602 research outputs found

    Uber den Einfluβ des Epithelkorperchenhormons auf den Golgischen Apparat der Leberzellen und uber die Beziehungen zwischen Schilddruse und Epithelkorperchen mit Rucksicbt auf ihren Einfluβ auf den Apparat.

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    &lt;P&gt;1) Nach Entfemung der Epithelkorp erchen nimmt das Korpergewicht des Versuchstieres allmahlich ab. 2) Dagegen nimmt es nach und nach zu, wenn die Schilddruse entfernt wird. 3) Nach der Thyreoidektomie entwickelt sich der Colgische Apparat der Leberzellen etwas besser. 4) Nach der Parathyreoidektomie tritt der Apparat in den Hintergrund, indem seine Elemente allmahlich in feine Komchen zerfallen, um endlich ganz zu verschwinden. Dabei zeigen die Leberzellen selbst eine erhebliche Veranderung, besonders am 7. Tage nach Operation. 5) Auch nach der Parathyreo-thyreoidektomie verandem sich die Leberzellen nicht weniger als nach der Parathyreoidektomie. Zum Schlu&#946; halte ich es fur meine Pflicht, Herrn Emerit. Prof. Dr. K. Kosaka meinen aufrichtigen Dank fur seine hochst wertvollen Ratschlage und seine freundliche Anleitung bei der Ausfuhrung dieser Untersuchung auszusprechen.&lt;/P&gt;</p

    Proton magnetic resonance of the bovine spleen green heme-protein

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    AbstractThe ferric spleen green heme-protein exhibits hyperfine-shifted proton resonances between 90 and 20 ppm for the high-spin resting form and the chloride complex, and between 46 and −9.4 ppm for the low-spin nitrite complex. The proton NMR spectral profile of the enzyme is similar to that of lactoperoxidase, but different from those of common heme-proteins. The appearance of a resonance at 76 ppm in the ferrous enzyme shows the presence of a proximal histidine residue linked to the iron. The proton relaxation rates of bulk water indicate that chloride binds to the sixth position of the iron in the chloride complex of the enzyme

    Uber den Einflu&#946; der Schilddruse und der Epithelkorperchen auf den Golgischen Apparat in den Epithelzellen der Magenschleimhaut.

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    &lt;P&gt;1) Der Golgische Apparat in den Epithelzellen der Magenschleimhaut. In den parathyreoidektomierten Tieren zeigt der Apparat eine deutliche Veranderung. Der Apparat erweist sich namlich dicht uber dem Kerne als ein kleines Knauel, das aus dicht verwickelten feinen Faden besteht. Im Laufe der Zeit werden diese Faden immer dunner und die Maschen des Netzes werden immer etwas gro&#946;er, der ganze Apparat zerfallt schlie&#946;lich in kurze Stabchen, und sogar noch weiter in feine Kornchen. Derartige Kornchen finden sich im allgemeinen uber dem Kerne, obwohl sie nicht selten auch an der Zellbasis vorhanden sind. Dann nehmen die Kornchen an Zahl mehr oder weniger ab, um endlich fast ganzlich zu verschwinden. 2) Der Golgische Apparat der Hauptzellen. Nach Parathyreoidektomie zeigt er auch hier eine deutliche Veranderung, die zuerst an der dem Drusenhalsteil benechbarten Stellen beginnend, allmahlich in die Zellen der Drusenbasis ubergeht. Der Apparat bildet namlich im peripheren Abschnitte des Zelleibes, und zwar dicht neben dem Kern, ein Netzwerk, dessen Faden im Verlauf der Zeit immer dunner werden, um spater in kurze Stabchen und schlie&#946;lich in Kornchen zu zerfallen. 3) Der Apparat in den Belegzellen la&#946;t sich nachweisen.&lt;/P&gt; </p

    Effect of ice algal community on the increase of chlorophyll a concentration during spring in coastal water of the Sea of Okhotsk

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    A seasonal study of size fractionated chlorophyll α concentration was conducted weekly in Monbetsu Harbor from October 1996 to November 1997 to investigate the annually persistent occurrence of the spring peak of the chlorophyll α concentration in the >10μm size fraction immediately after the retreat of sea ice, as described by K. Hamasaki et al. (Plankton Biol. Ecol., 45,151,1998). Species composition of natural phytoplankton assemblages was also investigated to study whether phytoplankton or ice algae were responsible for the spring peak in the coastal water. The spring peak occurred immediately after the retreat of sea ice but timing of the occurrence was different between the stations occupied in the present study. The spatial heterogenity in occurrence of the spring peak seemed to be related to the sea ice distribution between the stations. New sea ice provided only a small supply of ice algae due to the relatively short growth period inside of the harbor. Large ice floes provided for a large supply of ice algae due to the long growth period outside of the harbor. The magnitude of the spring peak was related to sea ice growth. However, those ice algae seemed to sink to the bottom with little contribution to phytoplankton assemblage in the harbor, while ice algae contributed significantly to the spring peak outside of the harbor. Species composition revealed relatively fast response of phytoplankton to the environmental change after the disappearance of sea ice. Surface assemblages of phytoplankton including ice algae seemed to respond fully to the regional optical condition by changing in the species composition

    Heme-dependent autophosphorylation of a heme sensor kinase, ChrS, from Corynebacterium diphtheriae reconstituted in proteoliposomes

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    AbstractCorynebacterium diphteriae employs the response regulator, ChrA, and the sensor kinase, ChrS, of a two-component signal transduction system to utilize host heme iron. Although ChrS is predicted to encode a heme sensor, the sensing mechanism remains to be characterized. In this report, ChrS expressed in Eshcherichia coli membranes was solubilized and purified using decylmaltoside. ChrS protein incorporated into proteoliposomes catalyzed heme-dependent autophosphorylation by ATP. Other metalloporphyrins and iron did not stimulate kinase activity. The UV–Vis spectrum of hemin in the ChrS–proteoliposomes indicated that heme directly interacts with ChrS. This is the first functional reconstitution of a bacterial heme-sensing protein

    Molecular Mechanism Underlying the Suppression of CPB2 Expression Caused by Persistent Hepatitis C Virus RNA Replication

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    The mechanisms of hepatitis C virus (HCV)-associated hepatocarcinogenesis and disease progression are unclear. We previously observed that the expression level of carboxypeptidase B2 (CPB2) gene was remarkably suppressed by persistent HCV RNA replication in human hepatoma cell line Li23-derived cells. The results of the present study demonstrated that the CPB2 expression in patients with chronic hepatitis C was inversely correlated with several risk factors of hepatic fibrosis or steatosis, although ectopic CPB2 expression did not suppress the expression of fibrogenic or lipogenic genes. The suppressed CPB2 expression was restored by treatment with 5-azacytidine. To clarify the mechanism underlying this phenomenon, we analyzed the CPB2 promoter, and the results revealed that (1) hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1), especially HNF1α, was essential for the CPB2 promoter, and (2) CPB2 promoter was not methylated by persistent HCV RNA replication. The expression levels of HNF1α and HNF1β were also not changed by persistent HCV RNA replication. These results suggest the existence of 5-azacytidine-inducible or -reducible unknown factor(s) that can control the CPB2 expression. To evaluate this idea we performed a microarray analysis, and several gene candidates corresponding to the suggested factor(s) were identified
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