14 research outputs found

    Relation between dormancy and relative expression of wheat orthologues of seed maturation regulators.

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    <p>Dormancy represents germination index (GI) of whole seeds at 40 DAP. Numerals in parentheses represent correlation coefficients, except for dormant cultivars, N61, OW, and Zen. Asterisks (**) denote significance at the 1% level.</p

    Relation between dormancy and relative expression of <i>TaL2LA</i>.

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    <p>Dormancy represents germination index (GI) of whole seeds at 50 DAP. Numeral in parentheses represent correlation coefficients, except for dormant cultivars, N61, OW, and Zen. Asterisks (*) denote significance at the 5% level.</p

    Expression analysis of <i>TaDOG1</i>.

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    <p>A: Relative expressions of <i>TaDOG1</i> at different stages of seed development. Bars represent SE. B: Relation between relative expressions of transcripts and germination index (GI) of whole seeds at 50 DAP in wheat cultivars. Numeral in parentheses represent correlation coefficients, except for dormant cultivars, OW, Tam, and Zen. Asterisks (*) denote a significance at the 5% level.</p

    Relative expressions of wheat orthologues of seed maturation regulators at different seed developmental stages.

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    <p>Relative amounts of transcripts were determined in whole seeds at 10 DAP and in embryos at 20–50 DAP. Bars represent SE.</p

    Germination index of whole seeds at 40–60 DAP in wheat cultivars.

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    <p>AUS, AUS1408; Chi, Chihokukomugi; CS, Chinese Spring; Kit, Kitakei-1354; N61, Norin61; OW, OW104; RL, RL4137; Tam, Tamaizumi; Zen, Zenkoujikomugi. Bars represent SE.</p

    Relative expressions of wheat orthologues of seed maturation regulators in different tissues.

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    <p>Relative amounts of transcripts were determined in leaves, roots, whole seeds at 10 DAP (<i>TaL1LA</i>, <i>TaL2LA</i>) and embryos at 20 DAP (<i>TaL2LB</i>, <i>TaFUS3</i>, <i>TaVP1</i>). Bars represent SE.</p

    Unrooted phylogenetic trees based on the sequences of conserved domains.

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    <p>Trees were constructed from the deduced amino acid sequences of the B domains of LEC1 type, non-LEC1 type and their orthologues (A) and of the B3 domains of Arabidopsis <i>AFL</i> (<i>ABI3</i>/<i>FUS3</i>/<i>LEC2</i>) group genes and their orthologues (B). Phylogenetic trees were generated by Neighbor-Joining method. Scale bars represent amino acid substitutions per site. Abbreviations represent species names as follows: Af, <i>Avena fatua</i>; Bd, <i>Brachypodium distachyon</i>; Bn, <i>Brassica napus</i>; Cs, <i>Cucumis sativus</i>; Gm, <i>Glycine max</i>; Hv, <i>Hordeum vulgare</i>; Os, <i>Oryza sativa</i>; Ps, <i>Pisum sativum</i>; Pv, <i>Panicum virgatum</i>; Sb, <i>Sorghum bicolor</i>; Sl, <i>Solanum lycopersicum</i>; Ta, <i>Triticum aestivum</i>; Vv, <i>Vitis vinifera</i>; Zm, <i>Zea mays</i>.</p

    Relative amounts of transcripts of <i>HvABA8’OH-1</i> and <i>HvNCED1</i> in calli.

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    <p>Transcripts were determined in calli cultured under different light conditions (16-h photoperiod and continuous darkness). Error bars represent standard errors (n = 3). *, **: Significant difference between light conditions at <i>P</i><0.05 and <i>P</i><0.01, respectively.</p

    Effects of exogenous ABA on shoot regeneration.

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    <p>Percentages of green and albino shoot regeneration in calli cultured with or without ABA during callus-induction in different light conditions (16-h photoperiod and continuous darkness). Error bars represent standard errors (n = 3). Bars with different letters show a significant difference between total regeneration percentages (green and albino) by Duncan’s multiple range test (<i>P</i><0.05).</p

    Effects of exogenous ABA and fluridone on callus growth.

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    <p>Immature embryos were cultured with ABA (5 μM) or fluridone (0.5 μM) in different light conditions (16-h photoperiod and continuous darkness) in Kanto Nijo-5.</p