10 research outputs found

    When obstetrics-gynecology specialists need to call an ophthalmologist urgently: a case report.

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    We report here a case of a healthy 23-year-old female patient who was assessed at the gynecology emergency department for genital ulcers, fever, and blurred vision. After suspicion of herpes simplex virus-2 lesions, the diagnosis of Behçet's disease was made. We report this case with the aim of including Behçet's disease in the differential diagnosis of genital ulcers, and emphasize the emergency of the vision loss that can be irreversible. A healthy 23-year-old European female patient was assessed by gynecology in the emergency department for genital lesions associated with fever and blurred vision. At first, these lesions were suspected to be primary herpes simplex virus-2 infection One day later, she experienced decreased visual acuity in both eyes. After 4 days of worsening genital ulcers and persistent blurred vision, the patient was referred to the ophthalmology department. Fundoscopic examination showed retinal hemorrhages that were consistent with the first presentation of Behçet's disease. This case demonstrates that genital ulcers can be the very initial symptom of this ophthalmologic emergency. The differential diagnosis of genital ulcers is challenging. Behçet's disease should be included, especially when associated with systemic or ocular manifestations, and should be considered an emergency for the gynecologist to prevent long-term vision loss

    Management of fetal tumors.

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    In this review article, we discuss the most common fetal tumors, their prenatal management, and outcomes. Overall, the most important outcome predictors are tumor histology, size, vascularity, and location. Very large lesions, lesions causing cardiac failure, and hydrops and lesions obstructing the fetal airway have the poorest outcome, as they may cause fetal death or complications at the time of delivery. Fetal therapy has been developed to improve outcomes for the most severe cases and can consist of transplacental therapy (sirolimus for rhabdomyomas or steroids for hemangiomas and microcystic lung lesions) or surgical intervention (shunting of cystic masses, tumor ablation, occlusion of blood flow or airway exploration, and protection). Given the rarity of fetal tumors, patients should be referred to expert centers where care can be optimized and individualized to allow the best possible outcomes

    Natural History of Ventriculomegaly in Fetal Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum.

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    To assess the natural evolution of the size of the fetal lateral ventricles throughout pregnancy in fetuses with callosal anomalies. Cases of fetal callosal anomalies were retrospectively classified as isolated or complex based on the presence of other structural or genetic anomalies. Longitudinal ultrasound studies were reviewed, and postnatal outcomes were retrieved for isolated cases. In 135 fetuses, those who first presented after 24 weeks' gestation were more likely to have ventriculomegaly (n = 58 of 68 [85%]) than those who presented before 24 weeks (n = 39 of 67 [58%]; P < .001). In 79 cases that had longitudinal follow-up, the mean increase in ventricular width was 0.6 mm/wk, without a significant difference between isolated and complex cases (mean ± SD, 0.6 ± 1.5 versus 0.6 ± 1.1 mm; P = .45). Callosal anomalies are associated with progressive ventriculomegaly on prenatal ultrasound imaging, without a difference between isolated and complex anomalies. This feature should be considered part of the disease spectrum. The consequence of progressive ventriculomegaly on the long-term neurodevelopmental outcome is still unknown, and further studies should be aimed at obtaining long-term follow-up of these cases

    Dengue, Zika and chikungunya during pregnancy: pre- and post-travel advice and clinical management.

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    Young adults of childbearing age and pregnant women are travelling more frequently to tropical areas, exposing them to specific arboviral infections such as dengue, zika and chikungunya viruses, which may impact ongoing and future pregnancies. In this narrative review, we analyse their potential consequences on pregnancy outcomes and discuss current travel recommendations. Dengue virus may be associated with severe maternal complications, particularly post-partum haemorrhage. Its association with adverse fetal outcomes remains unclear, but prematurity, growth retardation and stillbirths may occur, particularly in cases of severe maternal infection. Zika virus is a teratogenic infectious agent associated with severe brain lesions, with similar risks to other well-known TORCH pathogens. Implications of chikungunya virus in pregnancy are mostly related to intrapartum transmission that may be associated with severe neonatal infections and long-term morbidity. Few agencies provide specific travel recommendations for travelling pregnant patients or couples trying to conceive and discrepancies exist, particularly regarding Zika virus prevention. The risks significantly depend on epidemiological factors that may be difficult to predict. Prevention relies principally on mosquito control measures. Couples trying to conceive and pregnant women should receive adequate information about the potential risks. It seems reasonable to advise pregnant women to avoid unnecessary travel to Aedes spp. endemic regions. The current rationale to avoid travel and delay conception is debatable in the absence of any epidemic. Post-travel laboratory testing should be reserved for symptomatic patients