55 research outputs found

    Eduardo Mieželaičio kūrybos vaikams muzikiniai motyvai

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Eduardas Mieželaitis, muzika, vaikų literatūra; Intertekstas; Muzika; Poezija; Vaikų literatūra; Children's literture; Eduardas Mieželaitis, Music, Children literature; Intertext; Music; Poetr

    Semantikos ir poetikos vienovė Janinos Degutytės eilėraščių cikle "Piemenaitė karalaitė"

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    Straipsnyje interpretuojamas Janinos Degutytės (1928 – 1990), žymios XX a. antros pusės lietuvių poetės, eilėraščių ciklas „Piemenaitė karalaitė“ (1982). Tai ryškus ir įdomus gėlių bei apskritai floristinio motyvo išskleidimas lietuvių poezijoje. Ciklą sudaro 22 eilėraščiai, kiekvienas iš jų pateikia vis kito augalo „portretą“. Straipsnyje ryškinama šio ciklo poetinių vaizdų kūrimo ypatumai, semantikos ir poetikos dominantės: netikėtas, okazionalus žodžių junglumas, tautosakiniai įvaizdžiai, opozicinis mąstymas bei personifikavimo galimybių panaudojimas, kuriant originalius augalų vaizdinius. Daug dėmesio straipsnyje skiriama spalvų poetinėms reikšmėms atskleisti. Eilėraščių ciklas „Piemenaitė karalaitė“ mąstomas ne tik kaip vaikų poezijos tekstas, bet ir kaip universalus literatūros objektasThis article interprets “Piemenaitė karalaitė” (“Little Shepherd Queen”), a cycle of poems by Janina Degutytė (1928-1990), a famous Lithuanian poet from the second half of the 20th century. It is a vivd and fascinating work of flower motifs and in general floral motifs in Lithuanian poetry. The cycle is comprised of 22 poems, with each providing the portrait of a particular plant. This article highlights the special features of the creation of poetic images in this cycle, and the dominating features of semantics and poetics: the unexpected arrangement of words together, folkloric images, oppositional contemplation and use of personification in creating original plant images. Much attention in the article is focused on uncovering the poetic meanings of colours. The “Piemenaitė karalaitė” cycle of poems is meditated upon not only as a text of children‘s poetry, but also as a universal object of literature

    Portrayal of the child in Lithuanian didactic stories of the 19th c

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    The article focuses on three Lithuanian didactic stories of the 19th c. These are Jan Chodzka’s story “Jonas iš Svisločės” (1823) translated by Juozapas Rupeika, Petras Gomaliauskis’ (Gomalevskis) “Aplankymas Seniuko dėl brolių Žemaičių ir Lietuvių” (1853) and Juozapas Silvestras Dovydaitis’ “Šiaulėmiškis senelis”. The latter is the major work of didactic prose of the 19th century. The author of the article attempts to reveal how children are depicted in the above stories, the way their portraits are created, what similarities and differences in children depiction emerge in different stories. The most vivid children’s portraits in the Lithuanian didactic prose of the 19th century are found in Motiejus Valančius’ collections of stories. However, the analysed didactic stories also have colourful, valuable pages depicting children and childhood. The most vivid portraits are found in Petras Gomuliauskis’ story “Marikė” and Juozapas Silvestras Dovydaitis’ story called “Raudnosis”. These stories depict a rather thorough portrait of children, their families and the surrounding environment. In all the discussed stories, group portraying of children is important. It is here that picturesque descriptions having the aura of the authentic Lithuanian village of the 19th century could be found. In built-in stories or separate episodes the portraits of children are not explicated, they are episodic, more of a sketch type, serving to demonstrate or prove a didactic statement, demonstrate a moral, or prove something. The stories analysed in the article provided vivid descriptions on the early stages of the Lithuanian literature, what allows speaking about the 19th century didactic prose as the source of the Lithuanian children literature

