and quality of life of chronic psychiatric patients