8 research outputs found

    Comparisons of muscle strength between COPD and the reference group, mean of adjusted muscle strength during maximum isometric contraction.

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    Comparisons of muscle strength between COPD and the reference group, mean of adjusted muscle strength during maximum isometric contraction.</p

    Flow chart over the recruitment of the study sample.

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    Notes: 1Post bronchodilator FEV1/VC 1% of predicted68 years old, living in Luleå, Boden or Piteå municipality. 2Individuals who denied participation or could not be located. 3 Individuals not fulfilling the additional inclusion criteria, including adequate vision to read 100 pt font size, ability to stand unassisted for at least 30 seconds, and to understand and process simple instructions. 4FEV1/VC 5n = 20 from OLIN COPD study, n = 2 from BAHRT study.</p

    Coefficient plot of the OPLS-regression model with AP LoS (maximum anteroposterior amplitude in the limits of stability test) as outcome, in the reference group.

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    Notes: The direction of the coefficients represent positive or negative associations with increased sway amplitude. Variables have been centered and scaled for unit variance. Error bars (95% confidence interval) not including zero indicate significant coefficients. Abbreviations: FEV1% pred, Forced expiratory volume in 1 second, percent of predicted; L, Left; R, Right; JPS, Joint position sense, HGS, Hand grip strength, Hip ext, Hip extension; Hip abd, Hip abduction; Knee ext, Knee extension, Knee flx, Knee flexion; Ankle pla, Ankle plantar flexion; Ankle dor, Ankle dorsiflexion.</p

    Coefficient plot of the OPLS-regression model with ML UEO (maximum mediolateral amplitude in unstable eyes open trial) as outcome, in the COPD group.

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    Notes: The direction of the coefficients represent positive or negative associations with increased sway amplitude. Variables have been centered and scaled for unit variance. Error bars (95% confidence interval) not including zero indicate significant coefficients. Abbreviations: FEV1% pred, Forced expiratory volume in 1 second, percent of predicted; L, Left; R, Right; JPS, Joint position sense, HGS, Hand grip strength, Hip ext, Hip extension; Hip abd, Hip abduction; Knee ext, Knee extension, Knee flx, Knee flexion; Ankle pla, Ankle plantar flexion; Ankle dor, Ankle dorsiflexion.</p

    Comparisons of postural control between COPD and reference group: Mean of adjusted maximum amplitudes during static trials and limits of stability.

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    Comparisons of postural control between COPD and reference group: Mean of adjusted maximum amplitudes during static trials and limits of stability.</p

    Coefficient plot of the OPLS-regression model with AP LoS (maximum anteroposterior amplitude in limits of stability test) as outcome, in the COPD group.

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    Notes: The direction of the coefficients represent positive or negative associations with increased sway amplitude. Variables have been centered and scaled for unit variance. Error bars (95% confidence interval) not including zero indicate significant coefficients. Abbreviations: FEV1% pred, Forced expiratory volume in 1 second, percent of predicted; L, Left; R, Right; JPS, Joint position sense, HGS, Hand grip strength, Hip ext, Hip extension; Hip abd, Hip abduction; Knee ext, Knee extension, Knee flx, Knee flexion; Ankle pla, Ankle plantar flexion; Ankle dor, Ankle dorsiflexion.</p