301 research outputs found


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    本研究は高齢者福祉サービスにおける教養と娯楽の施策について考察したものである。ひとつは、法制度(教養と娯楽に関して触れた省令の運営基準)の根拠について列挙して比べた。これまで利用者に対して教養と娯楽は一方的に提供されるものとの表現が、近年に整備された施設運営基準では、利用者がより主体的に教養と娯楽に参加していくように変化している。これを前提として、次に利用者と施設職員に対して行った調査をまとめた。この調査は施設において大衆演劇の実演とその実演後の意図的・計画的な交流会という公演ボランティア研修を実施したことがらについて聞いたものである。結果として、学生が演劇とその後の交流会を通して福祉の研修となっていること、利用者が楽しめること、また、利用者が主体的に参加することでその本人の情動が活性化されることが分かった。従来副次的であったこの研究フィールドについて更に重視していきたい。This is a study of the education and recreation in elderly welfare service. Firstly, legal grounds for the administrative guides are compared. It is made clear that users used to be those who were relieved one-sidedly, but now they participate in it subjectively. Secondly, a survey is carried out for users and staff members of the nursing homes. For this survey, we gave a demonstration of taishu engeki or dramas for the masses at nursing homes and had an exchange meeting later. The result shows that taishu engeki helps students who perform a drama to learn welfare, makes the users happy, and fosters the personal growth by participating in it. This field of research is very crucial for social welfare and must be explored more in future


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    本論は、社会福祉機関の職員に対するスーパービジョンの実践研究の報告である。主張すべき論点は社会福祉機関の職員の研修方法のあり方の研究である。スーパーバイザーの役割は、スーパービジョンの展開方法、目的、意図を計画的に実現していくことである。こうした社会福祉機関の職員の研修は、特に最初のテーマ、目標が重要となってくる。一年間にわたって、スーパーバイザーとして意図的、計画的に指導助言をすすめた実践研究を報告する。The purpose of this paper is to report a social work study on supervision practice. The point I want to make is how the social welfare staff training is conducted. The role of the supervisor is to carry out the supervision and to attain its aim and will intentionally. Therefore, the theme and aim of the staff training program are very crucial. Based on the research I have made, I would like to show an effective coaching staff training

    社会福祉相談職員の集い」の実践報告とその課題検討 ―長崎県北の相談員の集い―

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    Correspondence of topological classification between quantum graph extra dimension and topological matter

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    In this paper, we study a classification of boundary conditions with symmetries for a five-dimensional Dirac fermion on a quantum graph. We find that there is a nontrivial correspondence between the classification of boundary conditions at the vertex on the quantum graph and that of the symmetry-protected topological phases of gapped free-fermion systems, which are classified into ten symmetry classes by the time-reversal symmetry, particle-hole symmetry and chiral symmetry. A Hermitian matrix which specifies the boundary conditions in our model corresponds to a zero-dimensional Hamiltonian in the gapped free-fermion systems. Furthermore, symmetries in our model give the condition that restricts the parameter space of the boundary conditions. These conditions are identical to the ones in the gapped free-fermion systems that the Hamiltonian with the symmetries should satisfy. We also show that the topological number for each symmetry class in our model implies the presence of 4d massless fields localized at the vertex of the quantum graph, like gapless boundary states for the free-fermion systems from the bulk-boundary correspondence.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures, 5 table


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    本研究は、第7回アジア社会学・社会福祉院生国際セミナー(SASS)を記念して記したものである。我々は、ワーク・ライフ・バランスを開催テーマトピックとして討議した。研究結果は次の通りである。まず、介護職者にとって、ワーク・ライフ・バランスを実現する方策を立てる必要があることがわかった。そのためにも、介護職者の給与を上げることと介護職者の再教育が必要であることが判明した。This study aims to record “SASS-Graduate School Annual Scientific Meeting”. In meeting, we discuss the research topic “Work・life・balance”.The result of this study were as follows; It is necessary to realize the Work・Life・Balance of the care worker. Result: The raising of care worker\u27s salary and the remedial education of the care worker was analyzed that it was necessary, and this was major factor and problem. We have to get the Work・Life・Balance-realized Social Security ready, and working environment of the age-free is made

