3 research outputs found

    Accelerated variety turnover for open-pollinated crops in Tanzania - Phase 1 Key Findings

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    Open-pollinated varieties (OPVs), such as beans, sorghum, and groundnuts, are important for increased income, job creation, food security, and nutrition of both urban and rural households in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, the main constraint is underdeveloped seed systems, which contribute substantially to dwindling productivity among small-scale farmers due to limited access to reliable and quality planting materials. ACCELERATE is expected to accelerate varietal adoption and turnover in Tanzania by tapping into the power of large/small-scale or marketplace traders, and institutional seed buyers

    Effect of Marketing Communications on Consumer Purchase Behavior of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) In Kenya

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    A Research Project Report Submitted to the Chandaria School of Business in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA)This project report discusses the findings from investigating the effectiveness of marketing communication to consumer purchase behavior on Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). The four objectives covered by this study were: the effects of advertising on consumer purchase decisions, the effects of sales promotions on consumer purchase decisions, the effects of personal selling on consumer purchase decisions, and the effects of social media on consumer purchase decisions. The research was covered amongst purchase decision makers of FMCG products in middle income households in Nairobi. A sample of 395 was covered. Descriptive statistics such as: mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression were used to measure results. Results for the first objective, effects of advertising on consumer purchase decisions, show that trial purchase is most influenced by recommendation from friends or family. Marketers refer to this as word of mouth advertisement. A correlation analysis was run between the advertisement channels and purchase decision and it revealed that the Pearson’s r value for all was below 0.5 denoting weak, positive association. A regression analysis was run and results showed R2 is 0.235, which means that 23.5 percent of the total variation in purchase is explained by variability in advertisement channels. A correlation analysis was also done for advertising elements the Pearson r relationship between ‘Celebrities / famous people’ and purchase decision scored 0.522 which was the only strong, positive association. The second objective investigated the effects of sales promotions on consumer purchase decisions. Results reveal that price discounts are the most used type of sales promotion. Sales promotions also induce temporary switching as ‘The promotion makes me temporarily change brands’ had the highest mean amongst the influence factors tested. A regression analysis was done and R2 is 0.124, which means that 12.4 percent of the total variation in purchase decision is explained by variability in sales promotions. A correlation analysis was run between the sales promotion and purchase decision. The Pearson’s r value for all relationships between ‘all sales promotion types’ and purchase decision, are above zero but below 0.5 denoting a weak, positive associations. The third objective covered the effects of personal selling on purchase decisions. About 90% have interacted sales persons in supermarkets. A correlation analysis was run between the sales persons and purchase decision and the Pearson’s r relationship between ‘sales women in the supermarket’ and purchase decision was the strongest implying that women have a higher influence than men. The fourth and last objective studies the effects of social media on purchase decisions. Findings revealed that Facebook followed by WhatsApp are the most used social media networks. Respondents are most satisfied with product information provided on Facebook followed by Twitter. A correlation analysis was done on the different types of information and purchase decision, it was discovered that information on promotions had the strongest positive association. Social media marketing is also found more creative and attractive compared to others The study provides key conclusions for each marketing strategy. Advertising has more influence on TV and internet channels, positive word of mouth which is a key factor for trial purchase, and use of celebrities has the strongest positive correlation on purchase influence. Sales promotions are driven by price discounts which are the most used, they help customers make after purchase decisions, and they drive temporary brand switching. Personal selling is effective as customer frequently encounter them, are satisfied with information given, and increase brand trust and image. Use of women in personal selling has a higher influence than men. Social media marketing is most effective on Facebook which is the most widely used and social media platforms provide adequate product information. The main recommendations for each marketing strategy was provided. Advertising budgets should be focused TV and internet. Internet can be used to drive positive word of mouth which promotes trial purchase and TV advertisements should take advantage of celebrity advertising. Marketers should use price discounts to drive temporary switching when they need to boost their sales. Emphasis should be placed on women when selecting sales representatives in supermarkets because they have more influence on purchase. Social media marketing should leverage on Facebook more than other platforms. The recommendation on further studies is that the research should be done on counties outside Nairobi to identify disparities in purchase behavior and get a nationally representative view of the findings