13 research outputs found


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    本研究は健常な女子大学生を対象とし、乳酸発酵野菜入り野菜・果実混合飲料の摂取による排便と皮膚水分への影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。インフォームドコンセントの得られた健常な女子大学生53名(19~22歳)を対象とし、非摂取期間2週間(観察期)、試験飲料(1缶190g/日)摂取期間2週間(飲用期)の合計4週間、排便状況、食事内容、排便に影響を及ぼす可能性がある特記事項について毎日記録を行った。Corneometreによる皮膚水分量の測定と食物摂取頻度調査を観察期、飲用期にそれぞれ1回ずつ行った。飲用期終了後には事後アンケート調査を行い、自覚症状を評価した。被験者53名のうち2名を解析除外者とし、51名を解析した結果、飲用期では観察期と比較して、排便回数(13.5±4.5から14.4±5.0)と排便量(15.7±6.9から17.3±8.0)が有意に増加した。また、本飲料摂取後では「排便後に爽快感が得られる」との回答が増加し、「形の良い便が毎日出るようになった」、「便が柔らかくなったのが実感できた」などの便通改善効果が得られた。皮膚水分量(49.0±9.67から56.6±9.73)も有意に増加した。食事調査では、観察期、飲用期で試験食品摂取分を除いた場合では栄養価等に差が見られなかった。以上の結果より、乳酸発酵野菜入り野菜・果実混合飲料の摂取が、排便や皮膚水分の改善に役立つことが示された。The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of mixed vegetable and fruit juice containing a sterilized lactic acid fermented vegetable on defecation and skin moisture in young Japanese women. The subjects were fifty-three female university students (19-22 years old), who gave informed consent to their participation in the study. The total study period was four weeks including a two-week observation period, and a two-week intervention (one canned juice; 190 g/day) period. The subjects recorded daily defecation, food intake, and special circumstances that may have influencedd efecation. The measurment of skin moisture and a food frequency questionnaire were administered during the observation and intervention periods, respectively. A questionnaire was conducted after the end of the intervention period and subjective symptoms were evaluated. The data for two subjects were excluded. A total of fifty-one subjects were included in the analysis. The defecation frequency (from 13.5±4.5 to 14.4±5.0), quantity (from 15.7±6.9 to 17.3±8.0) and skin moisture (from 49.0±9.67 to 56.6±9.73) in the intervention period were significantly increased as compared with those with in the observation period. The participants reported more instances of feeling refreshed after defecation, as well as improvements in their stool shape and softness, indicating an overall amelioration in their bowel movements. In the food frequency questionnaire, no significant difference was found between the two periods in the nutritional values of the participants\u27 food intake when the test drink consumption was excluded. These results indicate that the mixed vegetable juice has a beneficial effect on defecation and skin moisture in young Japanese women