117 research outputs found

    The magnetic anomaly and NRM directions of Odessa octahedrite

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    The magnetic anomaly of the Odessa octahedrite (3.7 kg, a single crystal) was measured at 1, 5, 10, and 40 cm from the surface using a uniaxial fluxgate magnetometer in a μ-metal magnetic shield environment. The NRM directions of cubic subsamples were measured to take into consideration the role of the octahedron crystallography during AF demagnetization. These results indicated that the observed anomalies are strongly controlled by the shape anisotorpy of the sample rather than the crystallography of the octahedrite, although weak complicated anomalies which may be related to structure appeared above 1 cm from the surface. The natural remanent magnetization of cubic subsamples was controlled by the octahedral γ(111) planes, as demagnetized directions occurred along these planes. Namely, the preferable direction of NRM is the intersection among the great circles of γ(111) crystallographic planes which are consistent with the result obtained by A. Brecher and L. Albright (J. Geomagn. Geoelectr., 29, 379, 1977). The origin of the stable NRM component was investigated using the results of microscopic analysis, thermomagnetic curve and hysteresis parameters. Consequently, we concluded that small amounts of taenite grains and lamellae carry the stable component which is distributed along the octahedral γ(111) planes

    Clinical results of one-stage urethroplasty with parameatal foreskin flap for hypospadias.

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    We investigated the usefulness of one-stage urethroplasty by the parameatal foreskin flap method (OUPF procedure), which is useful for repairing all types of hypospadias. Between June 1992 and March 2001, the OUPF procedure was performed on 18 patients with hypospadias: 10 patients with distal and 8 with proximal hypospadias. The follow-up periods ranged from 33-75 months, with an average of 52 months. The duration of surgery, the catheter indwelling period, and the postoperative complications of each patient were analyzed. The median age of the patients at the time of surgery was 3 years and 8 months. The length of surgery for OUPF II ranged from 150-230 min (average 186 min), and from 190-365 min (average 267 min) for OUPF IV. Postoperative complications were confirmed in 3 of the 18 patients (16.6%). Two patients had fistulas, and one had a meatal regression. The fistulas were successfully closed by the simple multilayered closure method. After adopting DuoDerm dressings instead of elastic bandages for protection of the wound, no fistulization occurred. DuoDerm dressings are useful in the healing of wounds without complications. To date, the longest follow-up period has been 75 months, and during that time there have been no late complications such as urethral stenosis or penile curvature. OUPF is a useful method in the treatment of hypospadias with a low incidence of early and late complications.</p

    Complete mitochondrial genome sequences for Crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci and Acanthaster brevispinus

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    BACKGROUND: The crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci (L.), has been blamed for coral mortality in a large number of coral reef systems situated in the Indo-Pacific region. Because of its high fecundity and the long duration of the pelagic larval stage, the mechanism of outbreaks may be related to its meta-population dynamics, which should be examined by larval sampling and population genetic analysis. However, A. planci larvae have undistinguished morphological features compared with other asteroid larvae, hence it has been difficult to discriminate A. planci larvae in plankton samples without species-specific markers. Also, no tools are available to reveal the dispersal pathway of A. planci larvae. Therefore the development of highly polymorphic genetic markers has the potential to overcome these difficulties. To obtain genomic information for these purposes, the complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genome of A. planci and its putative sibling species, A. brevispinus were determined and their characteristics discussed. RESULTS: The complete mtDNA of A. planci and A. brevispinus are 16,234 bp and 16,254 bp in size, respectively. These values fall within the length variation range reported for other metazoan mitochondrial genomes. They contain 13 proteins, 2 rRNA, and 22 tRNA genes and the putative control region in the same order as the asteroid, Asterina pectinifera. The A + T contents of A. planci and A. brevispinus on their L strands that encode the majority of protein-coding genes are 56.3% and 56.4% respectively and are lower than that of A. pectinifera (61.2%). The percent similarity of nucleotide sequences between A. planci and A. brevispinus is found to be highest in the CO2 and CO3 regions (both 90.6%) and lowest in ND2 gene (84.2%) among the 13 protein-coding genes. In the deduced putative amino acid sequences, CO1 is highly conserved (99.2%), and ATP8 apparently evolves faster any of the other protein-coding gene (85.2%). CONCLUSION: The gene arrangement, base composition, codon usage and tRNA structure of A. planci are similar to those of A. brevispinus. However, there are significant variations between A. planci and A. brevispinus. Complete mtDNA sequences are useful for the study of phylogeny, larval detection and population genetics

    Localization of dynamin 2 in rat seminiferous tubules during the spermatogenic cycle.

