661 research outputs found

    High-temperature Superconductivity in Layered Nitrides \beta-Lix_xMNCl (M = Ti, Zr, Hf): Insights from Density-functional Theory for Superconductors

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    We present an ab initio analysis with density functional theory for superconductors (SCDFT) to understand the superconducting mechanism of doped layered nitrides \beta-Lix_xMNCl (M=Ti, Zr, and Hf). The current version of SCDFT is based on the Migdal-Eliashberg theory and has been shown to reproduce accurately experimental superconducting-transition temperatures Tc of a wide range of phonon-mediated superconductors. In the present case, however, our calculated Tc\leq4.3 K (M=Zr) and \leq10.5 K (M=Hf) are found to be less than a half of the experimental Tc. In addition, Tc obtained in the present calculation increases with the doping concentration x, opposite to that observed in the experiment. Our results indicate that we need to consider some elements missing in the present SCDFT based on the Migdal-Eliashberg theory.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Subaru Spectroscopy and Spectral Modeling of Cygnus A

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    We present high angular resolution (\sim0.5^\prime^\prime) MIR spectra of the powerful radio galaxy, Cygnus A, obtained with the Subaru telescope. The overall shape of the spectra agree with previous high angular resolution MIR observations, as well as previous Spitzer spectra. Our spectra, both on and off nucleus, show a deep silicate absorption feature. The absorption feature can be modeled with a blackbody obscured by cold dust or a clumpy torus. The deep silicate feature is best fit by a simple model of a screened blackbody, suggesting foreground absorption plays a significant, if not dominant role, in shaping the spectrum of Cygnus A. This foreground absorption prevents a clear view of the central engine and surrounding torus, making it difficult to quantify the extent the torus attributes to the obscuration of the central engine, but does not eliminate the need for a torus in Cygnus A

    Quantum criticality around metal-insulator transitions of strongly correlated electrons

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    Quantum criticality of metal-insulator transitions in correlated electron systems is shownto belong to an unconventional universality class with violation of Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson(GLW) scheme formulated for symmetry breaking transitions. This unconventionality arises from an emergent character of the quantum critical point, which appears at the marginal point between the Ising-type symmetry breaking at nonzero temperatures and the topological transition of the Fermi surface at zero temperature. We show that Hartree-Fock approximations of an extended Hubbard model on square latticesare capable of such metal-insulator transitions with unusual criticality under a preexisting symmetry breaking. The obtained universality is consistent with the scaling theory formulated for Mott transition and with a number of numerical results beyond the mean-field level, implying that the preexisting symmetry breaking is not necessarily required for the emergence of this unconventional universality. Examinations of fluctuation effects indicate that the obtained critical exponents remain essentially exact beyond the mean-field level. Detailed analyses on the criticality, containing diverging carrier density fluctuations around the marginal quantum critical point, are presented from microscopic calculations and reveal the nature as quantum critical "opalescence". Analyses on crossovers between GLW type at nonzero temperature and topological type at zero temperature show that the critical exponents observed in (V,Cr)2O3 and kappa-ET-type organic conductor provide us with evidences for the existence of the present marginal quantum criticality.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Effects of acute exercise on expressions of functional receptors on CD56dim and CD56bright natural killer cells

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    PURPOSE: Mobilization and cytotoxicity of natural killer (NK) cells are regulated by cell surface receptors such as adhesion molecules and activating/inhibitory receptors. In this study, we examined the effects of acute exercise on the expression of these cell surface molecules and receptors. METHODS: Six healthy male college students (22.8 ± 0.8 years olds) exercised on the cycle ergometer for 30 min at intensities corresponding to the individual onset of blood lactate accumulation level (70-85%VO2max). Venous blood samples were collected at rest (PRE); just before the end of exercise (END) and 30 (POST 30), 60 (POST 60), 120 (POST 120) and 180 (POST 180) min post exercise. The densities of cell surface molecules and receptors on CD56dim and CD56bright NK cells were determined by flow cytometry. One-way ANOVA and MANOVA were used for statistical analyses. RESULTS: At PRE, expressions of CD16, CD56, CD44, CD62L, CD314, CD335, CD159a and CX3CR1 differed between CD56dim and CD56bright NK cells. Expressions of adhesion molecules CD62L and CX3CR1 changed significantly in both subsets during and after exercise. The expressions of CD62L tended to decrease at END, and then they increased significantly at POST 30. These changes were mainly due to the proportional changes in CD62Lnegative cells. The opposite patterns of changes were seen in the expressions of CX3CR1. Additionally, the expressions of CX3CR1 decreased at POST 120 and 180 only in CD56dim NK cells. The changes in the expressions of CD44 were similar to those seen in the expressions of CD62L. Although changes in the expression of adhesion molecules were statistically significant, they were relatively unclear in histogram analyses. With regard to the expressions of NK cell activating/inhibitory receptors, most changes were observed in CD56dim NK cells. The expressions of CD16 decreased at END and returned at POST 30. The expressions of CD212 dropped from END to POST 30. In contrast, the expressions of CD335 increased from END to POST 30. Exceptionally, changes in the expressions of CD226 were found in both subsets. The expressions decreased at POST180. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that acute exercise influences the expressions of cell surface molecules and receptors. Changes were mainly observed at END and POST 30 in CD56dim NK cell. However, the delayed changes were also seen in some receptors. The changes in several receptors were related to cell mobilization. In contrast, the changes in other receptors were not directly related to mobilization and cytotoxicity

