9 research outputs found

    Images of photoreceptors in the right eye of subject 2 taken by AO-SLO.

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    <p>A: The AO-SLO image with low magnification (7° * 7°) with a center 3° temporal from the fovea. B-D: The AO-SLO image with high magnification (1° * 1°) at 3° temporal from the fovea as indicated in A. E-G: The AO-SLO image with high magnification (1° * 1°) at 1° temporal from the fovea as indicated in A. B and E: Images taken before light stimulation. C and F: Images taken during light stimulation (72-s after the onset of light stimulation). D and G: Images taken 60-s after the cessation of light stimulation.</p

    Average of reflectance changes.

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    <p>A. The average of reflectance changes at 1° temporal from the fovea. B. The average of reflectan B. ce changes at 3° temporal from the fovea. P1: first positive peak. N1: first negative trough. P2: second positive peak. T<sub>R</sub>: recovery time. *: <i>P</i> = 0.02, Wilcoxon’s signed rank test. ***: <i>P</i> <0.001, Scheffé test.</p

    Reflectance changes at 3° temporal from the fovea.

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    <p>The dark gray lines indicate the reflectance changes at 3° temporal from the fovea. The black line shows the low-pass filtered data at 0.008-Hz. The dotted line indicates the baseline. The light gray zone indicates the period of light stimulation. Cone reflectance increases during light stimulation and has two peaks in all subjects. Subject 2 underwent the repeatability experiments (S2 #1 and S2 #2).</p

    Cone density at 1- degree and 3-degree retinal eccentricity.

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    <p>***: <i>P</i> <0.001, Wilcoxon’s signed rank test.</p><p>Cone density at 1- degree and 3-degree retinal eccentricity.</p

    Reflectance changes at 1° temporal from the fovea.

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    <p>The dark gray lines indicate the reflectance changes at 1° temporal from the fovea. The black line shows the low-pass filtered data at 0.008-Hz. The dotted line indicates the baseline. The light gray zone indicates the period of light stimulation. Cone reflectances increased during light stimulation and had two peaks in all subjects. Subject 2 underwent the repeatability experiments (S2 #1 and S2 #2).</p

    Individual cone reflectance changes during light stimulation.

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    <p>A. AO-SLO image with high magnification (1° * 1°) at 1° temporal from the fovea in Subject 2. White dots represent the 50 cones in which reflectance changes were measured. B. Average of the individual cone reflectance changes during light stimulation. The dark gray lines indicate the raw data. The black line shows the low-pass filtered data at 0.008-Hz. The average cone reflectance changes had two peaks. P1, first positive peak; N1, first negative trough; P2, second positive peak.</p

    Video_2_Visual Target Strategies in Infantile Nystagmus Patients With Horizontal Jerk Waveform.MPG

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    <p>The aim of this study was to propose a new pathophysiological hypothesis for involuntary eye oscillation in infantile nystagmus (IN): patients with IN exhibit impaired gaze fixation, horizontal smooth pursuit and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and use saccadic eye movements for these underlying impairments. In order to induce saccades, they make enough angle between gaze and target by precedent exponential slow eye movements. IN consists of the alternate appearance of the saccade and the slow eye movements. Unlike most previous theories, IN is therefore considered a necessary strategy allowing for better vision and not an obstacle to clear vision. In five patients with IN, eye movements were analyzed during the smooth pursuit test, saccadic eye movement test, OKN test and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) test. Their gaze fixation, horizontal smooth pursuit, OKN and the last half of the slow phase of VOR were impaired. The lines obtained by connection of the end eye positions of fast phase of nystagmus coincided with the trajectories of targets. The findings indicate that patients followed the target by the fast but not the slow phase of nystagmus, which supports our hypothesis. By setting the direction of slow phase of nystagmus opposite to the direction of the OKN stimulation, enough angle can be effectively made between the gaze and target for the induction of saccade. This is the mechanism of reversed OKN response. In darkness and when eyes are closed, IN weakens because there is no visual target and neither the saccade for catching up the target or slow phase for induction of the saccade is needed.</p

    Video_1_Visual Target Strategies in Infantile Nystagmus Patients With Horizontal Jerk Waveform.MPG

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    <p>The aim of this study was to propose a new pathophysiological hypothesis for involuntary eye oscillation in infantile nystagmus (IN): patients with IN exhibit impaired gaze fixation, horizontal smooth pursuit and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and use saccadic eye movements for these underlying impairments. In order to induce saccades, they make enough angle between gaze and target by precedent exponential slow eye movements. IN consists of the alternate appearance of the saccade and the slow eye movements. Unlike most previous theories, IN is therefore considered a necessary strategy allowing for better vision and not an obstacle to clear vision. In five patients with IN, eye movements were analyzed during the smooth pursuit test, saccadic eye movement test, OKN test and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) test. Their gaze fixation, horizontal smooth pursuit, OKN and the last half of the slow phase of VOR were impaired. The lines obtained by connection of the end eye positions of fast phase of nystagmus coincided with the trajectories of targets. The findings indicate that patients followed the target by the fast but not the slow phase of nystagmus, which supports our hypothesis. By setting the direction of slow phase of nystagmus opposite to the direction of the OKN stimulation, enough angle can be effectively made between the gaze and target for the induction of saccade. This is the mechanism of reversed OKN response. In darkness and when eyes are closed, IN weakens because there is no visual target and neither the saccade for catching up the target or slow phase for induction of the saccade is needed.</p