    Swamp in Lithuanian factual literature for children

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    Factual literature occupies a significant place in contemporary Lithuanian literature for children. It is especially relevant to a teenager reader; factual literature meets the need for scientific knowledge, documentary, non-fiction text. Factual literature manifests through diverse genres, types. Traditionally, a very pronounced theme of factual literature is nature. This article especially broadly deals with depiction o f a swamp as a natural object in factual Lithuanian literature for children. Popular scientific texts on swamp, a mysterious and intriguing object, speak to a child-reader from works o f encyclopaedic character (e.g. "Enciklopedija vaikams apie Lietuvą", Vilnius, 2001) or similar to them (e.g. Alis Balbierius, "Jaunojo gamtininko kalendorius", Vilnius, 1995; Stasys Gliaudys, "Gamtos namuose", Šiauliai, 2001). Publicistic style, abundance of scientific data, an objective tone of conversation - all these are the characteristic features of publications o f such kind. Perhaps the most numerous group of texts on swamp is scientific fiction publications. Their genres vary: pictures, miniatures, sketches; sometimes the genre is defined abstractly - "stories about nature". Majority of writers, authors of many books, write within this field: Leonas Grudzinskas, Gediminas Isokas, Juozas Šokas, Bronius Šablevičius, Henrikas Gudavičius and others.The authors strive to tell their stories suggestively, seek artistic expression, authentic experience grounds. Scientific fiction texts are the rarest; they match both fictional narration and scientific facts about fauna, flora, etc of Lithuanian nature (including swamps). The most outstanding piece of literature is a novella "Paukštulis - ežero vaikas" (1987) by Vytautas Nedzinskas; it tells about Žuvintas reserve and Žilvinas Dilys, a boy from Kaunas, a naturalist who investigates it. The novella shows adventures, artistic pictures of nature. Planes of both science and fiction are matched quite subtly. Moreover, books of factual character for children are usually written by practitioners - naturalists, scientists, and reserve staff

    Visualisation of smell in the discourse of advertising

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    Advertising which deals with smell is analysed in the paper. Smell is one of the five senses that humans have. Press advertisements, TV commercials are perceived through vision, i.e. they are seen. How is something, that cannot be seen, conveyed? The creators of visual messages face the problem how to convert one sign system which is perceived through the eyes into another sign system which is perceived through the nose. A very important thing should be kept in mind that advertising is producing a message which employs a variety of signs to reach the greatest number of people. The creators of advertisements should be careful dealing with entropy and avoid literal language whenever it is possible. The aim of the paper is to analyse visual representation of smell in advertising by applying a communicative approach and a semiotic analysis of adverts. Research showed that a linguistic code, i.e. words, is often used in advertising. Most often smell is signified by linking it to the image and naming it (the smell of bread, basil, musk). Another strategy is to create a visual message and support it with a text. The following means of visual representation of smell have been analysed in the paper: odour emitters (a perfume bottle, rose petals, etc.); the process of smelling; the feeling of being carried by the aroma (the image of the breeze); the feeling of euphoria (social dysphoria); metonymy (the scent of petals, stars, droplets, light, etc.); metaphors to signify odours of actually odourless things (the smell of spring of ceramic tiles, of Lithuania). It was found that sexuality and eroticism are emphasised in fragrance advertising, taste – in food advertising. Cases of direct advertising with glossy magazines were found: free perfume samples, scented strips, perfumed pages with the commercials of the advertised fragrance

    Multifunctional character of Motiejus Valančius prose

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    Didactic prose of Motiejus Valančius (1801-1875) and the entire didactic prose of the nineteenth century wore a track for Lithuanian fictional creation. Didactic text is of universal format - it tries to cover everything, wants to preach, to assess, to teach, to record and to popularise. Such polyfunctionality is archaic, specific feature of Lithuanian didactic prose of the nineteenth century. Didactic prose of Valančius is especially influenced by extraliterary factors (historic, political situation of the country, socio-cultural situation of writer, confessional objectives and commitments, etc.). The writer creates prose texts, in particular, because he wants to change, to shape the life of rural community actively, he even wants to regulate in many places. Such an active attitude coincided both with the tasks of the bishop and with the concept of education paradigm. The phenomenon of polyfunctionality is also duly complemented by the concept of syncretism which refers to the non-differentiation of various primary literary types and genres. Works of fiction by Valančius may be interpreted as some quite bright crystallizing functions: 1) didactic text towers as the art of word, the fiction. The aim of such narration is to tell an interesting story, to indulge, 2) didactic text is important as the continuation of confessional, pastoral activity. Short stories must be understood as a continuation of preaching, addition to catechism lessons and moral, 3) didactic text is also relevant as a particular expression of educational thought, 4) didactic text as an expression of educational the mission. Popularity of scientific knowledge, folklore and ethnographic exhibitions and so on. The article separately discusses the above listed functions of Valančius’ didactic text

    Prose works of M. Valančius, P. Mašiotas, and J. Biliūnas: didactic and aesthetics strategies

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dekalogas; Didaktinė proza; Jonas Biliūnas; Krikščioniška etika; Lietuvių apsakymas; Literatūros mokymo metodika; Moralizmas; Motiejus Valančius; Pranas Mašiotas; Christian Ethics; Decalogue; Didactic Prose; Jonas Biliūnas; Lithuanian short story; Methods of Literary Teaching; Morality; Motiejus Valančius; Pranas Mašiota