6 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe identity and analyze reputation, socialresponsibility and physical environment of star hotels in Yogyakarta Province.Research methodology employed survey method. Respondent of this researchwere customers/guests of the three, four, and five star hotels in YogyakartaProvince. Result of the study shows that image of the three, four and five starhotel was influenced by their company’s identity, reputation, socialresponsibility, and physical environment. Among these factors, company’sidentity has dominantly influenced image of hotel. Marketing communicationthrough promotional mix is considered as main role in order to increaseresponds of customers toward company’s identity. Therefore, actualization ofmarketing communication performance must be good. Better promotionalmarketing management will develop understanding and respond of customersthat affect increasing of hotel’s image


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    The research uses to the management economics approach, especiallyservice marketing management and its methods are survey by using cross sectiondata. Unit analysis in the research is customer at star hotel in Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta (DIY). Data will be obtained by spreading questionnaires and directinterview with 300 respondents. The research samples are 12 stars hotel in DIYwhich are stated by using systematic sampling. Data will be analyzed by usingImportance-Performance Analysis. The result of research shows customer have notmaximum satisfaction at stars hotel in DIY. This indicated higher customerexpectations for personal contact, supporting the physical facilities and equipmentcompared to the performance perceived by customer


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    The objective of the research is to find out the factors that are considered by consumers in using whatsapp social media in Palu City. The number of samples in is 95 respondents. The techniques of data are interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The research method uses a purposive sampling technique; besides the measurement scale of the research is a factor analysis. The result of the research is formed 4 factors that are considered by consumers in using whatsapp social media in Palu City, namely the factor of Service features, Cost, Security and Social

    Strategi Pemasaran Pada Pendidikan Dalam Menarik Minat Siswa Baru Di Kalukubula Preschool

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    Education plays a crucial role in the life of every individual, especially during childhood. Therefore, educational institutions need to develop effective marketing strategies to attract new students. The focus of this research is to evaluate the educational marketing strategies implemented by Kalukubula Preschool Branch Kalukubula with the aim of increasing interest from new students.The method used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection is conducted through in-depth interviews with various stakeholders, including the school principal, teachers, and parents. The research results indicate that Kalukubula Preschool Branch Kalukubula employs several educational marketing strategies, involving the development of quality educational programs, innovation in the learning system, improvement of facilities, and effective promotion. The findings of this research reveal that the educational marketing strategies implemented by Kalukubula Preschool Branch Kalukubula have successfully increased interest from new students through the development of quality educational programs, innovation in the learning system, improvement of facilities, and effective promotio


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    The sustainability of the externalities of the Palu Special Economic Zone (KEK) provides legitimacy for managers, especially negative externalities, such as economic, social, environmental, legal and governance dimensions. Social dialogue really needs to be carried out to produce social license. As a result, the social license that has been obtained will become an important note as a reference and evaluation in assessing the performance of companies operating in the regional area. The role of environmental accounting for the sustainability of the externalities of the Palu Barus Special Economic Zone (KEK) focuses on processes that exert control over the impact of the company's production activities so that various negative externalities can be handled or minimized. Therefore, Estate managers must realize that they must increase profitability and take care of everything related to their survival in society directly or indirectly. This awareness produces a solution to the concept of sustainable development. Therefore, the managers of the Palu Special Economic Zone (KEK) and company owners operating within the area ensure that every decision is directed towards sustainability. Management accounting and control play a major role in creating information and therefore need to be considered as society seeks a transition to sustainability. Environmental accounting also plays an important role in trying to identify externalities, such as determining what is the subject of the account (the company's production activities, products produced by all companies operating within and outside the regional area, determining which externalities will be identified. The potential for negative externalities to occur if there is dialogue social services are not implement

    Peran Marketing Mix Dalam Membangun Citra Sekolah

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    The objective of this research is to understand the role of the marketing mix in shaping the school’s image. The research employs a qualitative descriptive method, involving school environment observation and interviews. From the research, it can be concluded that SDN 10 Pantoloan actively contributes to branding its school image. By delivering educational services with considerations from the marketing mix, SDN 10 Pantoloan can maintain its standards in creating a positive image. The school is able to showcase achievements, both academic and non-academic, provide better interaction with the community, and offer the necessary facilities to support a better school image&nbsp