61 research outputs found

    Quantum Critical Probing and Simulation of Colored Quantum Noise

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    We propose a protocol to simulate the evolution of a non-Markovian open quantum system by considering a collisional process with a many-body system, which plays the role of an environment. As a result of our protocol the environment spatial correlations are mapped into the time correlations of a noise that drives the dynamics of the open system. Considering the weak coupling limit the open system can also be considered as a probe of the environment properties. In this regard, when preparing the environment in its ground state, a measurement of the dynamics of the open system allows to determine the length of the environment spatial correlations and therefore its critical properties. To illustrate our proposal we simulate the full system dynamics with matrix-product-states and compare this with the reduced dynamics obtained with an approximated variational master equation

    Scabies and impetigo in Timor-Leste: A school screening study in two districts

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    Introduction Scabies and impetigo are common and important skin conditions which are often neglected in developing countries. Limited data have been published on the prevalence of scabies and impetigo in Timor-Leste. Sequelae including cellulitis, bacteraemia, nephritis, acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease contribute significantly to the burden of disease. Methods School students were recruited from schools in Dili (urban) and Ermera (rural) in Timor-Leste for an epidemiological study in October 2016. A standard questionnaire was used to record demographics, anthropometry and skin examination results. Impetigo and scabies were diagnosed based on clinical examination of exposed surfaces, and clinical photographs were reviewed for correlation by an infectious diseases paediatrician. Prevalence of scabies and impetigo were calculated and binary risk factor associations were described using relative risks and 95% confidence intervals. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated using logistic regression multivariate analysis. Continuous variables were analysed for associations using the Mann-Whitney Rank Sum test. Results The study enrolled 1396 students; median age 11 years (interquartile range (IQR) 9-15). The prevalence of scabies was 22.4% (95% Cl 20.2-24.7%) and active impetigo 9.7% (95% Cl 8.3-11.4%); 68.2% of students had evidence of either active or healed impetigo. Students in Ermera were more likely than those in Dili to have scabies (prevalence 32.0% vs 5.2%, aOR 8.1 (95% Cl 5.2-12.4), p<0.01). There was no difference in the prevalence of active impetigo between urban and rural sites. More than a third of participants were moderately or severely underweight. Stunting was markedly more common in the rural district of Ermera. Conclusion Scabies and impetigo are common in Timor-Leste, with very high prevalence of scabies in the rural district of Ermera. Improvements in prevention and treatment are needed, with prioritised activities in the rural areas where prevalence is highesThe study was funded by East Timor Hearts Fund https://www.easttimorheartsfund.org. au. The study was also supported by Menzies School of Health Research (https://www.menzies. edu.au/) and Telethon Kids Institute (www. telethonkids.org.au). A donation of LA-Bicillin for treatment of children with RHD was made by Pfizer. ACB is supported by an National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Early Career Fellowship (1088735)

    Uma Queimadura Solar Bizarra

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    A síndrome de DRESS (drug rash with eosinophlia and systemic symptoms) trata-se de uma reação de hipersensibilidade induzida por fármacos, rara, complexa e potencialmente fatal. Geralmente evolui com erupção cutânea, alterações hematológicas, linfadenopatia, com envolvimento de órgãos. Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um homem caucasiano de 79 anos que deu entrada no serviço de urgência devido a uma queimadura no tórax e abdómen após férias e exposição solar sem proteção solar. A sua medicação habitual há 2 anos é: perindopril+amlodipina, sinvastatina e alopurinol. Apresentava também um eritema maculopapular pruriginoso no dorso e erupção eritematosa confluente nos membros inferiores, semelhantes a lesões purpúricas. Dados laboratoriais demonstraram linfopenia e elevação das enzimas hepáticas. De acordo com o score RegiSCAR, este caso classifica-se como provável síndrome de DRESS. O alopurinol foi suspenso imediatamente e foi iniciada prednisolona. Foi observado um mês depois, com melhoria progressiva das lesões. O diagnóstico da síndrome de DRESS é desafiante e deve-se suspeitar do seu diagnóstico num doente sob fármacos de alto risco com clínica característica. A abordagem inicial consiste no tratamento de suporte e na suspensão imediata do fármaco. No caso apresentado, o doente queixava-se de queimadura, mas apresentava uma toxidermia por alopurinol que se manifestou de forma bizarra