5 research outputs found

    Determination Of Toxicity Of Chopped Meat-based Semi-products In Vivo

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    At solving the problem of protein deficiency, the great role of the raw material for its production is played by leguminous cultures such as peas, haricot beans, lupine, forage beans, lentil, chick-peas, peavine and other. The chemical composition and food value of proteins of these cultures are most close to animal proteins – of meat, fish and also milk. Among the essential quantity of vegetable raw material that contains protein (33 - 50 %), the special place is occupied by lupine, characterized as an important reserve of high-quality protein substances at the World congress in 1991 in the USA [1].There were elaborated certain recipes of meat chopped semi-products, based on beef that contains 5 %, 10 %, 15 % of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane root powder.There were carried out the studies on the determination of toxicity of functional raw material and cutlets with 10 % content of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane on white mice organisms. There were used methods, based on toxic substances extraction from forages and peeled gains under condition of the intra-stomach administration and cutlets feed during 10 days. Blood was taken for hematological studies in mice, fed by functional cutlets.It was proved, that these products have no toxic influence on organisms. At the pathoanatomical dissection, any macroscopic changes in tissues were not revealed, blood hematological results are within norm.The best sample № 2 with 10 % content of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane was determined by the gustatory method.It was determined, that functional meat chopped semi-product may be included in the ration for the sound, treating-prophylactic nutrition

    Microstructural Studies of Improved Meat Chopped Semi-finished Products

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    In many countries of the world, including in Ukraine, there is insufficient provision of the population with protein foods. So, the deficit of protein in the diet of the population of Ukraine is at least 25 %. Dishes made from chopped meat cutlets for energy value is necessary for human nutrition. However, at present, close attention is paid to the principles of healthy nutrition based on a balanced food composition, the presence in it of all the substances and elements necessary for maintaining the health and vitality of the body. Therefore, it is proposed to introduce into the meat cut semi-finished products the powder of the elecampane root and the white lupine flour. Essential oil of a complex composition (lactones, alantol and proazulen) contains in the rhizomes and roots of elecampane. In addition to essential oil, inulin is found (up to 44 %), inulinen, pseudoinulin, acetic and benzoic acids. And also elecampane stimulates the reproduction of the population of the necessary bifidobacteria in the large intestine. Lupine flour is rich in proteins and dietary fiber.Improved ground beef with replace 5 %, 10 %, 15 % of the meat portion of lupine flour and the addition of 0.5 % of elecampane root powder and a control sample of ground beef are considered. For microscopic examination, the material of the minced meat is labeled and fixed in a 10 % neutral formalin solution. On the sledge microtome, sections 0.5–1 cm thick are made dyed with hematoxylin and eosin – periodic acid Schiff reaction.Histological studies have shown for the periodic acid Schiff reaction the content of meat and vegetable parts in the developed semi-finished product. By hematoxylin and eosin, the percentage composition of the minced meat is determined. So, thanks to the development of functional meat chopped products, it is possible to achieve health-rational nutrition. The introduction of the elecampane root helps restore the strength and health of people, and lupine flour allows the product to be enriched with proteins

    Determining the Effect of Lupin Flour and Inula on the Flow of Metabolic Processes in the Organism

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    The authors carried out research on white mice into toxicity of lupin flour, inula root and functional cutlets containing 5 %, 10 %, 15 % of lupin flour with the replacement of meat share and 0.5 % of inula as a spicy-aromatic additive. Toxicity of lupin flour, inula and functional cutlets was determined under conditions of intragastrical introduction of 0.5 ml of the extract. Toxicity of the finished 10 % functional cutlets was studied under conditions of feeding white mice on them as the main feed for 10 days. Blood sampling was conducted in the control and experimental groups of mice for hematologic research.It was found that lupin flour and inula do not cause catarrhal or hemorrhagic inflammation of gastrointestinal tract and the death of mice, therefore, they are non-toxic. While feeding mice on cutlets with 10 % content of lupin flour and 0.5 % of inula, it was established that during pathoanatomical dissection, macroscopic changes in the organs and tissues were not found, p<0.05, which is within the normal range. Therefore, this product is non-toxic and it can be included in the diet of peopl

    A Study of Toxic Elements and Radionuclides in Semi-smoked Sausages Made with Lentils, Thyme, and Juniper

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    The study determines toxic elements by methods of atomic absorption spectrometry with atomisation in a flame in terms of the colorimetric atomic absorption method. The values of specific activity and volumetric activity of γ-emitting radionuclides are found in sausages using the means of computer technology. The purpose of the research is to determine the safety of semi-smoked sausages made with the use of beef, poultry, lentils, thyme, and juniper as to the content of toxic elements and radionuclides by using techniques developed by Lviv Oblast State Laboratory of the State Consumer Protection Service in Lviv Oblast. A detailed description of the process of conducting research on the sausages is given in the article.Semi-smoked sausages of modified recipes, namely using beef, poultry, lentils, thyme, and juniper, were investigated according to the methodology developed by Lviv Oblast State Laboratory of the State Consumer Protection Service in Lviv Oblast, using the atomic absorption spectrometry method applying Varian AA240FS Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Agilent Technologies, USA) and Shimadzu AAS-6300 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan). The use of the developed techniques and this equipment made it possible to determine the contents of lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, copper, zinc, and radionuclides and to confirm conformity of the sausages according to these parameters to the requirements of DSTU 4435:2005. Semi-smoked sausages. The research results allowed registering the technical specifications and technological instructions for the semi-smoked sausages Osoblyva Simeyna, Osoblyva Simeyna Spiced, Osoblyva Sambirska, Osoblyva Sambirska Spiced, Osoblyva Stryiska, and Osoblyva Stryiska Spiced


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    Studies have been conducted into the content of toxic elements in sprouted and unsprouted lentils, juniper fruits and thyme herb, manufactured samples of semi-smoked sausages whose formulation contained the specified ingredients. The samples were prepared for conducting the study. Measuring the mass fraction of heavy metals is based on the selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency by atoms of substance in a free state. Metal mass fraction in the mineralizate of a sample of food products was calculated by the calibration dependence of absorption magnitude on mass concentration of the metal. Measurement of copper and zinc mass fractions involved an atomization technique in the air-acetylene flame, with a burner heated to a temperature of around 3000 °C; their content was determined by the magnitude of radiation resonance absorption at analytical wavelength corresponding to the examined metal. It was determined that the investigated vegetable raw materials and semi-smoked sausages did not contain toxic elements that exceeded the standard