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    Dynamin is a protein essential to endocytosis. Dynamin 2, a dynamin isoform, is expressed most intensely in testicular tissue; however, precise localization has never been studied. Therefore, we investigated the expression of dynamin 2 in rat testicular tissue using immunohistochemical methods, and discuss here the physiological function of this protein. Testicular tissues were obtained from Wistar rats at 10, 21 and 63 days of age. Immunohistochemistrical examination and Western blot analysis were conducted using dynamin 2 specific antibody. Western blot analysis showed that expression in 21- and 63-day-old rats was more intense than that in 10-day-old rats. Dynamin 2 expression was observed using immunohistochemical method in the seminiferous tubules of all rats. In the 63-day-old rats, the expression was intense, especially in spermatids in the earlier maturation stages and in spermatocytes, and was observed in Sertoli cells. However, in spermatids, the expression gradually declined as spermatids matured to spermatozoa. In the 21-day-old rats, the expression was evident in spermatocytes and Sertoli cells, but that in the 10-day-old rats was weak. Intense expression of dynamin 2 during spermatogenesis suggests that this protein plays an important role in this process.</p

    Diabetes indicators and oral health behavior

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    Objective : The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between diabetes-related indicators and oral health behavior among patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods : Seventy-four outpatients were included. We administered a questionnaire and divided the patients into two groups according to oral health behavior and eating habits. We then compared diabetes-related clinical records between the groups and performed logistic regression analysis. Results : Participants who brushed their teeth before bedtime every night had lower BMIs than those who did not. Participants who reported eating slowly and chewing well every day had significantly lower HbA1c than their counterparts. Participants who reported gum bleeding had significantly higher LDL-cholesterol than their counterparts. Binominal logistic regression analysis revealed that BMI < 25 was associated with not brushing teeth before bedtime every night, HbA1c < 7.5 with not eating slowly or chewing well every day, and LDL-cholesterol < 120 with gum bleeding (odds ratio : 0.140, 95% confidence interval : 0.036–0.540 ; OR : 0.085, 95% CI : 0.010.0–736, OR : 0.275, 95% CI : 0.077.0–979, respectively). Conclusions : Our findings suggest that toothbrushing before bedtime every night is associated with reduced risk of obesity and that eating slowly and chewing well are advantageous for glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes

    Association between Oral Health Status and Diabetic Nephropathy-Related Indices in Japanese Middle-Aged Men

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    Oral health status is known to be associated with lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and chronic kidney disease. In Japan, around 40% of hemodialysis cases are patients with diabetic nephropathy. The aim of this study was to clarify the association between oral health status and diabetic nephropathy-related indices in Japanese middle-aged men. Sixty-six men (age range: 55–64 years) with ≥20 remaining teeth and who received public medical checkups and oral examinations were enrolled. We examined correlations of age, body mass index, HbA1c, HDL-C, LDL-C, neutral fat, serum creatinine, and the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) with the number of remaining teeth or the community periodontal index (CPI) score (periodontal pocket < 4mm: 0, 4–6 mm: 1, ≥6 mm: 2). A positive correlation between the CPI score and serum creatinine and a negative correlation between CPI score and eGFR (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, r = 0.459, p < 0.01, and r = −0.460, p < 0.01, respectively) were observed. The mean eGFR in the CPI score 0 group was significantly higher than that in the CPI score 1/2 group (82.6 vs. 70.7, Student’s t-test, p < 0.01). Logistic regression analysis using eGFR as a dependent variable and age, CPI score, body mass index, HbA1c, and neutral fat as independent variables suggested that low eGFR (<60) could be attributed to CPI score (OR = 3.169, 95% CI: 1.031–9.742, p = 0.044). These results suggest a possible association between periodontal status and renal function in Japanese middle-aged men. Periodontal condition is controlled by oral prophylaxis, and periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease have some common risk factors. Thus, periodontal management can contribute to the prevention of severe chronic kidney disease