4 research outputs found

    Target-site mutations and expression of als gene copies vary according to Echinochloa species

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    The sustainability of rice cropping systems is jeopardized by the large number and variety of populations of polyploid Echinochloa spp. resistant to ALS inhibitors. Better knowledge of the Echinochloa species present in Italian rice fields and the study of ALS genes involved in target- site resistance could significantly contribute to a better understanding of resistance evolution and management. Using a CAPS-rbcL molecular marker, two species, E. crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. and E. oryzicola (Vasinger) Vasing., were identified as the most common species in rice in Italy. Mutations involved in ALS inhibitor resistance in the different species were identified and associated with the ALS homoeologs. The relative expression of the ALS gene copies was evaluated. Molecular characterization led to the identification of three ALS genes in E. crus-galli and two in E. oryzicola. The two species also carried different point mutations conferring resistance: Ala122Asn in E. crus-galli and Trp574Leu in E. oryzicola. Mutations were carried in the same gene copy (ALS1), which was significantly more expressed than the other copies (ALS2 and ALS3) in both species. These results explain the high resistance level of these populations and why mutations in the other ALS copies are not involved in herbicide resistance

    Epidemiology of herbicide resistance evolution in rice weeds and variability in Echinochloa spp.

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    Resistance issues has geometrically increased in the last ten years and now are affecting the production of all most important crops worldwide. Italy is the first European rice producer with about 230,000 ha cultivate mostly in the north west of the Po Valley. To date six weeds have evolved resistance in this crop, among these the most troublesome is Echinochloa spp. Two main purposes were followed in the research: first it was performed an epidemiological study at a scale as large as the main rice area, second a classification study was done on Echinochloa spp. including a dose response experiment of different species belonging to this genus to herbicides. The aim of epidemiological study was to investigate, at municipality level, the association between herbicide resistance cases identified so far and three important agronomic predictors: water seeding rate, soil texture and rotation rate. The analyses was performed using different statistical tests: discriminant analyses and logistic regressions were used to find the degree of association between resistance presence and the predictors. Neural Network approach was used to calculate the risk of resistance evolution on the base of the predictors. Neural Network was able to predict the evolution of resistance in 70% of municipalities when all 6 resistant weeds were considered in the analyses, 30% when Echinochloa spp. alone was considered, losing part of its predictive power maybe due to the smaller quantity of resistance cases present in the database. Maps in Qgis were composed to graphically display the diffusion of the three predictors in the area of the study and the risk of resistance evolution. A resistance screening was performed on 20 randomly collected populations of Echinochloa spp in the area where GIRE had never recorded resistant cases. 16 populations resulted resistant to ALS+ACCase showing that in in these areas resistance is present, but kept at an acceptable level for the farmers. The second part of the research was focused on the recognition of Echinochloa species, matching already published dichotomical keys, with molecular discrimination performed through DNA barcoding approach. Forty accessions of Echinochloa spp. were collected in 2015 from single plant, they were classified and tested for penoxsulam sensitivity. Among the sensible accessions ten were chosen for reproduction in order to obtain a bigger quantity of seeds for further studies. Penoxsulam screening was repeated on these accessions to confirm sensitivity. Morphological classification and molecular marker discrimination were performed both on original and reproduced accessions, with consistent results. Results show that according to Costea & Tardif (2002) only E. crus-galli and E. oryzicola were present among our accessions, according to Tabacchi et al. (2006) there were E. crus-galli, E. oryzicola and E. phyllopogon. Five DNA regions of the chloroplast were analyzed: matK was able to highlight genetic differences between the “white” species, besides distinguishing E. crus-galli, providing a good, but not complete match with Tabacchi et al. (2006) classification. rbcL region instead, differentiating only E. oryzicola from E. crus-galli provided a 100% match with Costea & Tardif (2002) classification. A Specie-Specific PCR protocol was set up on matK gene to discriminate among the “white” Echinochloa species in a single PCR reaction. Dose response experiment was performed twice on 9 accessions using three different herbicides: cyhalofop – butyl, penoxsulam and florpyrauxifen benzyl, both in greenhouse and in outside conditions: although results were variable, especially in the outside experiment, it was clear that the three herbicides had similar efficacy on all Echinochloa species. Results obtained show that planning herbicides