17 research outputs found

    Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) after nine years of operation: a summary

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    Mars Express, the first European interplanetary mission, carries the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) to search for ice and water in the Martian subsurface. Developed by an Italian–US team, MARSIS transmits low-frequency, wide-band radio pulses penetrating below the surface and reflected by dielectric discontinuities linked to structural or compositional changes. MARSIS is also a topside ionosphere sounder,transmitting a burst of short, narrow-band pulses at different frequencies that are reflected by plasma with varying densities at different altitudes.The radar operates since July 2005, after the successful deployment of its 40 m antenna, acquiring data at altitudes lower than 1200 km. Subsurface sounding (SS)data are processed on board by stacking together a batch of echoes acquired at the same frequency. Onground, SS data are further processed by correlating the received echo with the transmitted waveform and compensating de-focusing caused by the dispersive ionosphere. Ground processing of active ionospheric sounding (AIS)data consists in the reconstruction of the electron density profile as a function of altitude. MARSIS observed the internal structure of Planum Boreum outlining the Basal Unit, an icy deposit lying beneath the North Polar Layered Deposits thought to have formed in an epoch in which climate was markedly different from the current one.The total volume of ice in polar layered deposits could be estimated, and parts of the Southern residual ice cap were revealed to consist of 10 m of CO2 ice. Radar properties of the Vastitas Borealis Formation point to the presence of large quantities of ice buried beneath the surface. Observations of the ionosphere revealed the complex interplay between plasma, crustal magnetic field and solar wind, contributing to space weather studies at Mars. The presence of three-dimensional plasma structures in the ionosphere was revealed for the first time. MARSIS could successfully operate at Phobos, becoming the first instrument of its kind to observe an asteroid-like body. The main goal pursued by MARSIS, the search for liquid water beneath the surface, remains elusive. However, because of the many factors affecting detection and of the difficulties in identifying water in radar echoes, a definitive conclusion on its presence cannot yet be drawn

    Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) after nine years of operation: A summary

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    Mars Express, the first European interplanetary mission, carries the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) to search for ice and water in the Martian subsurface. Developed by an Italian-US team, MARSIS transmits low-frequency, wide-band radio pulses penetrating below the surface and reflected by dielectric discontinuities linked to structural or compositional changes. MARSIS is also a topside ionosphere sounder, transmitting a burst of short, narrow-band pulses at different frequencies that are reflected by plasma with varying densities at different altitudes. The radar operates since July 2005, after the successful deployment of its 40 m antenna, acquiring data at altitudes lower than 1200 km. Subsurface sounding (SS) data are processed on board by stacking together a batch of echoes acquired at the same frequency. On ground, SS data are further processed by correlating the received echo with the transmitted waveform and compensating de-focusing caused by the dispersive ionosphere. Ground processing of active ionospheric sounding (AIS) data consists in the reconstruction of the electron density profile as a function of altitude. MARSIS observed the internal structure of Planum Boreum outlining the Basal Unit, an icy deposit lying beneath the North Polar Layered Deposits thought to have formed in an epoch in which climate was markedly different from the current one. The total volume of ice in polar layered deposits could be estimated, and parts of the Southern residual ice cap were revealed to consist of ≈ 10 m of CO2 ice. Radar properties of the Vastitas Borealis Formation point to the presence of large quantities of ice buried beneath the surface. Observations of the ionosphere revealed the complex interplay between plasma, crustal magnetic field and solar wind, contributing to space weather studies at Mars. The presence of three-dimensional plasma structures in the ionosphere was revealed for the first time. MARSIS could successfully operate at Phobos, becoming the first instrument of its kind to observe an asteroid-like body. The main goal pursued by MARSIS, the search for liquid water beneath the surface, remains elusive. However, because of the many factors affecting detection and of the difficulties in identifying water in radar echoes, a definitive conclusion on its presence cannot yet be drawn

    Radar Evidence of Subglacial Liquid Water on Mars

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    Strong radar echoes from the bottom of the martian southern polar deposits are interpreted as being due to the presence of liquid water under 1.5 km of ice

    SHARAD: The MRO 2005 shallow radar

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    SHARAD is a subsurface sounding radar provided by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) as a facility instrument to be 9own on the NASA mission Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). It shall be launched on August 2005 from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and shall deliver a payload designed to provide observations from a low Mars orbit with a nominal science period starting from October 2006. SHARAD operating parameters, 20 MHz central frequency with a 10 MHz bandwidth, shall allow to study the planet in a way that shall complement previous and recent results, shall be complementary to the other Italian sounding radar Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) in terms of scale and resolution, and shall return scienti>c data for Martian soil in order to support the site selection for future landing missions. In this paper the scienti>c objectives and the system analysis will be discussed and the expected performance is evaluated

    The SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) Experiment, a subsurface sounding radar for MRO

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    Abstract. SHARAD (SHAllow RADar) is a radar for the study of the Martian subsurface provided by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) as a facility instrument on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 2005 spacecraft. The scientific objective of SHARAD is the detection of water, either liquid or solid, and the profiling of subsurface ice layers in the first hundreds of meters of the Martian subsurface. Although the Martian surface is not uniformly amenable to subsurface sounding, it will be possible to find favourable conditions for the achievement of scientific objectives. SHARAD is complementary to the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) experiment on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft, as it is capable of a better resolution (because of the wider transmitted bandwidth) at the cost of a reduced penetration (higher operating frequency). SHARAD benefits from MARSIS experience both for the modelling of the expected surface clutter, and for the inversion of echo data. Preliminary data acquired during the instrument commissioning period around Mars have demonstrated the correct working of the instrument. Seu et al.: SHARAD, a radar sounder for MRO 2

    Radar evidence of subglacial liquid water on Mars.

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    The presence of liquid water at the base of the martian polar caps has long been suspected but not observed. We surveyed the Planum Australe region using the MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding) instrument, a low-frequency radar on the Mars Express spacecraft. Radar profiles collected between May 2012 and December 2015 contain evidence of liquid water trapped below the ice of the South Polar Layered Deposits. Anomalously bright subsurface reflections are evident within a well-defined, 20-kilometer-wide zone centered at 193°E, 81°S, which is surrounded by much less reflective areas. Quantitative analysis of the radar signals shows that this bright feature has high relative dielectric permittivity (>15), matching that of water-bearing materials. We interpret this feature as a stable body of liquid water on Mars