    若者ソーシャルワーク論構築に関する基礎研究 ―佐世保市における商店主へのインタビュー調査分析から―

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    本論は、若者ソーシャルワークの理論構築の一部として、子どもが育つ環境の変化が若者の暮らしに与える影響について構造を明らかにする。特に、長崎県佐世保市における「子ども同士の二つの殺人事件(2004年、2014年)」の出来事は、若者の生きづらさを持つ地域環境に原因があるのではと仮説をたてた。そこで、子どもの発達が保障される「場」である「家庭・学校・地域」のうち、「地域」に焦点をあて、商店街の店主にフォーカス・グループインタビューを行い、SCQRM: Structural Construction Qualitative Research Method (西條:2005)を用いて分析した。子どもを取り巻く環境は、衝撃的な事件によって『「まち」が固まり』、心の教育に10年間取り組んでいても、“また佐世保”で事件が起き、『「まち」が沈む』という体験をしていた。子どもたちを取り巻く環境は、情報化と急激な競争の波の影響を受け、『翻弄される子ども』を生み出し『子どもが生きづらい』「場」となっていた。The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of changes in the environment of young people as they grow up, related to the construction of the Youth Social Work Theory. In particular, we hypothesized that the difficult living environment for youth may have been the cause behind the two incidents of children killing children in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture (2004, 2014). Among the places that influence children\u27s development (home, school, community) , we decided to focus on the community aspect and carried out interviews with shopkeepers in the downtown shopping district. The results were analyzed with SCQRM: Structural Construction Qualitative Research Method (Saijo: 2005). The incidents that occurred in Sasebo left the city in a state of shock that was acutely felt by the city\u27s youth. Even though the city responded by implementing children\u27s mental health care programs, ten years after the initial incident, again a similar incident occurred in Sasebo, and the city and its residents sank deeper into a general feeling of malaise and gloom. In addition, the intrusive nature of information-oriented society and the competitive and unforgiving academic demands imposed on youth in primary and secondary schools deeply affected the city\u27s environment for young people


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    PURPOSE: As stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) becomes widespread, precise information including number, location, and margin of lesions is required when magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of brain metastasis is performed. We compare methods using 2 separate injections and a single injection for the administration of a double dose of contrast medium for contrastenhanced MR imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We divided 40 patients with brain metastasis into 2 groups of 20 patients. Group A received 2 separate injections (0.2 + 0.2 mL/kg) of contrast medium (gadoteridol); Group B received a single injection of the same total dose (0.4 mL/kg). Group A underwent spin echo (SE) T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) and magnetization prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo sequence (MPRAGE) after each injection, and Group B underwent the same MR studies at the same timing as Group A. We evaluated the number, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), diameter, margin delineation, and volume of lesions and compared them between early and delayed studies by the 2 methods. RESULTS: The number of detected lesions was largest in delayed studies of MPRAGE in both groups. The SNR of the lesions was statistically lower in early studies of Group A than other studies. Delayed studies of Group B showed statistically better margin delineation than other studies on both SE-T1WI and MPRAGE studies. Diameter and enhanced volume were statistically significantly larger on delayed phase than early phase in both groups. CONCLUSION: Use of a single injection of double-dose contrast medium and longer delay time may improve margin delineation of lesions for the study of brain metastasis. Enhanced volume was larger on delayed phase, and it may influence selection of therapeutic strategy.博士(医学)・乙第1356号・平成27年3月16日Copyright © 2014 by Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine著作権は日本磁気共鳴医学会に帰属日本磁気共鳴医学会及び著者(共著者も含む)の許諾を得て登