13 research outputs found


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     本研究は、高齢者の体型差を考慮した褥瘡予防ケア開発の為の基礎研究として、標準体型高齢者の褥瘡予防におけるベッド挙上角度はどの角度が望ましいのかを明らかにするために、標準体型高齢者17 名を対象に頭部挙上20 度時、25 度時、30 度時の各仙骨部、臀裂部、左右臀部の計4 箇所の血流量を測定した。 結果及び考察として、仙骨部時間経過別血流量では、先行研究でも言われている通り、前期高齢者においては頭部挙上30 度までなら仙骨部には負荷をかけないといった結果が実証された。また、左右の臀部時間経過別血流量では、頭部挙上25 度時と30 度時のベースライン血流量から一部の時間経過において血流量が有意に増加しており、臀部は圧迫を受けやすい部位でもあり血流量増加の原因はうっ滞である可能性もあることから、今後圧迫状況も踏まえた検証の必要性が示唆された


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     本学看護学部「まちの保健室」に参加する地域住民の基本属性や参加状況別にみた健康状態および健康行動を明らかにするため、2019 年7 月と8 月の参加者を対象に無記名自記式質問紙調査を行った。基本属性、「まちの保健室」参加状況と、健康状態や健康行動の関係について、Pearson のχ2 検定またはFisher の正確確率検定を用いて分析を行った。参加者の健康状態や健康行動は参加回数や目的等により異なり、健康指標の測定を目的に参加した人は健康のために気をつけていることがある割合やがん検診の受診率が低いこと等が明らかとなった。「まちの保健室」は住民の生活の場である地域で実施しており、自ら相談の場や医療機関、健診や検診にアクセスできない人にもアプローチできる場となっている。より多くの人が関心を持てるよう健康指標の測定等を行い、その後の健康相談により自身の健康に目を向けられる機会とする必要性が示唆された

    Spirituality in Modern Japan: (1)Saint Bennei Yamazaki’s Spirituality

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    Saint Bennei Yamazaki was an eminent religious leader of Jodo Shu during theMeiji and Taisho eras. He was the founder of the Komyo principle, in which we receive the Light of the Most Wise and the Most Compassionate Amida Buddha by devoting ourselves whole-heartedly to the recitation of Nenbutu. He emphasized that the Amida Buddha was our Great Parental Source: Bennei’s first unique viewpoint is that we all are children of the Amida Buddha, called Mioya (Dharma, the truth of the universe), and the second is that we must develop spirituality to receive Hikari by the grace of Mioya. The Recitation of Nenbutu means not separating from the Amida Buddha and always remembering him with spiritual correspondence. The Amida Buddha is always with us, wherever we are. Saint Bennei comforted and encouraged us, saying that spirituality would gradually found in spiritual and honorable personalities

    近代日本における霊性論 : (2)鈴木ビアトリスの霊性

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    Beatrice Lane Suzuki (1878-1939) was born in Boston, USA. As an adlescentee, she studied philosophy under William James, Josiah Royce, and George Santayana at the Radcliffe University. Her insatiable curiosity made her study a wide range of thought, including Theosophy and Eastern Buddhism (Hinayana). In 1906, she attended Shaku Sōen’s lecture in New York; He accompanied Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki as interpreter. Thereafter, Beatrice obtained Mahayana Buddhism teachings from him. In 1911 she arrived in Japan and married D.T. Suzuki. She participated in many sesshin periods, practiced Zen meditation. During the 1920s 1930s, she visited Kōya-san every summer, as she was recommended by her husband. She was deeply involved with Mikkyo of esoteric Buddhism, and discovered the essential teachings of Buddhism: The Shingon was the teachings of non-duality, of Buddha nature, of enlightenment, of union with the One which brings the Vision of Truth and the Insight into Reality. The Animal Mercy Shelter named ”Jihi-En” was maintained b y her, where she kept many cats and dogs. Beatrice’s spirituality was Bodhisattva’s Compassion and Love

    Nonconvulsive status epilepticus in the elderly associated with newer antidepressants used at therapeutic doses: A report of three cases

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    Classic antidepressants have been known to induce convulsive seizures and nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE). On the other hand, many reports have emphasized the safety of novel antidepressants. However, we encountered three cases of NCSE in the elderly associated with the use of newer antidepressants at therapeutic doses. All three patients were male and were 73 years of age or older. One patient was recently diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy and treated with low-dose lamotrigine. In all patients, newer antidepressants were initiated because of depressive symptoms. After titrating to therapeutic doses (paroxetine 20 mg/day, sertraline 50 mg/day, and combination of sertraline 50 mg/day and mirtazapine 30 mg/day in one patient each), impaired consciousness appeared. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed generalized slow waves with intermittent spike–slow-wave complexes. Intravenous injection of antiepileptic drugs improved EEG findings and clinical symptoms. After discontinuance of the abovementioned antidepressants, NCSE did not recur in any of patients. These reports raise the question of whether the newer antidepressants, like classic antidepressants, might also induce NCSE in the elderly, even when used at therapeutic doses. Physicians should consider monitoring for possible NCSE when using newer antidepressants in patients who may have low drug tolerability. Active continuous video-EEG monitoring is essential when behavioral and psychological symptoms or change in consciousness level is suspected