503 research outputs found
Superconductivity protected by spin-valley locking in ion-gated MoS2
Symmetry-breaking has been known to play a key role in noncentrosymmetric
superconductors with strong spin-orbit-interaction (SOI). The studies, however,
have been so far mainly focused on a particular type of SOI, known as Rashba
SOI, whereby the electron spin is locked to its momentum at a right-angle,
thereby leading to an in-planar helical spin texture. Here we discuss
electric-field-induced superconductivity in molybdenum disulphide (MoS2), which
exhibits a fundamentally different type of intrinsic SOI manifested by an
out-of-plane Zeeman-type spin polarization of energy valleys. We find an upper
critical field of approximately 52 T at 1.5 K, which indicates an enhancement
of the Pauli limit by a factor of four as compared to that in centrosymmetric
conventional superconductors. Using realistic tight-binding calculations, we
reveal that this unusual behaviour is due to an inter-valley pairing that is
symmetrically protected by Zeeman-type spin-valley locking against external
magnetic fields. Our study sheds a new light on the interplay of inversion
asymmetry with SOI in confined geometries, and its unprecedented role in
superconductivity.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figures,
Management at Japanese Companies in Thailand
4KJ00008763902論文Articledepartmental bulletin pape
Middle-aged Japanese women are resistant to obesity-related metabolic abnormalities
金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系We attempted to determine sex differences in obesity-related metabolic abnormalities in a relatively large middle-aged Japanese population. The study population consisted of 2935 men and 1622 women who were 35 to 59 years old. Metabolic abnormalities were determined using the Japanese criteria for metabolic syndrome, and we evaluated the number of metabolic abnormalities discriminated by waist circumference. In men, the mean number of metabolic abnormalities increased as the waist circumference increased. In women, although the mean number of metabolic abnormalities increased as the waist circumference increased, the mean number was less than 1 even in those with a waist circumference of at least 95 cm. According to the receiver operating characteristic curve, the cutoff levels yielding the maximal sensitivity plus specificity for predicting the prevalence of one or more obesity-related metabolic abnormalities were 80 cm in men and 73 cm in women. However, the positive predictive value was as low as 28.8% in men and 7.1% in women, which may not be suitable for a screening test, especially in women. Middle-aged Japanese women seem to be resistant to obesity-induced metabolic abnormalities, and waist circumference would not effectively predict the existence of metabolic syndrome. In setting the cutoff points in guidelines, a greater emphasis should be placed on the absolute risk of having abnormalities or diseases. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
ASTRO-F/FIS Observing Simulation: Detection Limits for Point Sources
We describe the observing simulation software FISVI (FIS Virtual Instrument),
which was developed for the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) that will be on the
Japanese infrared astronomy mission ASTRO-F. The FISVI has two purposes: one is
to check the specifications and performances of the ASTRO-F/FIS as a whole; the
other is to prepare input data sets for the data analysis softwares prior to
launch. In the FISVI, special care was taken by introducing the "Compiled PSF
(Point Spread Function)" to optimise inevitable, but time-consuming,
convolution processes. With the Compiled PSF, we reduce the computation time by
an order of magnitude. The photon and readout noises are included in the
simulations. We estimate the detection limits for point sources from the
simulation of virtual patches of the sky mostly consisting of distant galaxies.
We studied the importance of source confusion for simple power-law models for
N(>S), the number of sources brighter than S. We found that source confusion
plays a dominant role in the detection limits only for models with rapid
luminosity evolution for the galaxy counts, the evolution of which is suggested
by recent observations.Comment: 27 pages, 35 postscript figures, LaTex, gzipped tar file, accepted
for publication in PASJ (High resolution version is available from
http://astro.snu.ac.kr/~jeongws/preprints/fisvi_pasj.pdf), some changes;
added figures, revised tex
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