1,538 research outputs found

    Email-Based Informed Consent: Innovative Method for Reaching Large Numbers of Subjects for Data Mining Research

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    Since the 2010 NASA authorization to make the Life Sciences Data Archive (LSDA) and Lifetime Surveillance of Astronaut Health (LSAH) data archives more accessible by the research and operational communities, demand for data has greatly increased. Correspondingly, both the number and scope of requests have increased, from 142 requests fulfilled in 2011 to 224 in 2014, and with some datasets comprising up to 1 million data points. To meet the demand, the LSAH and LSDA Repositories project was launched, which allows active and retired astronauts to authorize full, partial, or no access to their data for research without individual, study-specific informed consent. A one-on-one personal informed consent briefing is required to fully communicate the implications of the several tiers of consent. Due to the need for personal contact to conduct Repositories consent meetings, the rate of consenting has not kept up with demand for individualized, possibly attributable data. As a result, other methods had to be implemented to allow the release of large datasets, such as release of only de-identified data. However the compilation of large, de-identified data sets places a significant resource burden on LSAH and LSDA and may result in diminished scientific usefulness of the dataset. As a result, LSAH and LSDA worked with the JSC Institutional Review Board Chair, Astronaut Office physicians, and NASA Office of General Counsel personnel to develop a "Remote Consenting" process for retrospective data mining studies. This is particularly useful since the majority of the astronaut cohort is retired from the agency and living outside the Houston area. Originally planned as a method to send informed consent briefing slides and consent forms only by mail, Remote Consenting has evolved into a means to accept crewmember decisions on individual studies via their method of choice: email or paper copy by mail. To date, 100 emails have been sent to request participation in eight HRP-funded studies. The development of the Remote Consent process, the laws allowing transmission of consent via electronic means, total metrics to date, and remaining challenges (e.g., response issues, use of International Partner data, biospecimens/genetic data) for the research use of LSAH/LSDA data will be described

    Visual Impairment/lntracranial Pressure Risk Clinical Care Data Tools

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    Prior to 2010, several ISS crewmembers returned from spaceflight with changes to their vision, ranging from a mild hyperopic shift to frank disc edema. As a result, NASA expanded clinical vision testing to include more comprehensive medical imaging, including Optical Coherence Tomography and 3 Tesla Brain and Orbit MRIs. The Space and Clinical Operations (SCO) Division developed a clinical practice guideline that classified individuals based on their symptoms and diagnoses to facilitate clinical care. For the purposes of clinical surveillance, this classification was applied retrospectively to all crewmembers who had sufficient testing for classification. This classification is also a tool that has been leveraged for researchers to identify potential risk factors. In March 2014, driven in part by a more comprehensive understanding of the imaging data and increased imaging capability on orbit, the SCO Division revised their clinical care guidance to outline inflight care and increase postflight follow up. The new clinical guidance does not include a classification schem

    Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter: Translating a Terrestrial Focused Technique Into a Clinical Monitoring Tool for Space Flight

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    Emergency medicine physicians recently adopted the use of ultrasonography to quickly measure optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) as concomitant with increased intracranial pressure. NASA Space and Clinical Operations Division has been using ground and on-orbit ultrasound capabilities since 2009 to consider this anatomical measure as a proxy for intracranial pressure in the microgravity environment. In the terrestrial emergency room population, an ONSD greater than 0.59 cm is considered highly predictive of elevated intracranial pressure. However, this cut-off limit is not applicable to the spaceflight setting since over 50% of US Operating Segment (USOS) astronauts have an ONSD greater than 0.60 cm even before missions. Crew Surgeon clinical decision-making is complicated by the fact that many astronauts have history of previous spaceflights. Data will be presented characterizing the distribution of baseline ONSD in the astronaut corps, longitudinal trends in-flight, and the predictive power of this measure related to increased intracranial pressure outcomes

    Protecting Astronaut Medical Privacy: Review of Presentations and Publications for Attributability

