2,189 research outputs found
On the superfluidity of classical liquid in nanotubes
In 2001, the author proposed the ultra second quantization method. The ultra
second quantization of the Schr\"odinger equation, as well as its ordinary
second quantization, is a representation of the N-particle Schr\"odinger
equation, and this means that basically the ultra second quantization of the
equation is the same as the original N-particle equation: they coincide in
3N-dimensional space.
We consider a short action pairwise potential V(x_i -x_j). This means that as
the number of particles tends to infinity, , interaction is
possible for only a finite number of particles. Therefore, the potential
depends on N in the following way: . If V(y) is finite
with support , then as the support engulfs a finite
number of particles, and this number does not depend on N.
As a result, it turns out that the superfluidity occurs for velocities less
than , where
is the critical Landau velocity and R is the radius of
the nanotube.Comment: Latex, 20p. The text is presented for the International Workshop
"Idempotent and tropical mathematics and problems of mathematical physics",
Independent University of Moscow, Moscow, August 25--30, 2007 and to be
published in the Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2007, vol. 15, #
Probability Theory Compatible with the New Conception of Modern Thermodynamics. Economics and Crisis of Debts
We show that G\"odel's negative results concerning arithmetic, which date
back to the 1930s, and the ancient "sand pile" paradox (known also as "sorites
paradox") pose the questions of the use of fuzzy sets and of the effect of a
measuring device on the experiment. The consideration of these facts led, in
thermodynamics, to a new one-parameter family of ideal gases. In turn, this
leads to a new approach to probability theory (including the new notion of
independent events). As applied to economics, this gives the correction, based
on Friedman's rule, to Irving Fisher's "Main Law of Economics" and enables us
to consider the theory of debt crisis.Comment: 48p., 14 figs., 82 refs.; more precise mathematical explanations are
added. arXiv admin note: significant text overlap with arXiv:1111.610
q-Legendre Transformation: Partition Functions and Quantization of the Boltzmann Constant
In this paper we construct a q-analogue of the Legendre transformation, where
q is a matrix of formal variables defining the phase space braidings between
the coordinates and momenta (the extensive and intensive thermodynamic
observables). Our approach is based on an analogy between the semiclassical
wave functions in quantum mechanics and the quasithermodynamic partition
functions in statistical physics. The basic idea is to go from the
q-Hamilton-Jacobi equation in mechanics to the q-Legendre transformation in
thermodynamics. It is shown, that this requires a non-commutative analogue of
the Planck-Boltzmann constants (hbar and k_B) to be introduced back into the
classical formulae. Being applied to statistical physics, this naturally leads
to an idea to go further and to replace the Boltzmann constant with an infinite
collection of generators of the so-called epoch\'e (bracketing) algebra. The
latter is an infinite dimensional noncommutative algebra recently introduced in
our previous work, which can be perceived as an infinite sequence of
"deformations of deformations" of the Weyl algebra. The generators mentioned
are naturally indexed by planar binary leaf-labelled trees in such a way, that
the trees with a single leaf correspond to the observables of the limiting
thermodynamic system
Application of the informational reference system OZhUR to the automated processing of data from satellites of the Kosmos series
The structure and potential of the information reference system OZhUR designed for the automated data processing systems of scientific space vehicles (SV) is considered. The system OZhUR ensures control of the extraction phase of processing with respect to a concrete SV and the exchange of data between phases.The practical application of the system OZhUR is exemplified in the construction of a data processing system for satellites of the Cosmos series. As a result of automating the operations of exchange and control, the volume of manual preparation of data is significantly reduced, and there is no longer any need for individual logs which fix the status of data processing. The system Ozhur is included in the automated data processing system Nauka which is realized in language PL-1 in a binary one-address system one-state (BOS OS) electronic computer
Mathematical Conception of "Phenomenological" Equilibrium Thermodynamics
In the paper, the principal aspects of the mathematical theory of equilibrium
thermodynamics are distinguished. It is proved that the points of degeneration
of a Bose gas of fractal dimension in the momentum space coincide with critical
points or real gases, whereas the jumps of critical indices and the Maxwell
rule are related to the tunnel generalization of thermodynamics. Semiclassical
methods are considered for the tunnel generalization of thermodynamics and also
for the second and ultrasecond quantization (operators of creation and
annihilation of pairs). To every pure gas there corresponds a new critical
point of the limit negative pressure below which the liquid passes to a
dispersed state (a foam). Relations for critical points of a homogeneous
mixture of pure gases are given in dependence on the concentration of gases.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figure, more precise explanations, more references. arXiv
admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1202.525
Nonlinear dynamics of soft fermion excitations in hot QCD plasma III: Soft-quark bremsstrahlung and energy losses
In general line with our early works [Yu.A. Markov, M.A. Markova, Nucl. Phys.
A770 (2006) 162; 784 (2007) 443] within the framework of a semiclassical
approximation the general theory of calculation of effective currents and
sources generating bremsstrahlung of an arbitrary number of soft quarks and
soft gluons at collision of a high-energy color-charged particle with thermal
partons in a hot quark-gluon plasma, is developed. For the case of one- and
two-scattering thermal partons with radiation of one or two soft excitations,
the effective currents and sources are calculated in an explicit form. In the
model case of `frozen' medium, approximate expressions for energy losses
induced by the most simple processes of bremsstrahlung of soft quark and soft
gluon, are derived. On the basis of a conception of the mutual cancellation of
singularities in the sum of so-called `diagonal' and `off-diagonal'
contributions to the energy losses, an effective method of determining color
factors in scattering probabilities, containing the initial values of Grassmann
color charges, is suggested. The dynamical equations for Grassmann color
charges of hard particle used by us early are proved to be insufficient for
investigation of the higher radiative processes. It is shown that for correct
description of these processes the given equations should be supplemented
successively with the higher-order terms in powers of the soft fermionic field.Comment: 93 pages, 20 figure
Conductance of a Mott Quantum Wire
We consider transport through a one-dimensional conductor subject to an
external periodic potential and connected to non-interacting leads (a "Mott
quantum wire"). For the case of a strong periodic potential, the conductance is
shown to jump from zero, for the chemical potential lying within the
Mott-Hubbard gap, to the non-interacting value of 2e^2/h, as soon as the
chemical potential crosses the gap edge. This behavior is strikingly different
from that of an optical conductivity, which varies continuously with the
carrier concentration. For the case of a weak potential, the perturbative
correction to the conductance due to Umklapp scattering is absent away from
half-filling.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 1 ps figure included; published versio
WKB Propagation of Gaussian Wavepackets
We analyze the semiclassical evolution of Gaussian wavepackets in chaotic
systems. We prove that after some short time a Gaussian wavepacket becomes a
primitive WKB state. From then on, the state can be propagated using the
standard TDWKB scheme. Complex trajectories are not necessary to account for
the long-time propagation. The Wigner function of the evolving state develops
the structure of a classical filament plus quantum oscillations, with phase and
amplitude being determined by geometric properties of a classical manifold.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; significant improvement
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