    Millimeter Interferometric Investigations of the Energy Sources of Three Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies, UGC 5101, Mrk 273, and IRAS 17208-0014, based on HCN to HCO+ Ratios

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    We present interferometric observations of three ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs; UGC 5101, Mrk 273, and IRAS 17208-0014) in the 3-mm wavelength range, using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array. Both the HCN (J=1-0) and HCO+ (J=1-0) molecular lines were observed simultaneously. HCN emission was clearly detected at the nuclear positions of these ULIRGs, and HCO+ emission was detected at the nuclear positions of UGC 5101 and IRAS 17208-0014. The HCN to HCO+ brightness-temperature ratios toward the nuclei of the three ULIRGs were derived and compared with those of lower luminosity galaxies known to be dominated by active galactic nuclei (AGNs) or starbursts. In UGC 5101 and Mrk 273, where there is evidence for obscured AGNs from previous observations at other wavelengths, we found high HCN/HCO+ ratios (>1.8) that are in the range found for AGN-dominated galaxies. In IRAS 17208-0014, where the presence of a powerful obscured AGN has been unclear, the ratio (1.7) is in between the observed values for starburst- and AGN-dominated galaxies. The high HCN/HCO+ brightness-temperature ratios in UGC 5101 and Mrk 273 could be the consequence of an HCN abundance enhancement, which is expected from chemical effects of the central X-ray emitting AGN on the surrounding dense molecular gas. Our proposed millimeter interferometric method based on HCN/HCO+ ratios may be an effective tool for unveiling elusive buried AGNs at the cores of ULIRGs, especially because of the negligible dust extinction at these wavelengths.Comment: 15 pages (emulateapj.sty), 8 figures (figures 1-5 resolution reduced), Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, A PDF file with high resolution is availble at http://optik2.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~imanishi/Paper/HCN/HCN.pd

    Universality Classes of Metal-Insulator Transitions in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems and Mechanism of High-Temperature Superconductivity

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    We study three regimes of the Mott transitions characterized by classical, marginally quantum and quantum. In the classical regime, the quantum degeneracy temperature is lower than the critical temperature of the Mott transition, Tc, below which the first-order transition occurs. The quantum regime describes the Tc=0 boundary of the continuous transition. The marginal quantum region appears sandwiched by these two regimes. The classical transition is described by the Ising universality class. However, the Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson scheme breaks down when the quantum effects dominate. The marginal quantum critical region is categorized to a new universality class, where the order parameter exponent beta, the susceptibility exponent gamma and the field exponent delta are given by beta=d/2, gamma=2-d/2 and delta=4/d, respectively, with d being the spatial dimensionality.The obtained universality classes agree with the recent experimental results for organic conductors, kappa-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl and transition metal compounds such as V2O3. The mode coupling theory shows that the marginal quantum criticality further generates non-Fermi-liquid properties in the metallic side. A mechanism of high temperature superconductivity emerges from the density fluctuations at small wavenumber. The mode coupling theory combined with the Eliashberg equation predicts the superconductivity of the d wave symmetry with the transition temperature of the correct order of magnitude for the realistic parameters for the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 47 pages including 8 figure

    Heisenberg realization for U_q(sln) on the flag manifold

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    We give the Heisenberg realization for the quantum algebra Uq(sln)U_q(sl_n), which is written by the qq-difference operator on the flag manifold. We construct it from the action of Uq(sln)U_q(sl_n) on the qq-symmetric algebra Aq(Matn)A_q(Mat_n) by the Borel-Weil like approach. Our realization is applicable to the construction of the free field realization for the Uq(sln^)U_q(\widehat{sl_n}) [AOS].Comment: 10 pages, YITP/K-1016, plain TEX (some mistakes corrected and a reference added

    Comments on D-branes in Kazama-Suzuki models and Landau-Ginzburg theories

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    We study D-branes in Kazama-Suzuki models by means of the boundary state description. We can identify the boundary states of Kazama-Suzuki models with the solitons in N=2 Landau-Ginzburg theories. We also propose a geometrical interpretation of the boundary states in Kazama-Suzuki models.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figure