strategies on the base of the Echinochloa spp. present on field could be wrong.La resistenza agli erbicidi è un problema che è cresciuto esponenzialmente negli ultimi 10 anni e riguarda tutte le più importanti colture al mondo. L’Italia è il primo produttore europeo di riso con 230.000 ha localizzati nel nord-ovest della Pianura Padana. Ad oggi 6 infestanti hanno evoluto popolazioni resistenti in riso in Italia, fra queste la più importante è Echinochloa spp. La ricerca si è svolta su due binari paralleli: il primo è uno studio epidemiologico a larga scala sulla principale area riso, il secondo è uno studio sulla classificazione di Echinochloa spp. che comprendente esperimenti di dose risposta su varie specie di Echinochloa spp.agli erbicidi. Obiettivo dello studio epidemiologico era analizzare, a livello comunale, il grado di associazione fra presenza di resistenza e tre importanti predittori agronomici: percentuale di semina in acqua, tessitura del suolo e percentuale di rotazione. Le analisi sono state fatte con più approcci statistici: l’analisi discriminante e la regressione logistica hanno permesso di individuare un alto grado di associazione fra la presenza di resistenza ed i predittori. L’approccio Neural Network ha permesso di calcolare il rischio di evolvere popolazioni resistenti sulla base dei predittori: 70% quando tutte le infestanti resistenti sono state considerate, 30% quando solo i casi di Echinochloa spp. sono stati inclusi, perdendo parte del potere predittivo forse a causa della minore quantità di casi di resistenza inclusi nel database. In Qgis sono state create mappe per illustrare la diffusione dei tre predittori nell’area dello studio e il rischio di evoluzione della resistenza. 20 popolazioni di giavone sono state raccolte nei comuni dove non sono mai stati segnalati casi di resistenza al GIRE ed è stato fatto uno screening. 16 popolazioni sono risultate resistenti ACCase+ALS mostrando che in queste aree la resistenza è presente, ma viene tenuta ad un livello accettabile per gli agricoltori. La seconda parte della ricerca riguardava la classificazione delle diverse specie di giavone, abbinando la classificazione fenotipica alla discriminazione fatta attraverso marcatori molecolari usando il DNA barcoding. 40 accessioni di giavone sono state raccolte da piante singole nel 2015, sono state classificate morfologicamente e testate per la sensibilità al penoxsulam. Fra le piante sensibili, 10 sono state riprodotte per ottenere una quantità maggiore di seme. Lo screening con il penoxsulam è stato ripetuto sulle accessioni riprodotte a confermare la sensibilità. La classificazione morfologica e la discriminazione per marcatori molecolari sono state fatte sia sulle piante originali che sulle riprodotte, dando risultati consistenti: nelle popolazioni riprodotte usando Costea & Tardif (2002) sono presenti solo E. crus-galli ed E. oryzicola, usando Tabacchi et al. (2006) sono presenti E. crus-galli, E. oryzicola ed E. phyllopogon. Sono state analizzate 5 regioni di DNA cloroplastico: matK ha discriminato fra le diverse specie di giavone bianco, oltre a E. crus-galli offrendo un buon match, anche se incompleto, con la classificazione di Tabacchi et al. (2006). Le sequenze di rbcL invece hanno differenziato solo E. oryzicola da E. crus-galli, corrispondendo perfettamente a Costea & Tardif (2002) Un protocollo di PCR specie-specifica è stato impostato su matK gene per discriminare diverse specie di giavoni bianchi in una sola reazione di PCR. Gli esperimenti di dose-risposta sono stati fatti sia in serra che all’aperto su 9 accessioni con 3 erbicidi: cyhalofop – butyl, penoxsulam e florpyrauxifen benzyl: anche se i risultati sono stati variabili, soprattutto nell’esperimento all’aperto, è chiaro che i vari erbicidi hanno efficacia simile su tutte le specie di Echinochloa. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che pianificare le strategie erbicide sulla base delle diverse specie di Echinochla possa essere erroneo

    Target-Site Mutations and Expression of ALS Gene Copies Vary According to Echinochloa Species

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    The sustainability of rice cropping systems is jeopardized by the large number and variety of populations of polyploid Echinochloa spp. resistant to ALS inhibitors. Better knowledge of the Echinochloa species present in Italian rice fields and the study of ALS genes involved in target-site resistance could significantly contribute to a better understanding of resistance evolution and management. Using a CAPS-rbcL molecular marker, two species, E. crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv. and E. oryzicola (Vasinger) Vasing., were identified as the most common species in rice in Italy. Mutations involved in ALS inhibitor resistance in the different species were identified and associated with the ALS homoeologs. The relative expression of the ALS gene copies was evaluated. Molecular characterization led to the identification of three ALS genes in E. crus-galli and two in E. oryzicola. The two species also carried different point mutations conferring resistance: Ala122Asn in E. crus-galli and Trp574Leu in E. oryzicola. Mutations were carried in the same gene copy (ALS1), which was significantly more expressed than the other copies (ALS2 and ALS3) in both species. These results explain the high resistance level of these populations and why mutations in the other ALS copies are not involved in herbicide resistance