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    Retrospective research and medical data collected on astronauts can be a valuable resource for researchers. This data can be requested from two separate NASA Archives. The Lifetime Surveillance of Astronaut Health (LSAH) holds astronaut medical data, and the Life Sciences Data Archive (LSDA) holds research data. One condition of use of astronaut research and medical data is the requirement that all abstracts, publications and presentations using this data must be reviewed for attributability. All final versions of abstracts, presentations, posters, and manuscripts must be reviewed by LSDA/LSAH prior to submission to a conference, journal, or other entities outside the Principal Investigator (PI) laboratory [including the NASA Export Control Document Availability Authorization (DAA) system]. If material undergoes multiple revisions (e.g., journal editor comments), the new versions must also be reviewed by LSDA/LSAH prior to re-submission to the journal. The purpose of this review is to ensure that no personally identifiable information (PII) is included in materials that are presented in a public venue or posted to the public domain. The procedures for submitting materials for review will be outlined. The process that LSAH/LSDA follows for assessing attributability will be presented. Characteristics and parameter combinations that often prompt attributability concerns will be identified. A published case report for a National Football League (NFL) player will be used to demonstrate how, in a population of public interest, a combination of information can result in inadvertent release of private or sensitive information

    Development and Validity of a Workplace Health Promotion Best Practices Assessment

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    Objective: To explore the factor structure of the HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer (HERO Scorecard) to develop a reduced version and examine the reliability and validity of that version. Methods: A reduced version of the HERO Scorecard was developed through formal statistical analyses on data collected from 845 organizations that completed the original HERO Scorecard. Results: The final factors in the reduced Scorecard represented content pertaining to organizational and leadership support, program comprehensiveness, program integration, and incentives. All four implemented practices were found to have a strong, statistically significant effect on perceived effectiveness. Organizational and leadership support had the strongest effect (β = 0.56), followed by incentives (β = 0.23). Conclusion: The condensed version of the HERO Scorecard has the potential to be a promising tool for future research on the extent to which employers are adopting best practices in their health and well-being (HWB) initiatives

    Re-evaluation of IIH as the Ideal Terrestrial Analog for Sans: Is There a Better Model to Consider?

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    While astronauts are returning from long duration spaceflight with multiple ocular signs that mimic those seen in terrestrial patients with elevated intracranial pressure (ICP), evidence has yet to prove a clinically significant increase in ICP during space.1 Preliminary research evidence may even suggest that ICP decreases in microgravity. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) has long been considered the ideal terrestrial analogue to Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS).1 However, there are several critical features of SANS that do not complement any reported case of IIH on Earth. These findings mandate a closer look at the accuracy of IIH as a terrestrial SANS analog

    Workplace Well-Being Factors That Predict Employee Participation, Health and Medical Cost Impact, and Perceived Support

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    Purpose: This study tested relationships between health and well-being best practices and 3 types of outcomes. Design: A cross-sectional design used data from the HERO Scorecard Benchmark Database. Setting: Data were voluntarily provided by employers who submitted web-based survey responses. Sample: Analyses were limited to 812 organizations that completed the HERO Scorecard between January 12, 2015 and October 2, 2017. Measures: Independent variables included organizational and leadership support, program comprehensiveness, program integration, and incentives. Dependent variables included participation rates, health and medical cost impact, and perceptions of organizational support. Analysis: Three structural equation models were developed to investigate the relationships among study variables. Results: Model sample size varied based on organizationally reported outcomes. All models fit the data well (comparative fit index \u3e 0.96). Organizational and leadership support was the strongest predictor (P \u3c .05) of participation (n ¼ 276 organizations), impact (n ¼ 160 organizations), and perceived organizational support (n ¼ 143 organizations). Incentives predicted participation in health assessment and biometric screening (P \u3c .05). Program comprehensiveness and program integration were not significant predictors (P \u3e .05) in any of the models. Conclusion: Organizational and leadership support practices are essential to produce participation, health and medical cost impact, and perceptions of organizational support. While incentives influence participation, they are likely insufficient to yield downstream outcomes. The overall study design limits the ability to make causal inferences from the data

    Asymmetric function theory

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    The classical theory of symmetric functions has a central position in algebraic combinatorics, bridging aspects of representation theory, combinatorics, and enumerative geometry. More recently, this theory has been fruitfully extended to the larger ring of quasisymmetric functions, with corresponding applications. Here, we survey recent work extending this theory further to general asymmetric polynomials.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Written for the proceedings of the Schubert calculus conference in Guangzhou, Nov. 201