45 research outputs found

    Representative CT images of the femur derived from gastrectomized rats and sham-operated rats.

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    <p>Compared with the sham group (upper column), the cortical bone in the diaphysis is thinner and the cancellous bone in the distal or proximal epiphysis is more scattered in the GX group (lower column).</p

    Representative photographs showing microscopic images in the femoral distal epiphysis stained with Villanueva bone stain (A and C) and fluorescence microscopic images of the calcein and tetracycline layers in the same focus plane (B and D).

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    <p>In GX (B) compared with sham (A), the osteoblasts (indicated by blue arrow) are larger in size and increased in number, while the osteoclasts (indicated by red arrow) are also increased in number. The distances between calcein and tetracycline layers as shown by arrow-head were larger in GX (D) compared with sham (B), indicating the mineral apposition rate is increased in GX. Scale bar = 20 µm.</p

    Principle of PNA-LNA mediated LAMP.

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    <p>When the target gene is wild-type, the clamping PNA probe forms a stable duplex with the dumbbell structure, and interferes with the annealing and extension of the LNA primer. On the other hand, when the target gene is mutated, the clamping PNA probe does not anneal with the cDNA because of the single-base mismatch, and the LNA primer breaks its internal interaction to bind the target, and the extension reaction proceeds.</p

    Microarray analysis and data mining using IPA-pathway analysis (canonical signal pathways).

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    <p>In canonical signal pathways, the role of osteoblasts, osteoclasts and chondrocytes (p = 5.00E-3) was listed. A total of 36 genes were included in this pathway.</p

    Network analysis to identify novel mechanisms related to the effect of GX.

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    <p>Twenty-five networks were generated from the 1,709 genes. Eight networks formed hub constructions. Network 21 was the central hub, whose biological functions were tissue development, hematological disease and immunological disease.</p