142 research outputs found

    Regulatory T cells in the immunodiagnosis and outcome of kidney allograft rejection

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    Acute rejection (AR) is responsible for up to 12% of graft loss with the highest risk generally occurring during the first six months after transplantation. AR may be broadly classified into humoral as well as cellular rejection. Cellular rejection develops when donor alloantigens, presented by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) through class I or class II HLA molecules, activate the immune response against the allograft, resulting in activation of naive T cells that differentiate into subsets including cytotoxic CD8(+) and helper CD4(+) T cells type 1 (TH1) and TH2 cells or into cytoprotective immunoregulatory T cells (Tregs). The immune reaction directed against a renal allograft has been suggested to be characterized by two major components: a destructive one, mediated by CD4(+) helper and CD8(+) cytotoxic T cells, and a protective response, mediated by Tregs. The balance between these two opposite immune responses can significantly affect the graft survival. Many studies have been performed in order to define the role of Tregs either in the immunodiagnosis of transplant rejection or as predictor of the clinical outcome. However, information available from the literature shows a contradictory picture that deserves further investigation

    Prompt electrons driving ion acceleration and formation of a two temperatures plasma in nanosecond laser-ablation domain

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    We present the results of an experiment on plasma generation via laser ablation at 10^12 W/cm^2 of power intensity and in a nanosecond domain. Prompt electrons emission and complex plasma plume fragmentation were simultaneously observed for the first time in this laser intensity regime, along with a double electron temperature inside the plasma bulk surviving for a long time to the plume expansion. 1D PIC simulations are in agreement with experimental data as long as the emission of initial prompt electrons is considered. This assumption results to be the key to explain all the other experimental evidences.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Europhysics Letters in pres

    On the Numerical Determination of the Density and Energy Spatial Distributions relevant for in-Plasma β-Decay Emission Estimation

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    Aim of the PANDORA (Plasmas for Astrophysics, Nuclear Decays Observation and Radiation for Archeometry) project is the in-plasma measurements of decay rates of beta radionuclides as a function of the ionization stage. In this view, a precise calculation of plasma electrons density and energy is mandatory, being responsible for ions' creations and their spatial distribution following plasma neutrality. This paper describes the results of the INFN simulation tools applied for the first time to the PANDORA plasma, including electromagnetic calculations and electrons' dynamics within the so-called self-consistent loop. The distribution of the various electrons' population will be shown, with special attention to the warm component on which depends the obtained ions' charge state distribution. The strict relation of the results with the evaluation of the in-plasma nuclear decays will be also explained

    Copropagating schemes for dielectric laser accelerators

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    f of principle electrons laser acceleration experiments, car- ried out by several groups, have demonstrated accelerating gradients larger than 200 MeV/m. However, the adopted configurations (free space coupled gratings, dual pillar, phase reset devices) cannot be easily scaled in length, because they require a transversely incident laser light, impinging laterally along the whole in- teraction dielectric structure. In this paper, extended interaction structures with collinear propagation of the accelerating electromagnetic field and the particles to be accelerated are described: both 2D and 3D photonic-crystals-based structures and slot hollow-core waveguides are compared in terms of accelerating gradient and characteristic interaction impedance, a fundamental quality parameter for Dielectric Laser Accelerators (DLAs)

    Information theory in the study of anisotropic radiation

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    Information theory is used to perform a thermodynamic study of non equilibrium anisotropic radiation. We limit our analysis to a second-order truncation of the moments, obtaining a distribution function which leads to a natural closure of the hierarchy of radiative transfer equations in the so-called variable Eddington factor scheme. Some Eddington factors appearing in the literature can be recovered as particular cases of our two-parameter Eddington factor. We focus our attention in the study of the thermodynamic properties of such systems and relate it to recent nonequilibrium thermodynamic theories. Finally we comment the possibility of introducing a nonequilibrium chemical potential for photons.Comment: 1 eps figure upon request by e-mail, to appear in Journal of Physics

    Progress and verification of DTT ICRF antenna simulation using COMSOL

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    In this paper we present the extension of a full-wave FEM model (COMSOL®+MATLAB®) - initially developed to compute the electromagnetic field in presence of the anisotropic inhomogeneous plasma of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRISs) [1] – to the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency (ICRF). The model - based on the full non-uniform dielectric tensor in "cold plasma" approximation - has been employed to study antenna geometries of increasing complexity. Various antenna types have been analyzed, starting from single flat strap up to the two straps of an antenna option considered for the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (DTT) [2]. The results have been compared, cross-checked and validated with a simpler COMSOL-based tool [3] and with the TOPICA code [4]

    Plasmas in compact traps: From ion sources to multidisciplinary research

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    In linear (minimum-B) magneto-static traps dense and hot plasmas are heated by electromagnetic radiation in the GHz domain via the Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR). The values of plasma density, temperature and confinement times (neτi > 1013 cm−3 s; Te > 10keV) are similar to the ones of thermonuclear plasmas. The research in this field —devoted to heating and confinement optimization— has been supported by numerical modeling and advanced diagnostics, for probing the plasma especially in a non-invasive way. ECR-based systems are nowadays able to produce extremely intense (tens or hundreds of mA) beams of light ions (p, d, He), and relevant currents of heavier elements (C, O, N) up to heavy ions like Xe, Pb, U. Such beams can be extracted from the trap by a proper electrostatic system. The above-mentioned properties make these plasmas very attractive for interdisciplinary researches also, such as i) nuclear decays rates measurements in stellar-like conditions, ii) energy conversion studies, being exceptional sources of short-wavelength electromagnetic radiation (EUV, X-rays, hard X-rays and gammas, useful in material science and archaeometry), iii) environments allowing precise spectroscopical measurements as benchmarks for magnetized astrophysical plasmas. The talk will give an overview about the state-of-the-art in the field of intense ion sources, and some new perspectives for interdisciplinary research, with a special attention to the developments based at INFN-LNS